2016- the years this shit gets real.

Just not sure I have 50 lbs to lose. As I get leaner, we will see where I mite come in at.
At this point, I'm starting to see the outline of my abs, but I still have some troublesome love handles, and fat around my chesticles.

Diet adherence will be the only caveat.....damn, I loathe hunger

Think of it as being full in reverse!
What I know (even without ever meeting ya. Yet) is YOU GOT THIS!
You want it, you'll do it.

Let me know if I can help in any way.

Funny side note. Day you were in Spokane at show, Wifee n I had just driven thru on return from my hunting trip! Stalker lol!
Trained shoulders tonight with calves. Slept till almost noon today. Now it seems maybe I got a bug or something. Slight case of the chills so I'm typing this in the bathtub.

Hellova pump in the gym. Finally getting some.rounded delts. Narrow clavicles and big triceps makes for a sloping shoulder look.
Hopefully I'll get a good night's sleep and kick this bug I got. Back or legs tomorrow depending on how much energy I cN muster
Now it seems maybe I got a bug or something.

Had a similar thing going on Friday & Saturday took Friday Saturday & Sunday off from the gym as hard as it was not to go because I really wanted to.

Pretty much took it easy after work and stayed in bed all the way until I had to get up for work those three days.

Felt better Sunday night but took it off from the gym for good measure.

Went in last night did elliptical for an hour sweat all that shit out then did some leg training.
That's some kind of staying power my friend. An hour of cardio....then leg training? Oh man, you'd have to carry me out to my car after that.
Weight was 252 this morning. But I woke up around 5am hungry as a hostage and wolfed down some cottage cheese and a few spoonfuls of peanut butter.

breakfast was a couple servings of mill cut oats and a protein shake then off to plumbing store for a faucet hose that apparently broke over the last few days as there was water under kitchen sink cabinet this morning. Funsville.

Picked up replacement hose then went to golds for 45 min cardio on the elliptical. Tonight will be back and biceps
I pray to the plumbing gods for a service call as easy as changing out a supply line on a faucet lol. Ain't easy gettin under some of those sinks for us big guys.
I pray to the plumbing gods for a service call as easy as changing out a supply line on a faucet lol. Ain't easy gettin under some of those sinks for us big guys.

The worst part was laying in the wet cabinet, and coaching my wife in pushing the old hose down and guiding the new hose in its place. Most Delta hoses are the kind that has an o- ring and a clip that holds it in place on the faucet shank. Easy peasy..
But ya, getting under the p-trap with my chest wasn't as easy as it was 20 years ago that's for sure

I hated the calls where "I think something broke in my crawl space, because it smells bad down there"
Come to find out some dipshit ran the tailpiece off the kitchen sink down through the cabinet and put a friction p-trap in the crawl space and the continued force of the water/ kitchen sludge over the years pushed the trap apart from the too long tailpiece. Bugs and worms and who knows what had been feeding on the sludge. That one called for a shower and change of clothes afterwards.

Or the one where they used ultra hot abs glue under an apartment complex and the weakened joint started leaking. I picked 2pm to fix it because I figured most people were at work. I prefabed the 4 4x3 combo's that were affected and started hacking out the trunk line. I glued the coupling in the end pieces when I heard somebody flush a toilet. Barely made the tie in before the shit water hit
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Trained back and biceps tonight.
First up was a high lat row palms up. Liking this one machine. Added weight this session. Next Was hammer strength low row for 3 more sets.
4 sets of HS shrugs followed by some dumbell pullovers.
Warmed up with 75lbs then 3 more sets with 100.

Preacher curls excurl sets narrow 2

Finished with rope pulley hammer curls 3 drop sets
Gotta get some taurine my forearms are cramping.

Well,,the cardio didn't happen today. I have a friend opening a gym near my house and I installed a drinking fountain last week that was defective from the factory. I went to check on the service tech that was gonna fix the problem

Any way I did train legs however.

Squats, back
135x 12,10
185 x 9
225x 10
255x 8,6 taking it slow ramping up the weight load after tweaking my knee a month ago, also legs just don't have the stamina they have in the past... Gonna work on that. Maybe drop the weight after I fail above 5 reps and just add volume

Squats, front
135x 10
185x 8, 7. At this point my lower back is just about spent. To keep the weight from pulling one forward its imperative to lean back and push from the heels.
This is an excellent low back strengthener, but as my low back is inherently weak I'm forced to go until my back tells me to stop. My intraworkout drink has 5 grams of taurine to keep the back pumps at bay.

Walking lunges... I grabbed a 60 lb bar that proved too heavy after my squat work
60 lb
2 sets of 50 lb bar to failure, about 10 steps each leg

Last I supersetted quad ext with hamstring curl laying down

I tried to post a pic of my front squat harness I fabricated.. You can buy similar for a few hundred dollars View attachment 565534View attachment 565534View attachment 565534View attachment 565534
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Weight unchanged at 252. Decent sleep last night and by back is nice and sore. Been trying to mix it upas there are so many good back exercises for width, thickness etccant do em all in one night so I change it up. I will say however that pulling with an underhand grip seems to illicit a better stretch in my lats. Although not really flexible enough for a true underhand grip its just slightly neutral I'd say.

Eating some brown rice, quinoa, roasted Tri tip I made yesterday with an egg and egg whites then off for some cardio. Just 30 min today cuz I'm hitting legs later on. Excited to start doing front squats again.
A few years ago I made an apparatus I wear to bear the weight of the bar in front of my shoulders.
Holding 200 plus pounds in front is difficult for a guy with limited flexibility. I'll have to take a few pictures and post em up
Trained back and biceps tonight.
First up was a high lat row palms up. Liking this one machine. Added weight this session. Next Was hammer strength low row for 3 more sets.
4 sets of HS shrugs followed by some dumbell pullovers.
Warmed up with 75lbs then 3 more sets with 100.

Preacher curls excurl sets narrow 2

Finished with rope pulley hammer curls 3 drop sets
Gotta get some taurine my forearms are cramping.

Well,,the cardio didn't happen today. I have a friend opening a gym near my house and I installed a drinking fountain last week that was defective from the factory. I went to check on the service tech that was gonna fix the problem

Any way I did train legs however.

Squats, back
135x 12,10
185 x 9
225x 10
255x 8,6 taking it slow ramping up the weight load after tweaking my knee a month ago, also legs just don't have the stamina they have in the past... Gonna work on that. Maybe drop the weight after I fail above 5 reps and just add volume

Squats, front
135x 10
185x 8, 7. At this point my lower back is just about spent. To keep the weight from pulling one forward its imperative to lean back and push from the heels.
This is an excellent low back strengthener, but as my low back is inherently weak I'm forced to go until my back tells me to stop. My intraworkout drink has 5 grams of taurine to keep the back pumps at bay.

Walking lunges... I grabbed a 60 lb bar that proved too heavy after my squat work
60 lb
2 sets of 50 lb bar to failure, about 10 steps each leg

Last I supersetted quad ext with hamstring curl laying down

I tried to post a pic of my front squat harness I fabricated.. You can buy similar for a few hundred dollars View attachment 565534View attachment 565534View attachment 565534View attachment 565534
I edited the wrong post, oops! Wanted you guys to c my handiwork
Weight is 250 this morning. Man, I'm feeling the squat pain today. Hips, knees, back.... Feel like an old man. Think I'll take a day and help my friend get his gym set up. It's his birthday today and it's the least I can do.
nice kitchen.

Lol I was referring to the black steel item at the edge of the counter. I fabricated it out of 1/4" x 1 1/4" flat iron to hold the bar whilst doing front squats.

And yes, we bought this house 5 years ago... Some nice features, but sucky craftsmanship.
Bought a new fridge this summer and while pushing it back into the hole, I had my ass against the island using it to push against. Found out the island isn't screwed down to the floor..
Is there something missing? How do u attache it to the bar?
Also I see you have ear buds on the counter... I lost a pair that look just like that.....hmmmm
And... how do you not eat that whole box off all brands on the counter.... that's I solid meal!