4 months results TRT bodybuilding


New member
It has been 4 months since I started TRT, absolutely changed my life for the better. I am more focused, in better shape and am overall happier. Not sure how to add pics if someone could help me I would appreciate it, my goal is to have a 6 pack by June 1.
Happy to hear it brah.

I'm thinking about starting aswel. I'm on that low test time 299 ng/dl.

What is your current dosage and total test/free test?
I didn't have energy like I used to. I would get tired after physical activities and want to take a nap. Current dosage is 150 mg cypionate twice a week with 75 mg nandrolone decanate, I take 1/2 pill of letrizol each time I take a shot. About 6'1" 230 getting leaned out, probably 12% body fat. Looking to do a classic physique contest 06/18 if I get lean enough
What are your current labs? I take a similar regimen and my joints feel great with the added Deca. I'm just curious on how your test level is if you take 300 mg per week.

If your only taking 150mg per week, you are probably fine.
you need to get your diet and training in order... you have the hormones down you need the nutrition... i work with multiple national trt companies setting up diets for their clients.. it make a huge difference..

you should check out my free diet advice thread in the diet section.. or if youre interested in possibly becoming a client email me at 3jdiet@gmail.com

website: 3J's Nutrition
300 mg a week. Diet is tight, seeing incredible results. I have worked out most of my life. Having low t probably made me learn how to eat and train better than normal because I had to fight for gains. Now the lean muscle is awesome and I feel like I am 25
Why are you taking letro ? probably better of with adex
Letro is pretty full on stuff i wouldn't want you to crash your e2 just after you started feeling better from the trt .

To post a pic just click on the little tree pic up the top when your writing a post should be able to figure it out from there good luck
I'm on 5g testogel daily and feel like complete shit it's been 6 months I did feel abit better to begin with what do you suggest I have an appointment in 1 week should I ask for injections and did you say 300mg per week?! I didn't know TRT did that much.
It has been 4 months since I started TRT, absolutely changed my life for the better. I am more focused, in better shape and am overall happier. Not sure how to add pics if someone could help me I would appreciate it, my goal is to have a 6 pack by June 1.

First and foremost, everyone have 6-pack. Without Rectus abdominis we cannot get up of bed or bent to tie shoes or take a dump or... Just, in most of the people 6-pack is burred under layers of sub-q fat. It is true that exercise targeting Rectus abdominis will improve the expression of the muscles, but unless you change diet to reduce fat stores surrounding your abdomen, no amount of AAS will make it magically appears...
Of course it takes diet, I have been really strict with no starchy carbs fats or junk of any sort. I have been doing cardio and abs as well and they are coming out nice as well as definition and vascularity. TRT made a huge difference, training with a testerone deficit produces minimal gains