33yr old. Advice for a beginer cycle? Please

I'm 5'11 209lbs and have worked out since I was 14. I have been able to get good results from the natty lifestyle but its getting more difficult as I get a little older. I have been accused of taking roids in the past. I want to really just be able to cut more of the fat off and gain some strength. I'm not really a heavy lifter. I do more like P90X and Insanity. More endurance and strength moves. I really appreciate any help. Thanks

P.S. I was thinking along the lines of a stack of Win and test.
On your 1st cycle you will just want to run straight test at 500mg a week to see how your body reacts to aas, an you will run your cycle for 10 to 12 weeks depending on how big of results your looking for, and your pct will start 21 days after your last shot and you can either run clomid or nolvadex or both if you want to
Would an oral have similar results. I would rather take a pill at this point. Post Cycle therapy. Still learning all the acronyms. THanks for the reply. I appreciate all the advice. Could you pm a reputable place to get it? Thanks
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On your 1st cycle you will just want to run straight test at 500mg a week to see how your body reacts to aas, an you will run your cycle for 10 to 12 weeks depending on how big of results your looking for, and your pct will start 21 days after your last shot and you can either run clomid or nolvadex or both if you want to

I am also looking for some help on a beginner cycle. When you say "Test" do you mean "Test Ethanate"? Sorry I am trying to catch up on the lingo as well.
I'm 5'11 209lbs and have worked out since I was 14. I have been able to get good results from the natty lifestyle but its getting more difficult as I get a little older. I have been accused of taking roids in the past. I want to really just be able to cut more of the fat off and gain some strength. I'm not really a heavy lifter. I do more like P90X and Insanity. More endurance and strength moves. I really appreciate any help. Thanks

P.S. I was thinking along the lines of a stack of Win and test.
How old are you?
I am also looking for some help on a beginner cycle. When you say "Test" do you mean "Test Ethanate"? Sorry I am trying to catch up on the lingo as well.
Test e or c. There both slow esters and can be pinned twice a week. They take about 4 weeks to kick in
Hello anyone this is my first post so hopefully I'm doing this correctly..
I'm 5,9 240pd with 38% body fat I'm pretty soild but I need to be cut and lean 180 12% body fat maybe a nice 6 pack of and... im active in the Marine Corps and this will be my first time using steroids! I have heard that winstrol will get me where i need to be. I ask around and one friend told me follow something like this ,,
Cutting Cycle Tablets Strombafor (winstrol Tabs10mg ) , Clenbutrol , L-thyroxin ,Proviron, Nolvadex ..
So I would like some feed back on what anyone opinion on how to reach my goal.. so should I try this by it being my first time using ( by the way this is all oral) .. should I use something eles, and/ or how to I k.ow I'm getting the real steroids ! Please any input is helpful...

P.S 4wks has past I've lower my cal to 1500 high protein & low carbs plus some cardiovascular and swimming now I'm at 223 ....29% body fat
look aas is not the answer for cutting fat hard work and diet is. just diet eat healthy and work ur ass off and when ur to a point where u really can't achieve a whole lot more take aas.

without proper diet and a good workout regimen aas will only make it harder to loose actual fat. winstrol is a cutting steroid used for proffesional to dry out there bodies to show more lean muscle before comp. if u lift hard like light weight high reps with winstrol ur going to have dry joints that are rubbing a heck of alot. so I would recomend straight winstrol or wimstrol at all really. if u get ur diet down and understand what ur body likes to gain and drop weight, then u can take aas and get great results.

research for at least a few more months proly six more. get ur diet down and training and then make a decison.
Hello anyone this is my first post so hopefully I'm doing this correctly..
I'm 5,9 240pd with 38% body fat I'm pretty soild but I need to be cut and lean 180 12% body fat maybe a nice 6 pack of and... im active in the Marine Corps and this will be my first time using steroids! I have heard that winstrol will get me where i need to be. I ask around and one friend told me follow something like this ,,
Cutting Cycle Tablets Strombafor (winstrol Tabs10mg ) , Clenbutrol , L-thyroxin ,Proviron, Nolvadex ..
So I would like some feed back on what anyone opinion on how to reach my goal.. so should I try this by it being my first time using ( by the way this is all oral) .. should I use something eles, and/ or how to I k.ow I'm getting the real steroids ! Please any input is helpful...

P.S 4wks has past I've lower my cal to 1500 high protein & low carbs plus some cardiovascular and swimming now I'm at 223 ....29% body fat

need to get your body fat down,at least in the teens,lower teens if possible,before i would even think of beginning a cycle brother
Any recommendations for a beginner in takin test cyp. 100 mg and bold. und. 300? mg
very 5 days...this is what my source told me.. I however I I am questioning it now that I have did some research on the site
Problem is Im halfway thru cycle...no side effects as of yet that I know...but since Im doing both now..any advice on how much of each?? Please? Im currently doing''100 mg of test cyp and 300 of bold. Every 5 days...watch'all think?
Hello anyone this is my first post so hopefully I'm doing this correctly..
I'm 5,9 240pd with 38% body fat I'm pretty soild but I need to be cut and lean 180 12% body fat maybe a nice 6 pack of and... im active in the Marine Corps and this will be my first time using steroids! I have heard that winstrol will get me where i need to be. I ask around and one friend told me follow something like this ,,
Cutting Cycle Tablets Strombafor (winstrol Tabs10mg ) , Clenbutrol , L-thyroxin ,Proviron, Nolvadex ..
So I would like some feed back on what anyone opinion on how to reach my goal.. so should I try this by it being my first time using ( by the way this is all oral) .. should I use something eles, and/ or how to I k.ow I'm getting the real steroids ! Please any input is helpful...

P.S 4wks has past I've lower my cal to 1500 high protein & low carbs plus some cardiovascular and swimming now I'm at 223 ....29% body fat

Any recommendations for a beginner in takin test cyp. 100 mg and bold. und. 300? mg
very 5 days...this is what my source told me.. I however I I am questioning it now that I have did some research on the site

I'd like to kick this thing off by recommending you 2 create your own thread instead of hijacking this one.

I'm 5'11 209lbs and have worked out since I was 14. I have been able to get good results from the natty lifestyle but its getting more difficult as I get a little older. I have been accused of taking roids in the past. I want to really just be able to cut more of the fat off and gain some strength. I'm not really a heavy lifter. I do more like P90X and Insanity. More endurance and strength moves. I really appreciate any help. Thanks

P.S. I was thinking along the lines of a stack of Win and test.

Do not fall into the hype thinking Winstrol (winny) is going to magically melt fat away, it promotes dry gains. With that being said, make your first few cycles simple with only one compound. You can make lean gains on a test only cycle IF you keep your diet clean and commit to it. Here are my recommendations for your first cycle....

Week 1-10: 500mg/Wk-Test E or C
Week 2-10: 8mg/Ed- Aromasin *
Week 3-10: 300iu/E3D Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) **
!!Start PCT 14 days after last Test E pin(18 days for Test C)!!
PCT will consist of 5 weeks: 12.5mg/Ed Aromasin and Nolvadex 40/40/20/20/20

* This is a good low dose to start with. Get blood work at week 4-5 and adjust the aromasin dosage as needed based on Estrogen levels.

**Typical dosages of Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) when ran during cycle consist of 250iu-500iu every 3 days. Start low and increase if needed until you feel you've reached your personal sweet spot.
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listen to these dudes. start with test e. i did last year. it makes u superthermogenic in my experience. i was hot all the time, sweating at work, fat can just drip off you, especially your first cycle since your body has not "seen" the aas before.