
New member
21 years old turning 22 in a few months
155-158 pounds

Been working out for 2 years now, never had a weeks rest. I always try my hardest to make it at least 2-3 times if I cant go the usual 4-5.

Never have done any sort of steroid before *due to my age*. Feel like I hit my limit, benched 275 at 158 at my prime, now I lost some strength.

Anyway, I just got the stuff today from my local gym and I'm looking for some advice with my PCT.

Dosage :300mg a week, 1 shot every sunday.

Pretty basic for my first cycle, I asked my provider about which post cycle therapy (pct) should I take, Nolvadex or Clomid but he told me not to worry about that since at such a low dose I woulnt need any.

I'm pretty skeptical about his advice since I'm not planning on doing steroids all my life, I'm looking at this as a tool to help me break out of this weight with clean lean muscle.

I doubt that I'll keep the resulting weight/muscle after my cycle if I dont do a post cycle therapy (pct) *not to mention the side effects I might risk getting later on*.

Help me out fellas, at such a dose should I buy pills for the post cycle therapy (pct)? If so which ones and at what dose do you recommend *include time please, im new.*

Thank you for your help in advance.
I'm not knocking your build because I see your avatar, but I really doubt you've reached your limit at 158lbs at 5'7". It's your body, just want you to make the most out of it before you make this decision.
I'm pretty skeptical about his advice since I'm not planning on doing steroids all my life, I'm looking at this as a tool to help me break out of this weight with clean lean muscle.

There is a very real risk of testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) for life from any cycle. Keep that in mind as well.
What VM said is true. But, I understand that you are going to do what you want, I would recommend you increasing the dose to 600 mg, and yes you do need a proper post cycle therapy (pct) if you want to keep your gains and get your body producing natty test in a timely manner. How many vials of the Cyp do you have? I started using AAS at the same age you are starting, and just like you the person whom I learned everything from did not have any real idea as to what he was talking about. I did not do a proper post cycle therapy (pct) and I lost all of my gains. Thankfully I did not run into any real sides like gyno, because I would not have had any clue as to what I would do to correct it. Since you are going to run a cycle, you need to plan it properly and make sure that you are going to get the best results that you will also keep, and at the same time being as good to your overall health and body that you can. You need to have an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) on hand as well as your post cycle therapy (pct), I cannot stress that enough.
I seriously suggest that you hold off on AAS use until you get older. Your natty test levels should be very high right now. You can make a lot of gains if you get your diet better. Check out 3J in the diet section. Not trying to put you down, but with your stats and your avatar picture please don't tell me your diet is "on target" cause its not. You'd be wasting your money on AAS when your diets not in check anyways. BTW, 300mg is a testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) dose. All you will be doing is shutting off your natural production of testosterone to replace it with the same amount that you already have. Then you'll be shut down and have to restart your HPTA again.
I agree with you MeatHead, but, if the kid wants to do AAS, he is going to do it no matter what anyone on here tells him. So if he is gonna do it, he just needs to be doing it in the safest and best way.
Well, that's me now, I'm no longer dieting. When I was dieting I reached the 275 pound bench press I always dreamed off.

Anyway, so you are saying the risk at my age are higher for TRT?
My plans are to go on a strict fish/chicken/veggie etc. diet. No rice unless brown and absolutely no junk food, from coke-fast food.*including beer*

Please try to use as little abbreviations as possible, I'm pretty new to this world of fitness. For example AI?

I was lead to believe that at this dose the side effects would be less severe and could be prevented with a proper post cycle therapy (pct).
My goal is to increase my lean muscle as much as I can, at a faster rate then normal ofcourse, and then keeping the most of those gains and never touch steroids again.
Well, that's me now, I'm no longer dieting. When I was dieting I reached the 275 pound bench press I always dreamed off.

Anyway, so you are saying the risk at my age are higher for TRT?
My plans are to go on a strict fish/chicken/veggie etc. diet. No rice unless brown and absolutely no junk food, from coke-fast food.*including beer*

Please try to use as little abbreviations as possible, I'm pretty new to this world of fitness. For example AI?

I was lead to believe that at this dose the side effects would be less severe and could be prevented with a proper post cycle therapy (pct).
My goal is to increase my lean muscle as much as I can, at a faster rate then normal ofcourse, and then keeping the most of those gains and never touch steroids again.

AI is aromatase inhibitor. People run it during the cycle to combat sides like gyno.

The cycle I'm looking at running is 10 weeks of Test E, 500mg a week, with aromasin (AI) and Clomid pills for post cycle therapy (pct).

I'm 20, 5'9" and 170 pounds btw.
AI is aromatase inhibitor. People run it during the cycle to combat sides like gyno.

The cycle I'm looking at running is 10 weeks of Test E, 500mg a week, with aromasin (AI) and Clomid pills for post cycle therapy (pct).

I'm 20, 5'9" and 170 pounds btw.

Wanting to run similar cycle .....you think that would be enough for Aromatase inhibitor (AI) and PCT
Yes, it is enough to have Aromatase inhibitor (AI) and post cycle therapy (pct). You should never run a cycle with out post cycle therapy (pct), and it is better to spend the money on an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) than not spend the money and to need it. Be smart about what you are doing to your body, you only get one.
Wanting to run similar cycle .....you think that would be enough for Aromatase inhibitor (AI) and PCT

I'm just starting out with gear bro. I'm sure the more experienced/older guys can give you better advice than me, but yeah, that's pretty much what I'm going to run.
bro u need to hold off and research more, by the time u inject you should know every abbreviation. if not your not ready. You need to spend months/years researching this stuff. also research bulking diet and learn how to eat... you need to up your weight. get a hold of 3j in the diet forum.
Yes, it is enough to have Aromatase inhibitor (AI) and post cycle therapy (pct). You should never run a cycle with out post cycle therapy (pct), and it is better to spend the money on an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) than not spend the money and to need it. Be smart about what you are doing to your body, you only get one.

I thought so, thats why i came here and posted this thread instead of listening to my provider. I know how dangerous steroids can be thats why I'm here asking for help.
Now im not as excited or motivated to go on a cycle as I was before.
I don't care about spending more money, it's my health/body and that's priceless.

But it seems to me that even with a proper post cycle therapy (pct) and Aromatase inhibitor (AI) the risk are still high that I'll regret this for the rest of my life. That's not what I'm looking for and I would have to be pretty immature and stupid to still go ahead and do it If the rest of the people telling me that I'm too young are correct.
I'm not knocking your build because I see your avatar, but I really doubt you've reached your limit at 158lbs at 5'7". It's your body, just want you to make the most out of it before you make this decision.

Well I made the mistake of totally ignoring my legs too. So all of that mass is upper body strength, my lower body is pretty damn weak. I got good cabs because of my genes so it doesnt look bad but I stopped working out my legs a while back, I was going to start working on them with this cycle.

And thanks u can see i'm kinda stretching the skin down, bad diet/cardio got me some fat but u can still c that abs were there.