amvdub's journey to meathead.......


russian crusher
Whats up fellas, I really wasn't planning on making a log, but there isn't a whole lot of guys on here with my body type ( short and chunky) haha. So I decided to start one. I know there are probably other dudes in my weight class and some others that might be interested in my progressions.

I'm running;

wk 1-12 Test E @ 500mg/wk split in 2x 250mg/wk (Axi0)

wk 1-4 Dbol @ 40mg/ed (maybe 50mg) (Syntrop)

wk 15-18 Clomid and Nolva @ 100/50/50/25 and 40/20/20/10
(depending on gyno issues on cycle, it doesn't effect me as bad as others.)

My stats are;

age: 28

Height: 5'9"

Weight: 176 (as of today)

Bf %: 10.8% (according to the handheld digital reader at my gym)

I've been lifting on and off for about 9 years and took it really serious the past 2 years, ( 4-5 days a week). I'll be logging my progress weekly I think, not sure. I really hope to put on some more mass these next few months, my goal is to hit about 200 and in the spring run a cut stack and be a single digits bf% at about 190-195lbs.
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Whats up fellas, I really wasn't planning on making a log, but there isn't a whole lot of guys on here with my body type ( short and chunky) haha. So I decided to start one. I know there are probably other dudes in my weight class and some others that might be interested in my progressions.

I'm running;

wk 1-12 Test E @ 500mg/wk split in 2x 250mg/wk (Axi0)

wk 1-4 Dbol @ 40mg/ed (maybe 50mg) (Syntrop)

wk 15-18 Clomid and Nolva @ 100/50/50/25 and 40/20/20/10
(depending on gyno issues on cycle, it doesn't effect me as bad as others.)

My stats are;

age: 28

Height: 5'9"

Weight: 176 (as of today)

Bf %: 10.8% (according to the handheld digital reader at my gym)

I've been lifting on and off for about 9 years and took it really serious the past 2 years, ( 4-5 days a week). I'll be logging my progress weekly I think, not sure. I really hope to put on some more mass these next few months, my goal is to hit about 200 and in the spring run a cut stack and be a single digits bf% at about 190-195lbs.

Yeah I aint chunky but same height as you and am currently on cycle.. Glad you made a log, cause I plan to do more cycles, an most of the cats on here are fucking 6 10 245 lol<<<< no offense, its just obviuos god likes some more than others...lmao I look forward to seeing your progress bro...
I have some moderatly bad news to share wiu you bro. I'm also curently running some of our previous sponsors test e 250 and so far I'm pretty unimpressed. I'm about 25 days in and the effects I'm getting are pretty minor. I really hope I'm wrong and that it's just going to take a little bit longer for these esters to kick in. I'd love for you to follow my log which will help you to better know how long you will need to wait for your test to kick in
Found the log bro, so when does the cycle start or has it already?...also I got that handheld bf % thing at my gym as well is that very accurate?
In short you dont look like 10 percent bro im at 10, no offense, probably not. Unless the trainer at your local gym has logged hundreds of hours using skinfold calipers and was TRAINED PROPERLY, you likely got a bad job there, as well. Accurate calipers cost hundreds of $$. Skinfold measurements must be taken sequentially from 3-4 spots (subscapular (under the shoulder blade), back of the arm, just above the hip bone and back of the leg (hamstring area) are good spots) and non-repetitively, meaning if you take 2 back to back measurements from the same spot, the fat can compress and give an inaccurate measurement the second time.underwater weighing (hydrodensitometry). Go the a local state U and they will likely have studies going on where you can get these things done for free. Hand-held and floor bioelectrical impedance machines are bologna. They can give you a consistent measurement but usually not an ACCURATE measurement. This method can be accurate if performed by a qualified exercise specialist or physiologist. When done properly, you are hooked up to various leads, kind of like an EKG, for more accuracy. There are also a host of prerequisites for the impedance test (urinating within 30 minutes of test, no diuretics, not during menstration for women, no caffeine for 24-48 hours,etc.). Bod Pods and DEXA scans also produce results nearly as accurate as underwater but can be expensive and they are hard to find. Just use the old fashioned method. If your clothes are fitting better, you are losing bodyfat. Sorry for being so technical. Take it easy.
Ill be following, good luck brah!

what are your current lifts and measurements?

I've only measured my bi's so far, there at 16.25"

For my lifts

Flat bench: 225 5 reps (after two warm up sets of 8-10 @ 135) this is the excersise I fear most, I've had rotator cuff injuries before and am afraid of lifting too heavy.

Incline bench: 225 2 reps (after two warm up sets of 8-10 @ 135)

Military db shoulder press: 85's 6-7 reps (after two sets of 8 @ 55's then 75's)

bb preacher curls: 135 10 reps (after two warm up sets of 10 @ 75 then 95)

Romanian Deadlifts: 335 4 times (after two warm up sets of 5 @ 135 then 225) 4th set 225 5 reps, 5th set 135 5 reps.

Shrugs on Smith machine: 465 10 times (first two sets of 10 @225 forward and backwards shrugs w/straps) 4th and 5th set @ 225 of 10 forward and back. 465 is my max, I dont do it that often, makes me feel like my nuts are about to pop into my stomach haha.

squats: I usually do those after deads so I only do 185 10 reps 3sets

these are my main excersises. I do 3 different movements per muscle group. 2 muscle groups max per day. not including calves or forearms.

I have some moderatly bad news to share wiu you bro. I'm also curently running some of our previous sponsors test e 250 and so far I'm pretty unimpressed. I'm about 25 days in and the effects I'm getting are pretty minor. I really hope I'm wrong and that it's just going to take a little bit longer for these esters to kick in. I'd love for you to follow my log which will help you to better know how long you will need to wait for your test to kick in

That sucks bro, it usually takes four weeks for it to kick in so I think you should start feeling it real soon. I'm not really worried about it though, I know there customer service is great and if there's a possibility of gear being underdosed they will work with you to make you happy.

Found the log bro, so when does the cycle start or has it already?...also I got that handheld bf % thing at my gym as well is that very accurate?

I just started Monday, today is my 2nd pin. Starting to feel that D's kicking in can't wait for todays workout, got legs.

As for the handheld machine, I don't think its that accurate. It gave me a reading at 10.8% they say its off by about 1-2% give or take.
In short you dont look like 10 percent bro im at 10, no offense, probably not. Unless the trainer at your local gym has logged hundreds of hours using skinfold calipers and was TRAINED PROPERLY, you likely got a bad job there, as well. Accurate calipers cost hundreds of $$. Skinfold measurements must be taken sequentially from 3-4 spots (subscapular (under the shoulder blade), back of the arm, just above the hip bone and back of the leg (hamstring area) are good spots) and non-repetitively, meaning if you take 2 back to back measurements from the same spot, the fat can compress and give an inaccurate measurement the second time.underwater weighing (hydrodensitometry). Go the a local state U and they will likely have studies going on where you can get these things done for free. Hand-held and floor bioelectrical impedance machines are bologna. They can give you a consistent measurement but usually not an ACCURATE measurement. This method can be accurate if performed by a qualified exercise specialist or physiologist. When done properly, you are hooked up to various leads, kind of like an EKG, for more accuracy. There are also a host of prerequisites for the impedance test (urinating within 30 minutes of test, no diuretics, not during menstration for women, no caffeine for 24-48 hours,etc.). Bod Pods and DEXA scans also produce results nearly as accurate as underwater but can be expensive and they are hard to find. Just use the old fashioned method. If your clothes are fitting better, you are losing bodyfat. Sorry for being so technical. Take it easy.

I know man, all we have is that handheld so thats what I go by. I've seen those metal pinch test thingies some years ago, I don't know if anyone still uses those anymore. Ya, I hate that damn adipose tissue bro, it seems to accumulate there more than any where else. I'm really gonna bust ass after this bulk cycle and shred the fuck up for spring. I'm thinking something along the lines of Sust, EQ, and Var for spring.
thanks guys, 2nd pin last night was smooth and painless, weired though, I was getting ready to go to bed and decided to log on and see what you bastards were talking about and got all worked up and shit felt like hitting the gym or running a mile or something haha, prolly just the dbol or "just pinned" psycological head thing.

btw, leg workout yesterday kicked ass, I was tired as shit from working all day, but still managed to put up an extra 20lbs on my deads. I was sweat'n and grunting like a motherfucker lol.
loading up 3rd pin tonight, gotta say, lovin that dbol so far. Bumped it up to 50mg ed, don't really feel any different during the day, but in the gym I'm a damn beast. I was doing shoulders/delts today and felt awesome. I was able to put up 85's db's by myself on military presses, thought I was gonna shit myself then and there (damn protein shake) did 6 reps after two warm up sets of 60's then 70's 10 reps each. Didn't really try to much weight on traps , but got a sweet workout doing reverse grip shrugs on smith machine, and a burn up from hell with some kettle bells. Once again, sweatt'n like a bitch. I love it. can't wait for that test to kick in!
yeah i get that feeling when i get on the threads too and I'm not even on cycle yet. How's the dbol now that you increased it I heard better pumps in the gym any excess back pump or anything?
^^^Yeah the pump is great bro. I was doing chest and tri's yesterday, best workout I've had so far. I seen a buddy at the gym for the first time in years, I think that added fuel to my workout, showin him up and all, lol, but it seemed like I didn't need to rest that much between sets and my pumps were crazy. People were def looking, I'm only at the end of week two, but def noticing some water swell during my workout. I love it. makes me look bigger and lift heavier. I know signs of overtraining, but normally I'm at the gym about 1.5hrs. I was there yesterday for 2 and was still gtg other than my chest and tri's feelin like they were gonna explode. Fuckin awesome feeling. Also noticing small strength gains. I haven't really put on too much extra weight, but I can def put it up 2-3 more reps and thats after pyramiding up and doing an extra set before going heaviest. Definately enjoying that Dbol right now. planning on keeping it at 50mg for the next 2 weeks.
yeah thats what i been hearing hard to leave the gym i'm gona start my thread the 4th all my shit's in ...i love when i workout with old buddies i feel like the man pushin more when they used to kill me n the gym ...keep up the good's the diet bro you eating clean waht your meals look like ed
my bad......fell way behind on bills and got my cable/internet shut off for a little while, still lifting hard though.

I'm in week 5 now, stopped taking the Dbol yesterday. I'm up 10 lbs in weight (water I think ) and seeing some sick strength gains. I just started feeling the test about 3 days ago. It is badass, the Dbol was cool but the test is fucking awesome! I feel stronger and am lifting 10-15 more lbs on DB excersises and about 20-30 lbs heavier on machines. But best of all I love the way I look mid workout SWOLE as fuck! I know its just water, but man its great.
Also, starting to see signs of gyno. Got sore nips and a small lump under my left nip. I'm thinking maybe from higher dose of Dbol? no biggy though gettin that under control. just dont want to drop estrogen levels too low or loose too much water. I want to get the most out of this cycle possible. I know that probably sounds newbish, but I will adjust dosage (AI) as needed till gyno is gone.
As for sex drive, not only am I horny as shit all the time but my cock even hurts from the intensity of the erections lol..... Is this bad?....Haha
I'm also seeing a little hair loss, nothing major just a few hairs on my shoulders when I wear black. I got some "Nisim" a DHT blocking shampoo. I'll try that out and see how well that works.
No backney yet, hopefully I wont see any either.

My Diet hasn't been perfect, but I dont eat sweets, drink soda, or eat any fast or processed foods. I just cant stand all that whole grain shit. So, white rice, regular pasta, with meats like beef, chicken, and cheap tuna on rye bread. I also have about 2-3 protein shakes a day. (2 only skim milk and protein, and 1 skim milk, peanut butter, oatmeal, protein powder, and a banana.)