So I'm a newbie and I've been hanging out on a couple forums such as steroidology. My question/concern is why is all the advice just canned prescription recipes for ancillaries on cycle and PCT?
It's like the exact same AI protocol and PCT protocols are always given not factoring in if I'm 185lbs or 250lbs or if I'm injecting 500mg a week or 1000mg a week, if I'm stacking 5 steroids versus, 1, etc. Is there anywhere to go to punch in stats and get more personalized prescriptions? Or is the only way to do this by finding a doctor who is cool with using PED's and do labs?
To me it just seems like there would be more or better info available about how to personalize your ancillary use (i.e. AI's and PCT drugs, etc.). . It's like every veteran bodybuilder wants to respond to everyone of my questions with the exact same prescriptions that are posted all over the internet and I just can't see how that can be right for everyone.
Also, a lot of the veterans on all the forums seem to be bodybuilder types. So it's also hard to find advice from other performance enhancing athletes.
ai and PCT dose wont vary much and of you are 200lb or 250lb wont have much diff in PCT or AI use, its more the compounds you are using. higher bf% is a no no for cycling though.
but anways besides that abig majority of people just repeat what they have been told and/or do preach what they have done and dont look at any other more possibly optimal ways of doing thins. like letro fro gyno removal which i DONT agree with and have many valid reasons as to why a SERM is better, yet i see it posted over and over again (not soo much here but other places).
but you get a guy that used letro for gyno and it did shrink, well now hes only going to preach that most times. but a SERM would have done the same thing and left you from crashing your estrogen levels to nothing. sometimes its not just about what will or wont work. sometimes there are a few things that will "work" but it doesnt make them the optimal way of going about it.
for AI.s and PCT the standard known to work are pretty much the same, that have been proven to work. so you will see pretty much the same PCT and AI use around the forums. id be more concerned with what you are taking vs. how much lbs you got.