Back then, I was working the swing shift (5:30 p.m.-2 a.m.) at my job. Sometime around 3:30, I usually turned in for bed, while listening to my stereo to put me to sleep. The Howard Stern Show always came on by 3 so I'd eventually drift off to it. By the time I wake up, his replay is playing. But on that day, it was different.
As usual, I had gone to bed at about 3:30 and went fast to sleep. Somewhere around 7 or so, I turned around in bed and while still sleep, I could hear the stereo. One of the guys on the show, Stuttering John Manandez, told Howard, "THE TOWERS ARE GONE." I chuckled thinking that it was some kind of comedy sketch. But I heard Howard say, "FACE IT, WE'RE AT WAR NOW. WE'RE BEING ATTACKED ON OUR OWN LAND." Realizing that it was not a comedy sketch, I quickly got out of bed to hear more of it. Then turned on the t.v. to see what I can hear on the news. I saw the twin towers fall on the news and was still in disbelief. So then I called my brother and asked WTF was happening. Then he told me exactly what Howard Stern said, "WE'VE BEEN ATTACKED."