Congrats to you!!! The most important thing is that you're trying to do something about this... I wish you luck! It's not going to be easy, but nothing in life that is worth anything is easy!Ok well i guess this is my official intro.
For those of you who have not met me My name is Jusselin (Juh-suh-lin) Its a french Cajun name not a Iraq name lol. I have been big all my life and for what ever reasons i got up to 750 pounds. I ddnt care about life or where was going. Eventually i ran into some people who gave me some hope in life and showed me that there actually is a reason for living. They helped me shred down to a lean 612 pounds....lots of cardio and watching what i eat... I have been on a 2500 calorie diet for the last year and a half and i am really running into a wall here.
My quesion is can any one help me out with a keto diet or any other suggestions? I dont plan o staying on this for the rest of my life obviously...but i seriously need to shred off another 50-75 pounds and as quick as possible...I am a newly wed and have been providing via photography that i do but its not cutting it any more...I need more income and really need to go after a new job. I would feel so much more comfortable if i could move around a bit easier..
Any suggestions?
also cardio or workout routines would be a huge help as well
Thanks Welter, i was depressed but instead of eating i went and walked then went to the gym for some light back and bi's THEN i went to subway lol
Well finally got a letter in the mail from both Jobs I was waiting on....turns out that when you are a dumb fuck up as a kid then it effects the rest of your life...I had a few misdemeanors as a kid and now I suck as an adult...starting to feel like im just not supposed to make it in im just destined for repetitive failure.
Ouch Jusselin,
That sucks, unfortunately our past mistakes come back to hunt us sometimes... Don't let it bring you down ! When one door closes you have to force open another one![]()
What state are you in ? I ask because if you were not convicted for those misdemeanors and if they were all linked to the same case, you can apply for a record expunction, or to seal your record.
All states have different regulations I'm sure,
But in Florida you can apply for this one time,
it's basically a service through which certain criminal records can be expunged (removed from the records) or sealed (placed under highly restricted access).
When a criminal record is sealed, the public will not have access to it. Certain governmental or related entities would have access to it.
And when a record has been expunged, those entities which would have access to a sealed record will be informed that the subject of the record has had a record expunged, but would not have access to the record itself without a court order. All they would receive is a caveat statement indicating that "Criminal Information has been expunged from this Record".
There are some Disqualifying Charges for Expunction/Sealing, but check with your State Law enforcement...
You can file the application yourself or hire a lawyer to do this..
I used to work for a criminal attorney years a go & use to deal with these all the time.
I know this will not solve your problem now & won't make you get those jobs, but if you're able to do this you can have a second chance & you'll be able to get a good job in the future.. Hope this helps you some![]()
Hey Juss,
If you go with a lawyer in Texas you can expect to spend around $1,500.. I fyou do it your self, these are the steps to take:
You would need to go the DA's office & see if your case qualifies for expungement.. Go to the DA's office in the county were the arrest happened.. if it does qualify then follow these steps:
1.Get a copy of the court form "Petition to Clear Record" from the court clerk's office in the county where you were arrested. Also get a copy of the court form "Order to Clear Record." You may also find the forms online from a legal services organization, such as Texas Law Help. You will also need to submit a record of your fingerprints, so you should also ask the clerk the procedure used by the court for fingerprinting in expunction cases.
2.Prepare the Petition to Clear Record by filling in your identifying information in the appropriate blank spaces, including the information regarding your arrest that you want cleared. You will also have to list on the form all agencies that have a record of your arrest and check the box describing the basis for your petition. After completing the form, sign it in front of a notary. You should make several copies.
3.File your petition and fingerprints at the clerk's office in the county where you were arrested. Request that the clerk stamp the court filing information (case number and date) on several of the copies of the petition you made. Keep at least one copy for your records. Send one copy by certified mail, return receipt requested, to the district attorney's office. The court will notify you by mail of the hearing date for your petition.
4.Prepare for the hearing on your petition by filling in as much information as you can on the Order to Clear Record. You must take this form with you to the hearing so that the judge can complete the order after granting your petition. You should also bring to the hearing your proof of mailing the petition to the district attorney's office, in case there is any question that it was done.
5.Attend the hearing on your petition, which is mandatory in order to have your petition granted.
In Texas this is handled through the District Clerk's office.
The price is $227.00 for an expungement/ Seal.
Jusse that sucks man, the expungement records... depends on how long ago the offence was. I know Wisconsin is a bitch for getting them removed, but I've had it done, EVEN THO it costed me a few pennies. What are we looking at? Email me on here