6 Weeks Anavar Only

I would drink ALOT of green tea (not right before bed though) and maybe echenaca "spelling".

vitC is good to take when you think your getting sick.
i take 2000mg(2g) ed , and when i think im getting sick ill take 5-6g ed (not all at one time split up into a few doses)
DAY 13 : 6/24/06

Been kind of tired last 2 days. Workouts have been strong though, and pumps are excellent.
I went to the doc for a check-up today, and my BP was 168/108, I told him i'm taking creatine and he told me to stop, and come back in a week. Im kind of in a dilemna and dont know what to do. The first thing he said was it could be straining my kidneys and giving me high BP. In my head im thinking (shit Anavar (var) is metabolzid in my kidneys). Should I drop the creatine? maybe taper off on the Anavar (var) to 30mg instead of 40?
DAY 15 : 6/26/09

So I dropped the creatine 2 days ago due to high BP, i'd like to get it down at least a little bit, I see the doc on monday. Yesterday and today I felt quite tired, work was hard, but my workouts are still very good. Lifted legs/shoulders today, and am squatting a few extra pounds for some extra reps. DB military press was also up 5lbs. As far as my pump goes it really was non existent today as compared to my last few workouts, and the vascularity wasnt as visible either. I weighed 166lbs on the scale last night and tonight, so I am up a few pounds. A few friends must have noticed a little change and asked me if I was taking any supplements, and my mom also made a comment. I will try to get pics up tommorow or sunday. As far as shut down is concerned, I dont really feel anything yet, except for being a little tired, what exactly should I be expecting??? Libido is strong but notice that my soldier doesnt want to stay up as long, and just wants to finish quicker.
DAY 16 - 6/27/09 -PICTURE UPDATE-
took some pics this morning, I am up almost 5 pounds on the scale. Pics were cold with no pump, but you get the idea first pic is day 1, second to are today.
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DAY 19 : 6/30/09

just got back from back/bi's, my strength is way up! I am lifting heavier weights than i'v ever lifted before. All of my exercizes tonight I pyramidid the weight.. not because I wanted to, but just becuase the weights I normally lift, to be frank just felt way lighter. ex.. I usually lift 2 plates on t-bar rows, somtimes throw a 10 on. Tonight I lifted 3 plates for 4x6. alternating DB curls I usually lift 40's about 8 reps. tonight I lifted 50's for my last 2 sets, 6 reps.
So tommorow is day 20 I will be half way through and I have broken down Anavar into 4 categories.

STRENGTH: within about 5 days I noticed the drug was working but it just hit hard in the last few day. All of my lifts are up. I dont necesarily feel stronger but I am just able to lift heavier weights. Its a great feeling.

VASCULARITY: I noticed new veins I had never seen before in my shoulder areas, only they arent raised above the skin, I can see them under the skin. The veins that were already raised such as the ones in my biceps have increased noticibly throughout the tops of my biceps into my shoulders. I feel if you dont have a very low BF Anavar will probably give very slight to no vascularity. on the flipside if you already have strong existing vascularity it will magnify it.

BODY WEIGHT/FAT: I feel like this drug has very little effect on increasing body wieght so far. On the flipside I havent put on much fat and have been eating like a mad animal with an unlimited supply of food. I am 167lbs on the scale which is about 7 pounds so far BUT... i feel like this was all from diet. I have been eating in excess of 4000 calories every day. some days I top just over 5000. Almost all clean too. My boss actually yelled at me today for eating so much, and he said It's stopping me from working. I LOLD

SIDE EFFECTS: I have some mid-back pain, which feels like muscle cramps and spasms.My blood pressure was 168/108 which is very high, but i discontinued creatine 6 days ago and pressure was 148/98 today which is still high, but better. For the first week or so my appetite felt supressed but it went away and now I am hungry as ever. Other than that I feel good, no acne, libido is fine.

on a side note iv been following the comeback of Kevin Levrone, and watching his workouts and transformation has given me some motivation.. check it out!
Levrone Report
looks okay , but i dont think creatine can raise your blood pressure. Creatine is synergistic with anavar. Your water intake might seem a bit high. (for me anyways) , Also i was looking at your diet. I noticed that you consume 2 X protein and salmon and peanut butter first thing in the morning? This is alot of protein and if we do the math im think closer to 100 grams ! That's outrageous. If you look at your plate of food you should see 40 %-50 % protein per serving. Try to hit 40-50 grams maybe , I don't know about you but i get a gut-ache when i take too much of any one thing into my system. Anavar is great for fighters that want to increase strenght but not increase weight. It not a cutting drug like so many people tend to believe , Also most people barely notice the affects of it. There only slight.

I rise in the morning and have a protein shake then shower+ shit + shave the make up scrambled egg whites with one cup of oatmeal and a half of grapefruit. With a multi-vit and water. Then a coffee o tea and im off to work , This is a power meal for sure.

Your stats look good but i would seriously consider trying test prop or sustanon250.

Ps- don't fear the pin love the pin. best of luck bro.

pss - i also follow kevin's workouts religiously , he is a god.
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DAY 24 : 7/5/09

Last couple days havent been so hot. I threw my back out about 3 days ago, and took the last 2 days off. I was also on vacation, and my diet was no where near par. I will be back heavy in the gym tommorow, and will be dieting harder than ever. I really want to get the most out of these last 2 weeks.
On a side note I when i woke up this moring, I was looking more vascular than I ever have.
As far as negatives go, I had some trouble keeping a full hard on. I was sort of half hard, and it was real hard to finish. (kind of an embaressing experience). also havent had any moring wood in several days which is abnormal for me. I'm more tired than usual too, so maybe I am feeling what many describe as shutting down.
I also noticed some hair falling out in the shower. Thought Anavar (var) didnt do this, but hopefully it was just a coincidence or somthing.
I have a compounded testosterone cream, and am debating using it, so I dont have any issues with the women. Do you guys think it would help, or just contribute to shutting me down more and a harder post cycle therapy (pct) recovery?
DAY 26: 7/7/09

I felt real tired the last 2 days, but had a very strong chest tri's w/o yesterday. I flat DB benched 80's 10 reps which is a pr for me, and still felt like I could have went heavier. Didnt feel the best today so I just did some light leg work tonight, but will be back heavy again tommorow.
I was 168 on the scale last night and tonight, so up another pound, but I think I am starting to put a little too much around my stomach. One effect I am noticing is that my muscles are much harder than they were 3 weeks ago. So far some comments I'v gotten from friends/family- " you look bigger than you did last month" / "are you starting to gain weight again" / "you feel hard as a rock" / "your traps are looking huge". It's funny because as far as looks go I dont really notice much, but apparently other people do.
DAY 30 - 7/11/09

Nothing really new to report. I have 10 days left to this cycle. My weight today was 170lbs which was more than I thought I would get to. My diet has also been in excess of 5k calories almost everyday though, so of course I put a little around the mid section too, but for the first time in almost a year I am actually putting some size on, and have been getting a lot of comments about it. For the next 10 days I am going to lighten up on the carbs a little and see if I can shed any BF.
On another note I have been feeling pretty tired everyday. After I get off work I just want to come home and sleep. I dont want to go out with freinds on weekends because I am so damn tired.
The gym has still been great. I am making big strength gains, especially in my back, My row, and pull down increased a lot, Bench press also went up a decent amount too. I was DB curling the other day, and wanted to see how many reps I would get with the 50's and got 6 in each hand. I dont think I could have even got 2 or 3 before I started this. Pumps are also still good, but were much stronger days 10-20.
For those of you following along, I will post pics on day 40. and also blood work after PCT.
DAY 31- 7/12/09

Went out on the boat today, and took some pics, figured i'd put one up so you guys could compare to day 1. I'm up about 10-12 pounds, but I can tell I'v put on a chunk of BF. My goal at the begining was to gain muscle and lean up, but as I proceeded I realized it was one or the other, so I just went on an all out bulk. Anyways, how do you guys think it's coming along.
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DAY 35 - 7/16/09

So I decided that today will be my last day on this cycle, and I will start post cycle therapy (pct) tommorow. I have enough Anavar (var) for another 5 days, but my reason for ending are as follows: as each day goes on I am getting more tired.( I think it's from decreasing natty test). My old shoulder injury is bothering me from lifting heavier: I am experiencing some minor pain under my bottom left rib on my back, which I beleive to be from my kidney, as im pretty sure it's not a muscle pull. And lastly I feel I'v made suffecient gains from this cycle, and I'd rather be safe than sorry.

STRENGTH: I think this was the best part of Anavar (var) . I noticed a little increase days 5-10, but the real strength gains came days 15-25, I am up in every lift. My row, and bench were the exercizes that increased the most.
VASCULARITY: Around day 10-15 I noticed I was more vascular. As i started to increase calories and put on more weight the vascularity seemed to gradually decrease thereafter.
BODY WEIGHT/FAT: I was 171lbs today, so I am up 10-12lbs overall, with a slight to moderate increase in body fat, also gained about .75 inch on my arms. overall I feel bigger and heavier, and have gotten several coments
SIDE EFFECTS: I have had high blood pressure throughout the whole cycle. around days 10-20 I had some lower back cramps, where I would have to sit between sets, but nothing too bad. I noticed around day 25, I wasnt able to maintain wood as long as normal. day 30-35 I experienced kidney pain, specifically tender to the touch, not excruciating, but definatly been uncomfortable. around day 25 i started feeling a little more tired than normal, and every day thereafter it has been getting gradually worse.

Overall I made good gains in a short time, I am just hoping I keep them, and will update, My post cycle therapy (pct) will be as follows, do you guys have any tips throughout post cycle therapy (pct)??
Week 1 Nolva 40mg ED
Week 2 Nolva 20mg ED

the first picture is day 1, and the second 2 were taken today, day 35.
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would you do the cycle again, or will you run it with test next time? I prefer toremifene for pct or clomid, but if nolva is all you have...
You definatly put on noticible size but it's hard for me to tell wether or not it was just for your diet or if it was really the var. Was your source reliable? Either way about it bro, gratz on putting on those lbs!
Dude did you do any cardio while running the Anavar (var) ? I'm running it too & have been doing 30-40 mins of cardio 4 days a week after workouts and feel leaner & harder than ever. It got my muscles read hard and full looking and nice strength gains too like you mentioned you got but Im def accrediting much of my gains from the Anavar (var) to cutting the calories a lot & doing some hard cardio. Your packing on 5k calories a day and didnt mention cardio in your write-up. I know things effect people differently, but I'm curious about this one. With all due respect at 165-170 lbs if youre eating 5k cal a day, you can bet much of those gains are from eating. Please dont be one of those guys who says they have always eating 4-5k cal a day either bc its not possible in this case. Even so, from your approach and mine, which protocol is more effective? Better for gains? Who keeps the gains? I guess its true that any cycle can be a bulk/cut depending on how you run things.
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Massive, Beleive it or not, I did very little cardio, about 2x per week 30 minutes of heavy bag, and that was it. If I could do anything different, I would have done more cardio.
You are right that the weight gain could be mostly from my diet, but i'v never been able to put on that much in a month, even when i'v tried crazy calorie diets, I put on about 2-3 pounds a month. Another thing to add, this isnt the first time i'v been this weight. about 5-6 months ago, I was 170lbs, before i droped to 160, than got the flu and fell to 150. While this isnt the first time i'v been this weight, it is the first time i'v been this strong.
1badmofo, Next cycle I will use test, however I dont regret using Anavar (var) only, as it was my first experience to see how my body would react with AAS, next time I will know to monitor my BP closely, and I will know more after I get my bloodwork done. If I responded this good to Anavar (var) , I can only imagine how I would respond with test.
Rougen, I know the Anavar (var) was legit because of the definate increase in strength, as well as the unfortunate high BP.

Oh yeah, i decided to use clomid for post cycle therapy (pct) 2 weeks at 50mg because being that nolvadex works by inhibiting estrogen, and I dont have an abundance of estrogen because Anavar (var) doesnt aromatize, I started clomid today.
Massive, were you running this as a cut cycle, how is your diet? whats your weight been like, and how far along are you?
Massive, were you running this as a cut cycle, how is your diet? whats your weight been like, and how far along are you?

I was not running this as a cut cycle no. Was it a bulk? Not exactly. I know everyone preaches that you cant cut and bulk at the same time but I have found a very good median through training for a long time and really getting to understand my body and how it reacts to things. Ive been running test e/EQ for the past 18 weeks. I have just under 3 weeks left. Being that its nearing the end I switched test e to p and added the Anavar (var) to harden up. I put on about 15lbs before throwing in the Anavar (var) & switching up to test p but it has been very clean gains the whole way through. I was eating roughtly 3500 clean calories daily in things like lean beef, chicken, tuna, pb&j, 3-4 protein shakes a day, a couple protein bars between meals...

I started this cycle at 210, worked my way to 225lbs, added the Anavar (var) -->dropped the cals to somewhere just under 3k a day, started hitting the cardio hard, dropped down to 220lbs. Now I'm about 222 - 223lbs but am solid & harder than ever & have stayed at this weight while dropping bf%. I dont know what the # is exactly but I can safely say I've dropped 2-3% bf while maintaining this weight.

My intentions this cycle werent to defy the rules and cut & bulk at the same time since you really cant do them both simultaneously without not giving enough or giving too much to either aspect, I just saw my efforts and put my focus on a lean bulk which I modified with cals and types of training to bring out the appropriate changes as my body responded.
I just basically stayed on top of myself diet & training wise & really almost tailor-fitted things on where I was at. Could I have done this when I first started cycling? Hell no....
I'd def reccomend the test with ana Anavar (var) , Im sure its helped me, and at your size wouldve probly made your 10 lbs in gains somewhere closer to 20 lbs in the same time period (assuming you ran test prop since 6 weeks is too short for enanthate). If growing was your intention, especially for a first cycle, test wouldve been your best bet but you grew some & probably learned some about yourself that will help out next time around. Nice work on your gains-- just know a test cycle will blow this out of the water next time around and you will probably look back and laugh!
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Like all aspects of cycle, and switching compounds to further quality gains. Massive imo thats the way to tailor whats best for U.