A new pic of moi...


New member

During my shoulder workout...nice and recent this one...I posted another over a year ago. In fact...its my avatar! <<<

Think im probably in a little better shape..bit thicker.

Ive only done the one cycle at the start of 2004, 10 weeks deca dbol. Im in better shape now natural I think.

Click the thumbnail for larger image.
Good build I bet the women love it. Yeah, when taking dbol for bulking most people tend to eat less strict and get bloated and or fat...then they get off and diet hard keep strength up and end up looking better than they did on. That's my experience anyway. Keep up the good work!
jul said:
Delts look great! What's your shoulder routine look like???

Thanks, I think I must genetically gifted in that area.

At the moment It's (work sets)

3 x Seated DB press
3 x Seated side lateral raises (I go heavy on these)
3 x bent over cable laterals

Vary it slightly, usually on the pressing movement
You look great mate, im also from england, where abouts you from man

Im hertfordshire north london (outskirts)

PM me your msn! lol