Anavar Kick in time.

He already is running an AAS with it.

Either way I dont think it's needed - AAS during a cutting cycle is meant to hold onto lean muscle during intense dieting or if he's taking something like T3 - With Test and Clen already in the mix there's no need for AAS to preventing muscle wasting. If you want to finish taking your Var go ahead, it prolly wont hurt, but I dont see it really helping.
I changed the subject of the statement half way through, sorry if thats confusing for anyone....sorry, long day :)
I agree, I ran a low dose of var(50mg) during my last cycle, and i must say......for the money, there are better products out there.

This is true - "until" - you stack it with Dbol.

This is when the real synergy of the two kick in.

I will be stacking both of these again very soon - the size an strength I've seen from the two work great together. :)