6 Weeks Anavar Only

I believe my dillema has been solved! I have been trying fro weeks now to figure out if I was going to do a tes e / anavar or d-bol cycle. Thanks for helping me make up my mind.

Looks like you made some good gains, looking forward to them myself!
did you notice any virilization sides usually associated w/your avg test cycle? Acne? Voice change? Oily skin? Hair loss? Etc?

I went on vacation days 2-4 and really messed up.. didn't work out, I drank a ton, and ate like shit. Today I was sort of happy half the day, and miserable for the other half, kind of weird.. maybe it's the clomid.
I worked back/ bi's tonight, and my strength is still way up from before I started the Var, but I felt definatly weaker than I did when I was on. I tried to lift the same weights, but I couldnt get as many reps, and my form started to go bad, so I had to lighten up. I will be dieting hard and hitting the gym hard for the rest of PCT

and xtreme, I didn't notice any virilization side effects.
I'd ease up on the weight bro. Especially if your form is off... I've made that mistake and destroyed my post cycle therapy (pct) and some gains bc of an injury coming off my last cycle. Don't train with the same weights or intensity IMO--it's a nice way to hurt yourself. Mentally it's a bitch to lift less but it's far worse standing on the sideline & not being able todo shit for a few months bc of a tear or tendonitis or something
Yeah man he's absolutely right just get really good form in and then the weight your using isn't as relative, if you know what I'm trying to say.
Good stuff and thanks for the log bro. I was going to run a Anavar (var) cycle alone, but now I'm gonna throw some test in there for sure. 9/10 tells me your gains were from your diet bro. Awsome gains, keep it up.

thanks guys, appreciate the feedback..massive, you're right about lifting less weight, it does suck mentally. guess I'v just got to suck it up, and work back up slowly.

post cycle therapy (pct) Day 10- 7/26/09

My strength seems to have leveled out. the first 5 days of post cycle therapy (pct) I lost some strength, but the last 5 I havent really lost any. I havent weighed myself, but I have only been eating around 3000-3500 cals a day. I decided to cut back a little because with my test levels being low I figured eating 5k cals would go to my belly quicker. As far as everything else like libido, and energy levels, I feel great and back to normal.
Massive's right ease up personally i was looking like a freak again pushed my shoulders hard through 315lb militaries now my rotator is on the verge of blowing again i've been screwed up for 2 weeks treadmill bound and maybe a quick arm workout good gains happy for ya bro!!!!
solid gains, im a fan of weak cycles. Less compounds = less sides.
How did you feel when doing cardio?

7/31/09: post cycle therapy (pct) FINISHED

I am done with post cycle therapy (pct). I ran clomid 50mg for 12 days, and discontinued it because I feel fine libido wise, so Im assuming I'm back to normal. The only thing I'm noticing is I'm not gettin the morning wood like I used to. Since coming off the Var, Iv upped my cardio, and am not eating as much carbs, but I still seem to be putting on more fat. I was 169lbs on the scale today, so down about 2-3 pounds, but it seems like more wieght in my belly. I definatly notice the hardenss in my muscles has went away, but some new veins I got are still here. As far as strength, Im still stronger than I ever was naturally.

just got results from bloodwork, I told the doctor to check me for low test, and this is the results I got.
work done on 8/8/09

Glucose= 111 (65-139 is normal)
Cholesterol= 153 (125-200 is normal)
Thyroid= 2.32 (.4-4.5 is normal)
Testosterone=849 (260-1000 is normal)

I'm surprised my test is so high, Is it possible for my test to recover that much in 2 weeks? I wish i got work done pre cycle to compare. Any one ever here of Anavar (var) raising test levels? It doesnt make sense to me.
awesome, really enjoyed reading your thread. my friend recommended me doing a dbol+anavar cycle but i think i might do what you did. did you start the post cycle therapy (pct) right after you stopped the var?

heres my thread. any input would be greatly appreciated
Sorry to barg in, but how does anavar compar to Winstrol (winny)?

Also, could you run one of mentioned compounds alone during a cutt? TO help maintain muscle? Not nessacarly gain since youll be in a calorie deficet...
Awesome, nice thread. I was thinking of doing a cycle just like this to start out. Seems like you had fairly decent and subtle results without too many sides. Kinda what I am looking for for a first cycle.