Trained back and biceps tonight.
First up was a high lat row palms up. Liking this one machine. Added weight this session. Next Was hammer strength low row for 3 more sets.
4 sets of HS shrugs followed by some dumbell pullovers.
Warmed up with 75lbs then 3 more sets with 100.
Preacher curls excurl sets narrow 2
Finished with rope pulley hammer curls 3 drop sets
Gotta get some taurine my forearms are cramping.
Well,,the cardio didn't happen today. I have a friend opening a gym near my house and I installed a drinking fountain last week that was defective from the factory. I went to check on the service tech that was gonna fix the problem
Any way I did train legs however.
Squats, back
135x 12,10
185 x 9
225x 10
255x 8,6 taking it slow ramping up the weight load after tweaking my knee a month ago, also legs just don't have the stamina they have in the past... Gonna work on that. Maybe drop the weight after I fail above 5 reps and just add volume
Squats, front
135x 10
185x 8, 7. At this point my lower back is just about spent. To keep the weight from pulling one forward its imperative to lean back and push from the heels.
This is an excellent low back strengthener, but as my low back is inherently weak I'm forced to go until my back tells me to stop. My intraworkout drink has 5 grams of taurine to keep the back pumps at bay.
Walking lunges... I grabbed a 60 lb bar that proved too heavy after my squat work
60 lb
2 sets of 50 lb bar to failure, about 10 steps each leg
Last I supersetted quad ext with hamstring curl laying down
I tried to post a pic of my front squat harness I fabricated.. You can buy similar for a few hundred dollars
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