69ERS mother beepin cut log


I am ******!
Ok so im clueless never cut in my life so im clueless and anybody feel free to give me pointers ill actually listen when it comes to diet cuz this time i know its necessary. I only got 2 bottles of PSL tren ace i won and just got to test p/tren ace bottles my friends were nice enough to donate for my goal wich i will incorporate after PSL.

So basically dint have a plan but i have a record 2 days of eating real good smaller portions and very limited carbs. Todays breakfast was greek yogurt, walnuts, flax seeds. Lunch had a turkey and cheese sandwich no bread. Just whipped up a huge crock pot of honey garlic chicken breast and veggies and that was dinner. Oh also had lentils today so basically reducing carbs and eating less. I did fasted cardio 15 min yesterday and 30min this morning as well as accessory bodybuilding type work at gym.View attachment 566108View attachment 566109View attachment 566110View attachment 566111

Just a few examples of what my food looks like now
Why are you cutting?

With you cutting and me bulking we'll soon be the same weight.......and I'll be able to squat at least half as much as you.
Hell just froze over........
Except for being hungry Cali boy u got this..e z.
Big carb pasta s and breads and fried anything...you ll be gtg as hard as u train

Making weight or trying to do gay porn like me ?
Why are you cutting?

With you cutting and me bulking we'll soon be the same weight.......and I'll be able to squat at least half as much as you.

Cuz not only will i be strong as fuck i will be jacked as fuck then i will come back with a vengance and talk shit to everyone that called me a fat fuck and made me cry. Lol nah ive really always wanted to do it sometime in my life and right now feels right no competition coming soon its winter nice and cold just seems to be the right time.
Hell just froze over........
Except for being hungry Cali boy u got this..e z.
Big carb pasta s and breads and fried anything...you ll be gtg as hard as u train

Making weight or trying to do gay porn like me ?

Gay porn of course
Here are my macros for today. 5,600 cal
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I will periodically post pics of my meals for your motivation.

Man you know me i dont understand that lol i guess i can learn but i really dint believe in exact formulas everyones body burns calories at different rates all i know is i eat alot of shit so 1st step is illuminate the garbage food
Some can and do the mac tracking and weighing food and I think it s awesome but like you OP I do NOT. I m to impatient I guess.
I have a pair of Jean s that I use to gauge my waist ass and thigh size; use 2 shirts to gauge upper body use the mirror etc. I have the metabolism of my 10 yr old so I have to plow food to stay ay 215 (avi).
I diet in (stages)
Stage 1 cut out fast food to 2 a week. Taco bell s my favorite and fried chick my 2 nd.
Stage 2 no fast food at all and start boiling stuff, baking stuff and start dropping massive carb s
Stage 3 actually get hungry and try to replace the volume of food w fruit and salads and limit red meat 2 weeks or 3 max.
But that s me. At 6 ft 285 your 70 pounds heavier than I...wow.
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I don't know jack about cutting as a bodybuilder, cuz you gotta have muscle for that ;-) but as a dude who dropped 40+ pounds in prep for my 1st blast and am now easing my weight down again after a dirty bulk (in which I didn't know what the eff I was doing) here some thoughts:

Seems as if one can cut on just about ANY compound. It's all about the calories!

I have no doubt a guy with the self-control required to get as big as you have will handle this just fine

Even without logging food, you have a pretty solid idea what your maintenance cal requirements are. I've read not to drop under 500 cals below that or your body will adjust metabolism to preserve fat stores.

Bodybuilding is a mental game. Pumping anger up for that one more lift. Cutting too is a mental game and probably an even tougher one because after years of work to get where you are:

you will lose size. The water n fat add size to your muscles.
You will lose strength. Caloric deficit will make you feel weak and I've again read that the extra water in muscles gives them a bit more power.
You will feel hungry and that sucks after years of feeding, feeding, feeding. It's not a familiar feeling.

But if you WANT to do it I have no doubt you will!
Nice 9er. I'll be following this as I plan to be on a cut here in the next month or so. But I'm a bit more T's size and metabolism. But I'd still like to see what foods u cut out and what u eat that will help speed things up for u. I eat like there is no tomorrow and gains in weight come slowly.
I don't know jack about cutting as a bodybuilder, cuz you gotta have muscle for that ;-) but as a dude who dropped 40+ pounds in prep for my 1st blast and am now easing my weight down again after a dirty bulk (in which I didn't know what the eff I was doing) here some thoughts:

Seems as if one can cut on just about ANY compound. It's all about the calories!

I have no doubt a guy with the self-control required to get as big as you have will handle this just fine

Even without logging food, you have a pretty solid idea what your maintenance cal requirements are. I've read not to drop under 500 cals below that or your body will adjust metabolism to preserve fat stores.

Bodybuilding is a mental game. Pumping anger up for that one more lift. Cutting too is a mental game and probably an even tougher one because after years of work to get where you are:

you will lose size. The water n fat add size to your muscles.
You will lose strength. Caloric deficit will make you feel weak and I've again read that the extra water in muscles gives them a bit more power.
You will feel hungry and that sucks after years of feeding, feeding, feeding. It's not a familiar feeling.

But if you WANT to do it I have no doubt you will!

Absolutely, I just wanna emphasise everything in bold as extra true!!

Good luck bro, consistency on diet is the key... With Tren though especially, all PEDs really you can change the figures your working to a degree and get results out of them, so the "500 calorie rule of thumb" for bulking/cutting can be pushed in this case, I believe the only person who could vouch for Tren not touching fat stores is... Let me know when you meet the guy who tells you otherwise ;)
I did not want to say what Duffer said but u do realize you ll go from one of the strongest guy s on here if not the planet to just really unusually uncannily strong as heck ?
My roid addiction was 2 fold as I d lose size then strength; not that your addicted!!!
A DICK well obviously.

Soldier and I could be blood as were similar in gain making body type etc...his Johnson is just 2 as big my lil pathetic pussy probing penetrator.
9er, your girl will be the best judge... one day she will say wow you're looking good and the next week she will say how tight you look and then a few months go by and she will say you look like an underware model...just what you wanna hear right!

What's the honey chicken recipe bro?
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9er, your girl will be the best judge... one day she will say wow you're looking good ant the next week she will say how tight you look and the a few months go by and she will say you look like an underware model...just what you wanna hear right!

Yeah true to some extent, I mean unless your girl looks at your daily and notices everything etc... if you don't live together and you see her say once every 2/3/4 or fucking I dunno bro whatever you do haha as long as it isn't daily, you'r going to get a good gauge.

Clothing and stuff too bro, oh yeah that will get smaller so get used to it, if not your either a freak and growing muscle too or just doing it wrong... Clothes are for me sometimes an awesome gauge in terms of long term progress.. putting on tops or shirts I haven't worn in a couple weeks, a couple months though it really shows, either way your doing it right when your clothes change the way they fit on you
9er, your girl will be the best judge... one day she will say wow you're looking good and the next week she will say how tight you look and then a few months go by and she will say you look like an underware model...just what you wanna hear right! .....

Damn, I want this kind if response! As I'm dropping weight, the blue-hairs ask wifee, "is your husband sick?" They all think i have cancer or something! That's the response I get. Hahahaha!

/hijack off
"is your husband sick?" They all think i have cancer or something! That's the response I get. Hahahaha!

/hijack off

No shit this is also the response to expect from people who don't life when your cutting (and doing it right lol). On the flipside when bulking, especially when I get into that sodium goodness I usually get informed that I am pregnant if I'm going hard mainly this happens like I said with the sodium intake not being watched along with high carbs n shit.

My missus saw my mate mid way through a cut, think he was using lots of preworkout/thermogenics and fuckall food so he looked like shit and didn't have a good diet to go with.... Missus goes, fuck he looks a little sick doesn't he? Two weeks before hand saw him whilst he was wrapping up his dirty sodium loaded bulk... SO yeah, expect that if your doing it right from people who don't understand lifting but see you regulary considering you have never truly cut as you say bro... what they mean is man do you look fucking sickly awesome keep that in your mind when you cop that comment, because on your first cut you will be vulnerable or will find our if your vulnerable to thinking your loosing all your size and the worlds ending and you cock might be shrinking and quick need to lift to get a pump then maccaz for carbs bro... I have fucking witnessed this first hand on multiple occasions from multiple idiot friends in the past who have attempted a cut and clearly have muscle dysmorhpia...

When I cut, I look forward to seeing those juicy fucking veins and that shredded look for a bit because I have a solid muscle base to start with and when my shirts gets smaller by veins gets juicer... I'm at that point where when I cut, I look bigger and better which I really don't think you need to cut unless your a fat mofo if you do start cutting and notice you really have no muscle base at all and it was just water, whilst understanding at the same time, which is key bro and I mean key if you are worried about size loss, that muscle is made up of water and you will probably feel and look flat while cutting then again you may shred up a lot of fat that was covering a lot of good muscle base and vasculairty, find out bro!, but stick through it no matter what, don't cave on day 3 lol!

...and also like to stay hydrated too, which I feel keeps my feeling full (appetite wise and obviously hydration is important in general).

I know you're running Tren, but something like NPP would be sick for cutting, Deca too but NPP+Mast would deffinitely be a wicked cutter not far off Tren... Joint lube, muscle fullness from the NPP (Nandro itself gives unique fullness I noticed whilst on a cut, it's Test and sodium that kinda make me personally look wierd on a cut, it sounds strange but yeah another stack for another day bro.
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I did not want to say what Duffer said but u do realize you ll go from one of the strongest guy s on here if not the planet to just really unusually uncannily strong as heck ?
My roid addiction was 2 fold as I d lose size then strength; not that your addicted!!!
A DICK well obviously.

Soldier and I could be blood as were similar in gain making body type etc...his Johnson is just 2 as big my lil pathetic pussy probing penetrator.

Lol....u just made me spit my morning cup o Joe out bro...damn!! Crazy f er.
Its funny my lady said I'll prolly look about like you(avi) in another 10 years....I had to laugh and told her I sure as shit hope so!! She sees the similarity.
Good morning ameriology! Ill respond later up at 0545 got my coffee, bronkaid and a couple fatburners i won at a competition months ago only using them cuz they contain caffeine. Heading to gym for cardio then gomma work hammies, quads and calves. If i still have anything in the tabk maybe touch up on the shoulders.

I cant say forsure yet but me knowing myself im a bit of a extremist especially if i put my intent in blast im more than likely to follow through. I dont want gaps in my game when i talk its always from experience and the only thing im really missing is showing i have the abbility to drop fat. Once i can say ive done it i can talk more shit when challenged lol i dont plan on staying lean i just wanna do it and curious how much strength i will actually lose because i am a big believer that with the right cocktails and hard work anything is possible
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