A heartfelt thanks to the kickass members and staff of Steroidology!


New member
This morning I recieved 2 hefty packages filled to the brim with supplements.....and I cant even express how emotional I got when i opened them... *not to mention the effort it took to deadlift them from my porch...it was around 100lbs worth of stuff and im just plain weak*

Most of you people have never met me and yet are more then willing to offer your help and support when it is needed. That to me is simply incredible and awe inspiring. So from the bottom of my heart I would like to thank each and everyone, especially the moderators and admins of this great board.


you have no idea what this means to me :eek:
All of the staff wanted to do something for you Natty and it was Nicole that came up with the idea of getting you a bunch of supps to help get your recovery going. Your a great member of our board and your going through something that 99.9% of us will never have to go through.

Hope everything goes well. Stay strong and take care.

BiggieSwolls said:
All of the staff wanted to do something for you Natty and it was Nicole that came up with the idea of getting you a bunch of supps to help get your recovery going. Your a great member of our board and your going through something that 99.9% of us will never have to go through.

That is so cool of you guys!

Damn, I must say thats cool as hell and Ive been lurking and following your situation Natty, glad to see you're recovering and may all those goodies help! :D
Wow, another reason this board is the best.

Take care, and I hope they help put some weight back on.
natty thats awesome , biggie , and the rest of the mod squad you have my utmost respect and admiration for your generous gift to natty , i dont give out respect lightly so take this as a compliment , ps natty start eatin and get your ass in gear its time to get healthy:D
As I said on the PM, it's a pleasure.
And also, I thought this would be a good way to suck up to Nicole (I've seen her ass shot on the pix forum!) ;-)
Be well, young bro!
Natty dont let these guys fool you-- I got back from my vacation and they had it all planned.. I simply shipped the goods hunny!!!

They are all way to generous... makes me feel so glad to be part of this team!

buffdoc- hahhahahaa! I may have to make you an avatar too!! ;)
thats a pretty amazing thing you guys did,something you dont see enough of these days.much respect.
Natty dude,put the supps to use and get to it bro!!!!!!!
