250mg Sus all in one shot !!


Olympian Bodybuilder
This guy at my gym said he does his Sus 3cc's each shot twice a wk. That would be 1500mg each wk :eek:
He's freaky big too......he believes in hitting it hard and heavy for shorter cycles. He does d-bol at 30mg ed for 4 wks and the Sus for 8-10. It must be working for this bro because he's always entering contest and winning alot.
So far I have not seen anything of this type of cycle here on the board , unless it was posted sometime ago. What's your opinions ?
IMO....he would be better off doing an amp every day, instead of doing 750mg twice a week. He will maintain way more stable blood hormone levels doing it the way I suggested.
I agree with you 100%
I'm going to ask him a few questions , because he works his ass off in the gym and he looks like he knows what he's doing but when I mentioned the esters in Sus , and I said there was deconate in it , he said I was talking about a whole other steroid.
There is Testosterone Propionate
Testosterone Phenylpropionate
Testosterone Isocaproate
Testosterone Deconate in Sus.
It just made me wonder what he really knows :dunno:
Compared to my 15-20 wk cycles , it is short. Besides any shorter than 8-10 wks is not a cycle in my judgment.
I do 2ml of Sust every 3 days which I know is 50% less than the guy you know, but I bet he is similar to me and is just lazy and is set in an old habbit that maybe started with 1ml if sust and has grown to be 3 ml. But its really difficult to argue with someone who is bigger than you are doing it the wrong way.

But you cant argue with chemical fact. I know, as I am sure he will, that you will have a much more stable hormone level if you do take it every day. but that means a jab every day, and if I were willing to do that why not do HGH?

Its being lazy, but its working...

Thats my 2 cents
I'm really considering selling the test Enanthate I have and get Sus and run it exactly eod and see what gains I get from running it this way. I think it will be better than running my enanthate at 750-1000mg ew. With the prop/phenylprop in it , it will kick in about day 4 , so that sounds far more enticing than enanthate does and I have experience with both. I just never ran the Sus eod , I ran it Mon/Wed/Fri , but not eod to a "T".

Peace Oz
I am starting to believe in hitting it hard heavy with a solid dose of atleast 1g -1 1/2g ew for 8-10 wks , opposed to 500mg ew for 12-15 wks.
It's being explained to me that it has something to do with receptors recovering faster with shorter cycles than being on longer. If there is someone who can explain in detail about how receptors are effected in both senarios , I would appreciate it. Thanks

Peace Oz
As far as receptors go, 8-10 weeks is not really any different than 12 weeks. I think you are referring to the short cycle method using 2-4 week cycles which is very different from 8-12 weeks.
I decided to reply since it has been quite here for some time and it doesnt look like anyone is replying to your question.

Although this is only based on what I have been told in the gym and what has personally worked very well FOR ME so far..

I was told that 8 weeks on 8 weeks off is a very good cycle in terms of receptors. Eg if you liken steroids as cars and receptors to car parking spaces. Then once all the spaces are full it is impossible to park any more cars /absorb. If you come off the gear after say 8 weeks the body realises that there arn't enough spaces / receptors verses cars / chemical as a result makes more, and so on for each cycle..

So based on that Receptors are increased by number of cycles and not duration of time in gear. eg, last year I started training with a guy I had met in the gym.. he is in slightly better shape than me and his is all natural, where as mine is built with gear although I had been off for around 4 months so was in a stable condition. I told him I was doing a course of 2ml of Sustanon (sust) every 3 days for 6 weeks, and he did the same... To cut a long story short my gains were significantly greater than his. Probably because I could absorb more of the gear. Now I personaly feel that 2ml of Sustanon (sust) every 3 days was way too much gear first time before anyone says something about it, but it was his decision and not mine!!!

I have to be honest and say that before I joined this board I had never heard of a 15 - 20week cycle!!

However I am slightly curious and having just moved to a new country with no English TV and tons of Raw gear and spare time I am going to try a 12 week coctail of gear...

So I am probably doing the reverse of what your considering.

Will keep you posted since I will start next week!!


Mini Me