2016- the years this shit gets real.

1st trip to the gym in a week. I've been battling lower back spasms. Been off work since Monday night.
Mainly wanted to try and loosen up and been tired of laying around the house. Strength is down some, but just mostly did shoulder work

Smith machine military press 90 lbs plate load x 4 sets till range of motion was compromised about 10-15 reps

Smith unright rows 70 lbs 3 sets

Face pulls 90 lb cable face level rows

Finished with 10 min cardio light( right hip/low back) started bothering me

3 sets crunches till failure and then hit hot tub.

Weight this morning was 247.5 so that's been good. Was 260+ a few weeks ago. T3 is really working well. Seems like I used it a few years ago but not the same results. Blood work next week
It's taking some getting used to for sure. The same job costs 30 min more during the day, because they pay me to eat during shift work. I'm getting ready at 4pm getting clothes changed, putting food together etc. out the door @4:30-4:45. 60-65 min drive mostly highway. Shift starts @ 6 pm. 1st break(15 min) @ 8:30 ; lunch(dinner30 min) @11:00 ; 2nd break 15 min @2:30 pick up tools 3:20-3:40 - out the gate in my car @4am home @5am in bed by 6:00.

I can seemingly sleep all afternoon if no one wakes me. I try to get up, eat a bit and go gym by 2:00. That's a 10 min drive, work out then back home by 4pm doing it again. 6days a week
I tend to eat mostly the same thing so that helps, but the grind gets monotonous. The pay makes up for it most of the time lol
Nice write up mate have you thought about throwing in some peptides for cutting or pain /rehabbing injuries ghrp 2 and a bit of cjc is great for cutting and keeping muscle and a bit of tb500 for the injuries worked for me
Nice write up mate have you thought about throwing in some peptides for cutting or pain /rehabbing injuries ghrp 2 and a bit of cjc is great for cutting and keeping muscle and a bit of tb500 for the injuries worked for me

To be honest I don't know much about peptides bro.... I'll look into those you mentioned though. I'm looking to try out psl eurotropin later on this spring as well
Ah fair enough brother could be just what your looking for i crashed a motorbike and the doctors said id be lucky to walk around without a cane but im lifting still the only thing i cant really do is legs but better than nothing and i had all sorts of broken bones and ligament and tendon damage so worked for me bro worth a look
did some back n biceps yesterday. things went ok, seemed ;ole my strength was down a little but my back was whacked last week so no lifting. a decent pump proved elusive. got bloods pulled yesterday as well so i should know results in a few days. its been too long since i did any blood work so it'll be interesting. \

weight is coming down although not as quick as last 2 weeks. 247 yesterday
Blood work came back today. Good and bad.... Total chol was good. ldl was down too low but hdl wasn't too high. Triglycerides and glucose was good. Psa was 0.6

The bad. Hct was higher than hell 56. Went to the blood donor station(my shower) and let out 20 oz.

Tests pass my creatinine level was 1.6 this one barely under @ 1.2
Blood let prolly still puts me at top of level do I'll do it sgain in z few weeks
Another thing is my estriadol was real low, I've been on letro 1.25mg/eod do that's gots to get fixed

Weight is steady @ 247-8
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Just curious. Could you walk me through your blood donation protocol?

I put a 16 ga needle on a 3ml syringe and pull the stopper completely out. I take a seat in my shower and stick the needle in my vein) inside the elbow. Drain out 2 cups( pint) plus and take needle out. I apply a small gauze at pinhole for several minute until it won't bleed out anymore.
Then dump blood in toilet.

I usually have my wife in the area in case I pass out so she can keep my from bleeding to death but I've decided done this 6 or 8'times without an issue
I'm on warfarin(blood thinner) due to an artificial heart valve. Nobody wants my blood. It's not hard to do once you've done it z few times.
Killer workout Saturday. Met my brother at Golds for leg- chest- back. First time squatting for quite some time. 2'sets with 135 and called it good. My lower back has been jacked up and I don't want to miss another 2k workweek. Chest went well - strength was up! Got 225 12 times

Couple row variations then caught the batman superman flick

Started tbol the last few days -liking it so far
Decent deltoid/trap session today before work. Getting the aching shoulder pump after adjusting AI dosage. Added 40 mg tbol last week, but kidneys seem to be hurting now, especially left one. Gonna pick up some cranberry extract and up water intake, then half tbol dose then taper down tren e until pain stops

Tried the HS shoulder ISO press sitting backwards in it for a different feel. Can't move as much weight but it uses less front deltoid.

65 lb dumbell presses x 3 sets

Smith upright rows superset with 25 lb dumbell laterals

Reverse rest delt cable crossovers

HS shrugs
Nice log. I hate working shift work too man, have you tried finding a gym close to work? That way you could leave for work early or stay later?
that's what I had to do. by the time I got off work and drove home, (45min) I was beat... but since I started training near work.. I just leave early for work and it makes it much easier for me.
Nice log. I hate working shift work too man, have you tried finding a gym close to work? That way you could leave for work early or stay later?
that's what I had to do. by the time I got off work and drove home, (45min) I was beat... but since I started training near work.. I just leave early for work and it makes it much easier for me.

We have a golds gym 10 minutes away from the house. Work is an hour the opposite direction. I get 6-7 hours good smell then gym eod.70 degrees out today so it's time for some mt2 and a little sunbed( aka fakenbake)
Nice log. I hate working shift work too man, have you tried finding a gym close to work? That way you could leave for work early or stay later?
that's what I had to do. by the time I got off work and drove home, (45min) I was beat... but since I started training near work.. I just leave early for work and it makes it much easier for me.

We have a golds gym 10 minutes away from the house. Work is an hour the opposite direction. I get 6-7 hours good sleep then gym eod.70 degrees out today so it's time for some mt2 and a little sunbed( aka fakenbake)

$54/hr plus OT I'm not gonna whine
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This blast is at a standstill as of last night. Just got notice of a shift change at work for a month or better. 7-12's - couple that with an hour drive each way and there is no time for gym..... Time to let my body heal and reach homeostasis
Looks like the mass overtime is over. 84 hours 2 weeks ago then this week 72 hours . 19k gross in 3 weeks. Looking forward to some time off. Next week supposedly going back to 6-10's and maybe Day shift.
Got more deca and masteron enroute along with 1000iu of eurotropin hgh. Thinking about trying some igf 1- lr3. Still researching. Total recomp on the way
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