Adrol pre workout only has effect on strength??


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So a guy I talk to at the gym swears he uses 1 50mg anadrol for his pre work only. He is taking TRT also. I told him that it really shouldnt have much effect because he is not taking it to saturation level. With a 9 hr half life he should be dropping 2 a day and even on non workout days. But he swears by it and says he feels stronger and gets good pumps and is a little bigger. Mind you that he is continually doing this. For about a year and a half he said.

So am I right here?
Thats the same way i take d-bol and gets amazing pumps in the gym . When u take it evenly throughout the day your levels stay more stable . When u take it preworkout , it peaks in your system giving that high spike . Id say its realy a personal preference thing . i like it preworkout as well
this past time ive run it ive used it at 25mg everyday preworkout . in previous cycles . 40mg and 50mg preworkout . and this is with maybe 3-4 cycles spread out within the year to year and a half .
I'd like to know what his liver looks like. Sure, there will be a reallllllllllly slow climb to saturation as it takes roughly 4 terminal half-lives to reach zero concentration. I just can't imagine taking drol that long... :Puke:
The guy I talked to is taking Anadrol! He works out 4 times a wk. I asked if his bloodwork looks good and he said yes. I have no desire to do this, just curious about side effects and what not. For me a double shot of espresso is a good pre workout!
When I look it up on its 9 hr half life and 16 hr active time. I guess your thinking of the active time
So a guy I talk to at the gym swears he uses 1 50mg anadrol for his pre work only. He is taking TRT also. I told him that it really shouldnt have much effect because he is not taking it to saturation level. With a 9 hr half life he should be dropping 2 a day and even on non workout days. But he swears by it and says he feels stronger and gets good pumps and is a little bigger. Mind you that he is continually doing this. For about a year and a half he said.

So am I right here?

I've heard of it done the way the guy does it both ways work from what I've heard
The guy I talked to is taking Anadrol! He works out 4 times a wk. I asked if his bloodwork looks good and he said yes. I have no desire to do this, just curious about side effects and what not. For me a double shot of espresso is a good pre workout!

Blood test:

[U]Test Performed[/U]                [U]Value[/U]              [U]Range[/U]
Testosterone (Total):        794ng/dl           298-1132ng/dl
Estradiol                     33pg/ml          < 56pg/ml

If his labs looked like most guys that get them from their docs (see above), of course he'd think they're great. Taking an adrol every day for a year would be like taking tylenol in the same fashion - which we KNOW can and will cause cirrhosis. I just don't see the point to be honest. If you're going to use AAS, use it to grow/cut - not some Mickey Mouse horseshit while on maintenance. Just seems like a waste of money and time to me. :p