2016- the years this shit gets real.

Tues morning 254# vacation makes it hard to stay on diet so I mostly pack my protein powder and aminos and try to just eat when I'm hungry but never till I'm full
Got home from settle trip yesterday, leaving today to see my kids/ grandkids in Idaho.

Got in a good chest workout this morning as the wife was sleeping

Flat Bench dumbells
50lb warmup x 20
70lb x 15
90lb x 7,6,6


70lb x 12,10,9

Guillotine presses on smith machin
Not trying to lift the world here just feeling it,stopping before lockout and pumping more blood into the muscle
3 sets 90lb plate total

Rope pulleys tricep extensions 3 sets each overhead and regular nice and slow no Jerking and flex/squeeze at the end.

Finished with cable tower scoops. Low wide pulley arms down to the sides then up and meet in front of the face with arms just slightly bent. I think yhese add thickness to these upper pecs

Next workout adding bw dips as I didn't have time today..time to get back on the road . picked up a travel pass at the front counter for golds gyms in Idaho falls and Ogden. I'll try and keep posting updates as time permits
Tues morning 254# vacation makes it hard to stay on diet so I mostly pack my protein powder and aminos and try to just eat when I'm hungry but never till I'm full
Got home from settle trip yesterday, leaving today to see my kids/ grandkids in Idaho.

Got in a good chest workout this morning as the wife was sleeping

Flat Bench dumbells
50lb warmup x 20
70lb x 15
90lb x 7,6,6


70lb x 12,10,9

Guillotine presses on smith machin
Not trying to lift the world here just feeling it,stopping before lockout and pumping more blood into the muscle
3 sets 90lb plate total

Rope pulleys tricep extensions 3 sets each overhead and regular nice and slow no Jerking and flex/squeeze at the end.

Finished with cable tower scoops. Low wide pulley arms down to the sides then up and meet in front of the face with arms just slightly bent. I think yhese add thickness to these upper pecs

Next workout adding bw dips as I didn't have time today..time to get back on the road . picked up a travel pass at the front counter for golds gyms in Idaho falls and Ogden. I'll try and keep posting updates as time permits
Got a.back nbiceps and calf workout in at a golds gym in Idaho falls today. Feeling pretty good around got some birthday sex the night before and snuck away while the wife was sleeping.

Finally got to do some pullovers that I've been neglecting.
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Got in a pretty good shoulder session this morning

Smith military press
70 plate load x 15'WU
90'lb x 15
100 lb x 12,10,10

Uprightnrow (smith) 90 lb x 13,12,10
Supersetted with dumbbell side lateral raises 22.5# (3'sets)

Face pulls don't remember the weight its ill relevant anyway
3 sets with the last two being a dropset

Finished with 15min cardio ( elliptical) then for funsies I did a couple sets of abductor spreads with pads outside the knees. I've been havin low back hip pain and this keeps things moving and loose
I visited an ogden utah golds gym last night for a brief legs session. From thd first warmup set on everything felt heavy

2x135x15 WU
1x245x10 strained a little on the last 2... trying hard to raise the total workload weekly but really wasn't feeling I tonight

Angled leg press

4 plates warmup 15 reps
5plates x 12
5+3J's x 10 reps. Started to feel like my ass was coming off the pad putting pressure on my low back so I quit here.
I prefer the flat foot platform as opposed to the Angled here in this gym. Can't wait to get home to bomb my quads with the linear hack press. Those pump my quads up like none other
Did a few sets on a donkey calf raises machine. Wish we had one in my home gym, best calf exercise bar none.

Finished with e supersets of leg ext and leg ham curls and then enjoyed the stream room for a bit
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I love how you figure a way to get work in even tho you are traveling all over heck n back!

Don't sweat the down day. From a guy who knows jack squat about anything... we all have those days. I bet your next bounces back hard & strong!
I love how you figure a way to get work in even tho you are traveling all over heck n back!

Don't sweat the down day. From a guy who knows jack squat about anything... we all have those days. I bet your next bounces back hard & strong!

Down day ...I'm. back in Idaho falls tonight buy elected to have dinner with the wife instead of chest day. Gonna need to hit it hard tomorrow for sure
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Made it in to Idaho Falls golds this morning for a productive chest workout. Sometimes we get started in our regular exercises and things just seem heavy. Today started like this but as it progressed what seemed heavy at first pro ed to be light.
Flat barbell bench press
2x135x15 WU
1x225x15 usually I get 10-12 at the most
1x275x6. Generally if I go this heavy I get 4 reps max

Incline dumbells
75's x 15
85's x 11,10,

Tricep ext cables supersets with overhead ext 4 sets
1 set bw dips 8 reps (failure)

3 sets scoops

Finished with leg press calf raises 3 plates each side until failure then assisted with short barbell for some forced reps until the burn is too intense .....3 sets.

Wife is taking her BFF out for dinner tonight ..maybe I'll come back for back and biceps tonight
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Back and biceps again this morning. awesome prime rib dinner at a place called stockmans in Idaho falls $30 for a 16oz prime rib but probably the best I've ever had. Medium rare with sweet potato fries and some spicy mussels for an appetizer finished the meat after my morning ingredients workout started with 2 single handle pull downs.i use the pull down cable machine but sit on the floor with a leg up on the seat. I let the weight up slowly then bring it back down just as slow bring both elbows along my side
1 WU set and 4 working sets with the last one being a drop down set
Next was a seated isolateral row with wide 2 narrow

4 bicep supersets 4 top half leaning over barbell curls with 2 each preacher curls sets wide and narrow grip
Dumbell pullovers 85# warmup then 3 sets 100# hella pump when I left after a few cable rope Hammer curls
Slept in my own bed last night for only the third time in 3 weeks.weighed this morning @260#. Ugh!!
Hopefully salty diet and water is most of it

The bad news is it looks like I'm going back to work next week. Was hoping to have a couple more months off to concentrate on my training. Going to eat then train legs tonight
This morning I finally got my leg work in.no squats today but hellova good work out nonetheless .

Legg press 3 plates WU x 15
4 plates x 15
5 plates x ???? I wasn't really counting reps because I was more worried about the burn in my quads. After 10 reps I went real slow with no lock out or pauses. Serious pump in the medialis and lateralis

2 sets with the 5 plates

Then moved on to leg ext and curls until the linear hack press machine was free. This machine I absolutely love for front quad. It's about the only hack machine I've used the doesn't bother my knees. I can go deep and the pump in my quads make me walk funny between sets.
I did one WU set with 1 plate es then added a plate for three sets more.

Tried to finish with some lunges but my quads were toast. Next leg day I'm breaking out the front squats again. These help with the low back strength I need to squat heavy
Quads are recovering quickly it world seem...I went in for some shoulder and trap work yesterday about 2pm.gym was almost empty but filled up quickly as tike went on.

HS shoulder presses went well. 90 # plate load x 15 reps WU with 2 sets

180#,x 12 reps pretty nice and easy
Added a quarter es and did 3 more working sets for 12,11,8 reps
Moving on to upright rows and lateralis raises supersets. The smith machine was busy so I used a 100# straight barbell and 25# dumbells 3 sets of 12
Moved onto shrugs wiyh the hammer strength deadlift/ shrug apparatus.loaded up 3 plates es and did 4 sets to failure,starting to feel these today already. Need to do more of these as I'm lacking traps

Waiting for the twin towers for reardelt I grabbed the ropes and did three sets of face pulls with some partials concentrating on squeezing at the end nice and slow.

Finished with rear delta crossovers standing back away from the pulleys to keep tension on the rear delts
Little steam room and hot tub then the group erythromycin store for a ribeye and veggies for the pellet grill....tasty
Weight is coming down post vacation bloat was 265 this morning I 253
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Yesterday worked back and biceps. Heres a rundown...

HS isolateral row 2 plates es warmup x 15
3 plates high and wide 2 sets
Narrow and lower 2 sets
Low row hammer strength 3 sets 2 plates till failure
Preacher curls excurl bar and 25 ess 2 sets wide 2 sets narrow

Dumbell pullovers 85 lbs x 12
100 lbs x 10x 3 sets

Sitting dumbells curls 35 # 10 reps... pretty tuff
30 lbs x 2 sets till failure....around 20reps
Chest n triceps yesterday.

Started back to work this week so I'm back to gyming during primetime. Things were pretty busy so I changed my normal routine up a bit which isn't necessarily bad.

2 sets of HS decline press 1 plate then 2
Bb bench press
135x15 wu
225x 12,10,8

Bw dips 17,15,12
Incline db x 75 13,11 x70 10 reps

Tricep ext with pulley straight barbell
Triple drop set x 2 sets

Changed to overhead move for long head

Same triple drop set
Finished with flat bench flyes 3 sets x 30 lbs
Today I hit legs again, working on my squats primarily, although I went off and forgot my front squat harness again.

135 x 15 rep wu
185 x 10' rep wu
225 x 10 nice and slow and deep
275 x 7 or 8'i lost track lol
Last set was 275 x 6 my right side continues to feel a little weak and I end up favor the left side more and using the right to mostly stabilize myself it seems

Moved into walking lunges with 60 lb barbell 3 sets till almost failure. These take some getting used to mostly about balance, at least it is for me

Finished with a few sets of pain induced leg ext and supersetted with leg curls until it was hard to walk out
Starting to get the doms in my hams and glutes today . nothing makes my ass sore like lunges.i take Saturday long of a stride as I can for the emphasis on the glutes more so than the quads and oh man they is getting snug already...Tomorrow is gonna be worse I'm afraid.loving it though