2016- the years this shit gets real.


I am banned!
Current stats:

48 yrs young
5-09 260 lbs
Bf upwards of 25% best guess

Carrying a lot of muscle but hidden with softness. I've been on self administered trt for about 5 yrs, and been blasting/ cruising since.

A few months ago I was as light as 238, but working long hours and the holiday treats were too much. Anyways, I'm done with excuses. Next week it looks like I'm going back to work after a 6 week layoff(pipe fitter). Just renewed my membership at golds gym in town. Hoping to take a night shift call so I can work out early afternoon when the gym is not busy. And we get paid for a 30 min lunch break on night shift.
That was an issue last year. Travel is an hour both ways to work. Seems like I was running out of time and energy trying to maintain my workouts and job.
Since then I've narrowed gym time to an hour, maybe 1hr 15 min. That'll help with the time constraints and I won't overtrain.
Goals are 10% bf keeping most of my muscle. I'm guessing around 220lbs but time will tell.
Compounds I have on hand are 3gr primo100, 7.5 gr deca, anavar, and several test E.
I'm thinking 500 mg test E, 400 mg primo, 250 mg deca, 80mg var(daily).
I also have some tren E but the sleeplessness wears me out.

I take bccaa pre(during) workout and NAC 1200 mg.

I'll add progress pics here and there as well.

Some of you might chastise me for using AAS while carrying this much fat, but I like the recovery I get from it. I use Letro to combat e2 and it works well for me
I welcome any advice and critiques within reason
did a decent leg workout last night. gym was pretty busy but still got it done in a little over an hour.

angled leg press
war up 2 plates es x 20 reps
3 plates es x 20 reps
4 plates es x 15
5 plates es x 12,10 reps

regular back squats

1x 135 x 15 wu
225 x 10,10,9 reps nice and deep with a little pause at the bottom, then exhale as I come up. I can go heavier but trying to keep my bp from spiking doing the valsalva maneuver. the pause creates more intensity with less weight.
decent back pumps i assume from the anavar preworkout.

linear hack press machine

1 pl es x 15 reps wu
3 sets x 70 lbs es x 15,13,12 reps

i like this machine as it gets the quads pumped without undue stress on my old knees.

machine toes raises for calves 3 sets to failure. I didnt go all out on these cuz its been awhile since I trained calves.

finally the leg ext was free
3 sets @ 70 lbs bilateral each leg flexing at the top. got out walking like I had a stick in my ass.
next leg day ....lunges
Last night I worked chest and triceps in a pretty full gym.

HS incline press 90 lb wu then
180 lb x 4 x 15,13,10 reps

HS wide presses the very same rep scheme.

Smith machine high neck presses(guillotine)

1x 90 lb (plate load)x 20 wu

160 lb x 12,12,10. Life these quite a bit since a vet from here recommended then for chest development. I'm careful to use weight I can handle fairly easily and concentrate on the stretch, hold then up but not explosively so.

Single dumbbell 2 hand presses backwards on a preacher curl.

85 lb x 3 sets x 13, 12,10 reps

Body weight x 13,11,10 reps

Rope triceps push downs then overhead extensions 3 sets to failure

Single arm cable kickbacks 3 sets ea side to failure

Finished with 20 min elliptical cardio mod intensity

Started new job today 6-10's w/ 2hrs/day drive time. Hopefully can keep up gym time to fulfill my goals this year
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Great back workout today threw in some biceps at the end.

Seperate handle lat Pulldowns. I get 2 single handle strap and snap them into the single eye, then pull them down do mg ass is on the floor next to the seat. Let the weight come up and stretch the lats then bring it down to my chest and apart driving mg elbows down and back.

3 sets until j have to use momentum to get it down all the way then 3 more

HS low row. I feel these in my lower traps and rhomboids.

3sets x 15,24.12 reps

Single arm dumbell rows. These are so good but taxes the lower back and my wind. Great core work too as you have to stay tight. I try to do slow and controlled making my lats pull the weight up and back towards my hips. 1st time doing these so I was spent after 2 sets with 80lb.

HS shrug apparatus

2 sets with 180 lb plate load. These wire me out too as I haven't find them in awhile. My upper traps are pretty flat so I'm trying to work on that.

Preacher curls

2x wide 2x narrow with ez curl bar
Forgot the rep scheme but I stay around 10 but no less than 6

2 sets of rope hammer curls to failure

Took over an hour. I need to get it down to an hour then out. Worked yesterday day shift tonight I start work at 6 pm so I had a little extra time. Nap time after I go home and eat
Weight is steady around 260-263

Got a good quick deltoid workout in yesterday then went to work. Took Thursday off though(gym)

70 my var preworkout 1 hr prior . Started getting the painful pumps at the end however. Keep forgetting to add taurine to gym water jug.
Yesterday I went to gym for some chest and triceps before work. It's been a challenge getting in decent workouts and keeping my job schedule. Especially working swing shift from 6pm- 4am

HS decline press 180'lb plate load
3 sets of 15

Bar bench press regular
135 x 20 reps wu
225x 3sets of 12 felt particularly strong here today next time I'll bump up to 245. I try to stay away from a lot of heavy sets but might still do a set of 5 to failure once in a while

Incline db presses
3 sets of 13,12,10 w/ 80lbers

Finished with several tricep movements mostly rope handles with pulley machine. I'll do 4 sets ea of a press down, overhead ext( for the long head) and a cable kickback for the outside of the horseshoe
I wouldn't give ya a hard time for using AAS when cutting. Anyone that would doesn't know wtf they are talking about. AAS is best when bulking, OR dieting to retain the muscle.
Weight steady at 263.

Got some back n biceps work done today before I had to go to work.

HS high row WU plus 3 sets
Cable row with seperate handles 3 sets
Chest supported tbar row 3 sets
Dumbell pullovers 4 sets( love these for width)

Bicep curls small barbell 3 sets x 80#
Alternate dumbell curls 2 sets x 35#
Hammer curls x 2 sets w/35#

Great pump felt tired after leaving...1 hr
Great chest workout yesterday. Did some high neck dres Great chest workout yesterday. Did some high neck presses. Four sets with a 45 and 35 on each side. I alternate these with regular bench presses week by week.

Did three sets of bodyweight dips felt strong got 20 reps on f week by week.

Did three sets of bodyweight dips felt strong got 20 reps on first set.

All the incline benches were being used so I went straight to tricep exercises. Three sets of two handed heavy dumbbells with 95 pounds until failure . Then went to triceps push down superset it with overhead cable extensions finished with cable flies

Getting used to job schedule sitting in more time at the gym and holding it on my diet. Basically eating the same things just smaller portions
Quick back and bicep workout today before work

Four sets double handle lat pulldown's to the chest increasing weight every set

Hammer strength wide grip just supported rows alternating narrow grip of the same three sets each

Hammer strength I so lateral shrug s
Three sets two plates each side 15 reps with a hold at the top for a squeeze

On the biceps

Preacher curls easy curl bar 25 pound plate each side three sets wide 36 narrow to failure

Seated concentration curls with a twist at the top three sets 35 lbs

It's been a challenge condensing my workouts into an hour due to travel and work restraints but it's better than not going and getting fat As I've made a commitment to get pretty lean this year
Banged out a decent deltoid workout today.

Added weight to the HS shoulder press
1 plate ES x 20 reps WU
80 lb ES x 15 WU
110 lb ES x 12,11,10 reps

90 lb ez curl bar upright rows
Supersetted with 22.5 lb strict side lateral raises
4 sets total (each)

3 sets face pulls w pulley w more pulley upright rows

Finished with 2:1 interval elliptical trainer for 20 minutes

Little over 1:30 total time in gym w/ the cardio
...time to get ready for work
Great back workout yesterday.

Again the same double handle Pulldowns to me chest.

Then the hammer strength low row. These stimulate the middle lower traps.
Finished back with dumbell pullovers. Love the way these feel the day after. Triceps are fairly sore as well.

Biceps work included ezcurl bar preacher curl 2 sets wide 2 sets narrow.
Finished with 35 lb sitting dumbell curls to failure for 2 sets

Started t3 today at 80 mcg/ before work
Just work out Sunday afternoon with my little brother.

Felt reasonably strong warmed up with 135 and 225 got seven reps with 275 and three with 295

Today I did a quick legwork out with some cardio weight this morning was 257 so the scales moving in the right direction finally
Didn't make if to the gym last week except Sunday. Got in yesterday for z quick upper body workout. Mainly wanted to lounge in the whirlpool tub. Back has been bothering lately, then it started to spasm as I was loading my lunch and jacket in the car for work.ended up taking off yesterday and today. Went to chiropractor today for some help and I'm afraid if may take a few more days. Can't sleep without pain pills. On the good side mg weight has come down to 253 in the last week or so. Just about 30 lbs left to go
nice log,
that sucks your drive and trying to keep it in the gym too. I found T3 is nice to use and I would also use Clen as well for some results you see weekly on the fat, your cardio will be shot, but I just incline walk @3mph for 20 min or so and then always kill calfs while the blood is there lol. you look like your in killer shape for your age(dont you hate it when people say that lol) Im 40 and when I am in gym and wear my "legends were born in 76" shirt my fiance got me, I can feel some of the kids(20-30yr olds) looking at me. Not like Im really big or anything, but definately pressing more than they do lol.

you taking any BP meds? hows your cardio? you married ? I ask because sex life can suffer sometimes when on compounds that hurt cardio or hurt your dik lol.

anyway great thread, ill keep watching for more pics. good luck!!