I am banned!
You don't look fat to me, you look strong and built, like a Ford truck. Yes we have different goals and that's cool man.
You and i have different goals bro it helps me lift heavy adding any amount of weight on my frame. But when people call me fat its funny because when you tell someone somebodys fat a image of my body doesnt come to anyones mind lol
you are free to belive everything you wan't now AND tuhreday. i gave you my word, i will keep it. AT my conditions, since as i said i'm a perfectinosit and do NOT post works fucking UNFINISHED. would you ask a writer to publish his book uncomplete? or a painter his paintings unfinished? for my my body is ART. is like sculpting from stone the perfect David. hence is finisyed when it's finished. and i will post my pics not A SECOND EARLIER.
PLUS this is also valid ONLY for this cycle, my true end goal i will reach probably last year. but i will not ask to wait that long, this thursday will do. Gainjin also asked me or pics last week in one of my topics, and i said to him TOO i would post at the end of the cycle for the very same reason. it's there you can go look at it.
Completely disregard everything else i pointed out.... Sorry man i put my time in here and im cool with alot of people i always am honest about everything you are not gonna get anyone to turn on me
you are free to belive everything you wan't now AND tuhreday. i gave you my word, i will keep it. AT my conditions, since as i said i'm a perfectinosit and do NOT post works fucking UNFINISHED. would you ask a writer to publish his book uncomplete? or a painter his paintings unfinished? for my my body is ART. is like sculpting from stone the perfect David. hence is finisyed when it's finished. and i will post my pics not A SECOND EARLIER.
PLUS this is also valid ONLY for this cycle, my true end goal i will reach probably last year. but i will not ask to wait that long, this thursday will do. Gainjin also asked me or pics last week in one of my topics, and i said to him TOO i would post at the end of the cycle for the very same reason. it's there you can go look at it.
Off topic but is bodybuilding popular in Italy ??
Lame sorry not that it matters but a few days just soumds fishy wtf are you gonna change in 5 days? You get no credit like i said that gives you time to be dishonest and post your ghey friends pic. You said im fat no definition should be a easy win rigbt? I dont even care if you look better bit something tells me you dont..... Like i said if you wanna talk shit make it fair everyone knows what i look like i cant dispute with a faceless key board warrior
you knowq what's the problem with your attitude? the fact that first you tell you do this thing only for youself, THAN the moment the other therealkozmo told you he does not share you wievs you first biated him, than called him gay, than roush told you the same thing, and you baited him too, than made him look like a coward becouse he didn't immediatly replyed to your comment, than you attacked me too even if i kindly pointed out to you were we all are coming from.
YOU care the most about what people think about you, and alsways YOU are the insecure one. if not you would not leash at averyone like this the moment they don't share exactly your wiev of this sport. get people to turn on you? me? ahahah you already did a good chunk of that yourself, trust me.
i don't get to change exactly NOTHING that is MY point. it's a matter of different mind sets. i AM NOT FINISHED here i donot relese incomplete stuff i'ts a matter of principle. again you are 100% free top belive everything you wan't and also disregard my pic when i will pot it, i still would have kept my word, wich at this point is the only thing that matters
I am 100% guilty i love seeing a big meltdown lol^^
I lash out at people that talk without experience i poor my heart into what i do i bleed and ache for what i do. I endure side effects i experiment i post bloodwork for you the audience and it gets looked at like "oh your immune" "oh its genetics" fuck that if something is toxic its toxic to any human. So no i dont lash out at everyone i try to point out where they are wrong and if they wanna dispute fine with me my job there is alot of free time to go at it lol
what does tha even mean ?
that is all fine and good, but does not give you any right to call people names around, that is just a shitty and arrogant attitude. you heart mighht even be in the right place but you have no manners nor rsepct for other peoples, wich is way more key board warriorish than yuo might like
I bet your blood pressure is through the roof obviously ive had a tremendous effect on you lol thats crazy that a fat dude gets that much attention
Names? Ghey i put a H in their just so you wouldnt get offended well thx for letrimg me know you are homosexual i apologize i just assumed everyone here was straight
Well this has been fun with my morning coffee haha.
i am not gay. and that is far from the only thing you did. even "average" can be seen as an insult in the context you have put it. implying someone is a coward like you idd with roush, is insulting too. also a number of other things and YOU KNOW THIS. you are just playing dumb at this point.
Grow a pair bro this is a forum full of guys on test and fishoil