2016- the years this shit gets real.


i put a 16 ga needle on a 3ml syringe and pull the stopper completely out. I take a seat in my shower and stick the needle in my vein) inside the elbow. Drain out 2 cups( pint) plus and take needle out. I apply a small gauze at pinhole for several minute until it won't bleed out anymore.
Then dump blood in toilet.

I usually have my wife in the area in case i pass out so she can keep my from bleeding to death but i've decided done this 6 or 8'times without an issue

are you kidding? Omg !
Thing at work are crazy,but there is light at the end of the tunnel. Maybe another few weeks of craziness(lots of monry) then either slower and less hours or unemployment all together.
Ordered more tren e and t4 to go with the high euro tropin. Diet has been better and weight is coming down. About to drop below250.
Can't wait to be able to blast he gym time into overdrive
Although I was wanting to prepare for an October November contest I don't think there will be time this year but still gonna get down to 220 at 10-15 % bf. I'd look pretty tough at 5-09 I think
Been getting 3 days/week in even with the crazy hours. Hit chest and triceps today

4 sets guillotine presses
3 sets dumbell presses
3 sets incline dumbell presses
3 set rope tricep ext
3 sets overhead rope ext

Crazy pumps then steam room and hot tub for 30 min
You're an animal man. All those hours and you're STILL hitting it hard! At least all the extra cash has found a use haha. ;)
You're an animal man. All those hours and you're STILL hitting it hard! At least all the extra cash has found a use haha. ;)
I wouldn't say I'm hitting it hard, just hitting it! The extra cash found 1000iu euro tropin hg. I'm slowly cutting bf so when I can hit it hard it'll show. I find it hard to eat right if I'm not working out. The best case is when I can drive straight to the gym from work, put in a good hour workout then go home and crash
Work is winding down....I see layoff in my future,still getting in question 1hr gym time 3days/wk. I can notice better sleep on the 5iu euro tropin even on a little tren. Weight is coming down again after the 4th of July vacation.
Dropped below 250lbs again before I left for work this sfternoon. Layoffs could be coming this weekend and I couldn't be more pleased. Logged over 1500 work hours in less than 6 months- I'm ready for some time off.
The 5iu of hgh and t3 is working great, along with a decent diet. Got more tren e and t4 from Psl coming prolly next week. Need to research using both t3 and t4 together as far as dosage is concerned
Got bested arm wrestling a broad at work last week and my arm still hurts to do any curls. Gonna start leg work again after Layoffs
Weight today 248, yesterday was chest and triceps. Right arm and shoulder still bothering me from arm wrestling a bro at work a few weeks ago.still benched 80's for 15 reps or so- looking forward to being able to do dips again. Soon as I get laid off legs are on as well
Awesome news.....getting laid off tonight. Tomorrow starts gut busting workouts
...can't wait.first item up is leg day. I've missed the snug feeling of sore legs
Got in an abbreviated leg workout today. I know better than to go all out when I haven't worked a body part for awhile. Did a few sets of squats with 135, some standing hacks on a machine, a few sets of leg ext,curls and toe raises. My legs grow pretty quick it seems so it won't be e months and jeans won't fit very well

Weight this morning was a hair over 247
Monday.... Went in early afternoon for some back and bicep work. Overall pretty good workout. Right arm is feeling better since I strained it arm wrestling a bro at work a few weeks ago. Did a couple sets of standing dumbbell curls with 35 and 40 lb Dumbbells.

3 sets horizontal cable rows (shoulder width grip) slow and steady until I started to fail then used momentum to help it back
3'sets of hammer strength high row
3 sets of iso shrugs with 2 then 3 plates each side
3 sets of machine low rows with a drop set on the last set trying to hold shoulders back a squeeze the lats
2 sets of back hyper extensions
Finished with the standing dumbbell curls

Next workout for back I'll use different exercises or different grips as angle can change which muscles are the primary movers
Finished shoulders a bit ago. Weight was 250 this morning

Leaving for a road trip tomorrow to see a dying uncle. Got a travel pass for golds gym, going to try and still get my workouts in. Packing supplements and gear as well
Gof.in a leg workout today in my cousins crossfit gym . Did a few sets of front squats, a few sets of back squats working up to 205. Only my second leg workout in awhile. Finished with an abbreviated walking lunges and several sets of sldl
Chest today at my cousins crossfit gym. Well mostly just Bench presses. We started with 135 for a warm up then went up 20 lbs each set to failure or close. Got 4 reps with 275 at the end and I was pretty happy with that
Worked out today with my old workout partner while visiting my sister in Everett. We worked back and biceps. Got a weekend pass at a 24hr fitness.
Lat pull down to the front
3x 15,12,10 drop set on last set
Machine rows 4 sets
T-bar rows with 100lbs 3
My partner had to get to work to we were rushed some
Preacher curls plated loaded 5x dropset times r sets ...huge pump
Tried some hammer curls but arms were fried after all the drop sets

Vacation makes it tough to get in regular workouts and eating right is equally tough but doing my best
250 lbs currently
Worked out today with my old workout partner while visiting my sister in Everett. We worked back and biceps. Got a weekend pass at a 24hr fitness.
Lat pull down to the front
3x 15,12,10 drop set on last set
Machine rows 4 sets
T-bar rows with 100lbs 3
My partner had to get to work to we were rushed some
Preacher curls plated loaded 5x dropset times r sets ...huge pump
Tried some hammer curls but arms were fried after all the drop sets

Vacation makes it tough to get in regular workouts and eating right is equally tough but doing my best
250 lbs currently

Dang Car! You're up my neck of da woods!

Excellent squeezing in workouts while on vacation

Righto if yur close I'm looking for a workout partner this afternoon at 24hr fitness on 112th. I can legs or chest today
Got in a good leg workout today. Probably the third leg workout in the last 6 months due to my work schedule before my layoff. Easing into the heavier weight allowing my lower back to strengthen as that is my weakest link.

1x185x 12
After the set with 245 the dreaded back pumps reared it's ugly head. Haven't felt that in awhile. Adding taurine on back days to my supplement list
Tried some hack squats but the angle didn't agree with my knees.

Leg press
4 plates es x 20
5 plates x 15,12,12 really felt the pump in the inside teardrop the last two sets
Right hip was giving me pain near the bottom of the rep.
Finished with 3 sets each legext and leg curls.

Slow walk to the locker room for a relaxing steamy sauna