Anavar powder


New member
Who here has made anavar capsules? Do you simply put 5-40mgs in a capsule and down them?
How many ml's of everclear? Mild because of the powder or mild because it's anavar?
If you know a good article on how to make it I would like to see it. I have searched 5 boards and couldn't find anything on it. You would think due to the big savings on powder tha everyone would be making Var.
anavar is a mild steroid. there ar emuch better ones avaiable at a lot less cost. but if you do make it 5g powder added to 95ml everclear will yield 100ml solution at 50mg/ml. may be off a ml one way or the other. you gonna need at least a 100mg per day to get much. winy is a better hormone and cheaper.
pullinbig said:
you gonna need at least a 100mg per day to get much. winy is a better hormone and cheaper.

at least 100mg/ get much.......are you serious ?? I don't know many, if any that use that kind of dose. This is just a little over the top !!

.....and Winstrol (winny) being a better choice, that is gonna be very, very debatable. I guess if you don't care about your lipid profile, joint pain, and such.
you guys need to do some research. 100mg/d of anavar is not a high dose. 50mg aint gonna do me on this onme cause i have done it. nt what someone else said or i read some where but real life data.

im on 100mg/d Winstrol (winny) and have been for 6 months and the sides you mention are nonexistant.

you guys post you data and ill be glad to look at it. but the data i have read is conflicting to what you say. have either one of you done 100mg anavar/d or 100mg winny/d? doesnt sound like it to me. next you be telling me that 3g/week of test is bad for you. or 10iu of gh a day is too much. or that staying on year around is bad for you.

anavar is a week steroid at best. unless it is stacked with heavy andros it aint gonna do much. it was developed for woman and children. that in itsef shoud tell you something.

winny on the other hand is what ben johnson was on. the guy was a a feak. of all the stacks i have done test/tren and Winstrol (winny) is hard to beat. i still got a bunch of oxandrolone but it aint worth the trouble to me.
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pullinbig said:
you guys need to do some research. 100mg/d of anavar is not a high dose. 50mg aint gonna do me on this onme cause i have done it. nt what someone else said or i read some where but real life data.

im on 100mg/d Winstrol (winny) and have been for 6 months and the sides you mention are nonexistant.

you guys post you data and ill be glad to look at it. but the data i have read is conflicting to what you say. have either one of you done 100mg anavar/d or 100mg winny/d? doesnt sound like it to me. next you be telling me that 3g/week of test is bad for you. or 10iu of gh a day is too much. or that staying on year around is bad for you.

Yeah, well maybe that all works for you, but please don't be sounding like any of what you mentioned is normal. Not sure if you've noticed this or not, but there are tons of guys looking for advice and guidance here, and what you're saying is not the message I believe we want to convey to them. It is donwright dangerous !!
pullinbig said:

im on 100mg/d Winstrol (winny) and have been for 6 months and the sides you mention are nonexistant.

I'd sure like to see your lipid profile, the only thing non-existant is gonna be your HDL.
you guys wanna eat 50mg anavar a day and do 400mg test /week go ahead. its your money to waste. i compete against the best in the world and i know what we take. i havent heard of anyone having any serious problems. you the one giving BS advise not me. hit the books before posting nonsesnce, please. if you dont pocess the knwledge to to do a cycle correctly then thats your fault. i will not back down on the truth.

one more thing the AMA just admitted they dont know what part cholesterol plays in heart disease. so you argument is out the window already. but if it makes you feel better my total cholesterol was 180 a year ago. with a 3:1 (hdl to ldl) ratio. not bad considering i been on for two years now.

herbert spenser once said that "contempt prior to investigation will never fail to keep a man in everlasting ignorance".
pullinbig said:
you guys wanna eat 50mg anavar a day and do 400mg test /week go ahead. its your money to waste. i compete against the best in the world and i know what we take. i havent heard of anyone having any serious problems. you the one giving BS advise not me. hit the books before posting nonsesnce, please. if you dont pocess the knwledge to to do a cycle correctly then thats your fault. i will not back down on the truth.

one more thing the AMA just admitted they dont know what part cholesterol plays in heart disease. so you argument is out the window already. but if it makes you feel better my total cholesterol was 180 a year ago. with a 3:1 (hdl to ldl) ratio. not bad considering i been on for two years now.

herbert spenser once said that "contempt prior to investigation will never fail to keep a man in everlasting ignorance".

Ok.........LOL !!
oh no you not getting off that easy o graet and merciful one. lolololol

What about cholesterol?

And what about cholesterol? Here, too, the public has been misinformed. Our blood vessels can become damaged in a number of ways—through irritations caused by free radicals or viruses, or because they are structurally weak—and when this happens, the body's natural healing substance steps in to repair the damage. That substance is cholesterol. Cholesterol is a high-molecular-weight alcohol that is manufactured in the liver and in most human cells. Like saturated fats, the cholesterol we make and consume plays many vital roles:

* Along with saturated fats, cholesterol in the cell membrane gives our cells necessary stiffness and stability. When the diet contains an excess of polyunsaturated fatty acids, these replace saturated fatty acids in the cell membrane, so that the cell walls actually become flabby. When this happens, cholesterol from the blood is "driven" into the tissues to give them structural integrity. This is why serum cholesterol levels may go down temporarily when we replace saturated fats with polyunsaturated oils in the diet.46

* Cholesterol acts as a precursor to vital corticosteroids, hormones that help us deal with stress and protect the body against heart disease and cancer; and to the sex hormones like androgen, testosterone, estrogen and progesterone.

* Cholesterol is a precursor to vitamin D, a very important fat-soluble vitamin needed for healthy bones and nervous system, proper growth, mineral metabolism, muscle tone, insulin production, reproduction and immune system function.

* The bile salts are made from cholesterol. Bile is vital for digestion and assimilation of fats in the diet.

* Recent research shows that cholesterol acts as an antioxidant.47 This is the likely explanation for the fact that cholesterol levels go up with age. As an antioxidant, cholesterol protects us against free radical damage that leads to heart disease and cancer.

* Cholesterol is needed for proper function of serotonin receptors in the brain.48 Serotonin is the body's natural "feel-good" chemical. Low cholesterol levels have been linked to aggressive and violent behavior, depression and suicidal tendencies.

* Mother's milk is especially rich in cholesterol and contains a special enzyme that helps the baby utilize this nutrient. Babies and children need cholesterol-rich foods throughout their growing years to ensure proper development of the brain and nervous system.

* Dietary cholesterol plays an important role in maintaining the health of the intestinal wall.49 This is why low-cholesterol vegetarian diets can lead to leaky gut syndrome and other intestinal disorders.

Cholesterol is not the cause of heart disease but rather a potent antioxidant weapon against free radicals in the blood, and a repair substance that helps heal arterial damage (although the arterial plaques themselves contain very little cholesterol.) However, like fats, cholesterol may be damaged by exposure to heat and oxygen. This damaged or oxidized cholesterol seems to promote both injury to the arterial cells as well as a pathological buildup of plaque in the arteries.50 Damaged cholesterol is found in powdered eggs, in powdered milk (added to reduced-fat milks to give them body) and in meats and fats that have been heated to high temperatures in frying and other high-temperature processes.

High serum cholesterol levels often indicate that the body needs cholesterol to protect itself from high levels of altered, free-radical-containing fats. Just as a large police force is needed in a locality where crime occurs frequently, so cholesterol is needed in a poorly nourished body to protect the individual from a tendency to heart disease and cancer. Blaming coronary heart disease on cholesterol is like blaming the police for murder and theft in a high crime area.

Poor thyroid function (hypothyroidism) will often result in high cholesterol levels. When thyroid function is poor, usually due to a diet high in sugar and low in usable iodine, fat-soluble vitamins and other nutrients, the body floods the blood with cholesterol as an adaptive and protective mechanism, providing a superabundance of materials needed to heal tissues and produce protective steroids. Hypothyroid individuals are particularly susceptible to infections, heart disease and cancer.51
The cause and treatment of heart disease

The cause of heart disease is not animal fats and cholesterol but rather a number of factors inherent in modern diets, including excess consumption of vegetables oils and hydrogenated fats; excess consumption of refined carbohydrates in the form of sugar and white flour; mineral deficiencies, particularly low levels of protective magnesium and iodine; deficiencies of vitamins, particularly of vitamin C, needed for the integrity of the blood vessel walls, and of antioxidants like selenium and vitamin E, which protect us from free radicals; and, finally, the disappearance of antimicrobial fats from the food supply, namely, animal fats and tropical oils.52 These once protected us against the kinds of viruses and bacteria that have been associated with the onset of pathogenic plaque leading to heart disease.

While serum cholesterol levels provide an inaccurate indication of future heart disease, a high level of a substance called homocysteine in the blood has been positively correlated with pathological buildup of plaque in the arteries and the tendency to form clots—a deadly combination. Folic acid, vitamin B6, vitamin B12 and choline are nutrients that lower serum homocysteine levels.53 These nutrients are found mostly in animal foods.

The best way to treat heart disease, then, is not to focus on lowering cholesterol—either by drugs or diet—but to consume a diet that provides animal foods rich in vitamins B6 and B12; to bolster thyroid function by daily use of natural sea salt, a good source of usable iodine; to avoid vitamin and mineral deficiencies that make the artery walls more prone to ruptures and the buildup of plaque; to include the antimicrobial fats in the diet; and to eliminate processed foods containing refined carbohydrates, oxidized cholesterol and free-radical-containing vegetable oils that cause the body to need constant repair.
ere are the facts! Click on the blue arrows if you want the scientific evidence!

1 Cholesterol is not a deadly poison, but a substance vital to the cells of all mammals. There are no such things as good or bad cholesterol, but mental stress, physical activity and change of body weight may influence the level of blood cholesterol. A high cholesterol is not dangerous by itself, but may reflect an unhealthy condition, or it may be totally innocent.

2 A high blood cholesterol is said to promote atherosclerosis and thus also coronary heart disease. But many studies have shown that people whose blood cholesterol is low become just as atherosclerotic as people whose cholesterol is high.

3 Your body produces three to four times more cholesterol than you eat. The production of cholesterol increases when you eat little cholesterol and decreases when you eat much. This explains why the ”prudent” diet cannot lower cholesterol more than on average a few per cent.

4 There is no evidence that too much animal fat and cholesterol in the diet promotes atherosclerosis or heart attacks. For instance, more than twenty studies have shown that people who have had a heart attack haven't eaten more fat of any kind than other people, and degree of atherosclerosis at autopsy is unrelated with the diet.

5 The only effective way to lower cholesterol is with drugs, but neither heart mortality or total mortality have been improved with drugs the effect of which is cholesterol-lowering only. On the contrary, these drugs are dangerous to your health and may shorten your life.

6 The new cholesterol-lowering drugs, the statins, do prevent cardio-vascular disease, but this is due to other mechanisms than cholesterol-lowering. Unfortunately, they also stimulate cancer in rodents.

7 Many of these facts have been presented in scientific journals and books for decades but are rarely told to the public by the proponents of the diet-heart idea.

8 The reason why laymen, doctors and most scientists have been misled is because opposing and disagreeing results are systematically ignored or misquoted in the scientific press.
so in closing lipid levels are useless.

i just proved the low incidense of liver damage from 17aa's last night. I have never known anyone to suffer permant damage to the liver from prolonged use of 17aa's. No one! and even if you counts are high milk thistle and ALA will bring um back down.

we have much to learn my little cubbies.
I think 50mgs of Var alone won't do too much but with 50mgs and some test I beleive it would work very well for anyone. This is the first I have ever heard anyone say to take 100mgs, I haven't even heard this amount from powerlifters.
pullinbig said:
you guys wanna eat 50mg anavar a day and do 400mg test /week go ahead. its your money to waste. i compete against the best in the world and i know what we take....
Damn your right bro, I just wasted a hundred dollars gaining 30 lbs a few months back. I know I speak for many when I say that those doses are great for the recreational bodybuilder. Most of use do not compete against the best in the world...not to mention the best powerlifters in the world. You guys are absolutely huge, and I can see you dudes doing a few grams a week of test and all that good stuff but cmon, moderate doses arent a waste bro, they're just not what you choose to do.
I dont even advocate doing juice to guys who ask me. you. you can gain thirty ponds drug free. i see it all the time.with proper nutrition, reast and a god workouit program i have see people put on 60lbs in one year.

ifit how many powerlufters you know? i dont know any powerlifters that take var other than woman, why cause it is so mild.

if you wanna do moderate doses have at it.

you guys post some data, clinical studies and i'll read them. so far all i hear is opinions and what someones budy told a friend of mine. all boards are for education so that lifters can make wise choices and get the most for thier dollar.

everyone thinks these drugs we talk about are some magical potion that youy just take and you get big. it dont work like that. if nutrition and liftingarent in place you aint gonna get anything off of them cept maybe hornie as hell.

and dougie what kinda hormone you do that put 30lbs on you in a couple months that only cost 100 bucks for the entire cycle? what do you consider moderate?

moderate doses are that, moderate doses. why bother? you gona get the same gains or close naturally.

as far as stone cold goes how in the hell did you get to be a mod posting crap about lipid levels when they arent even useful. damn bro do some reading. whether you learn it from opr not you need to learn it some where.

as a matter of fact i hope all three of you guys will do some reading now so that you will know WTF you are talking about. dont beleive me fnd out on your own. my sole purpose for posting in threads like this is to get people to think. to get people to open a book and do some studying. i am a mod at other boards and frequent many. doesnt matter where i am i tell it the same way every where.

if you guys dont want to hear the truth then go stick you head in the sand so you dont have to deal with it. the truth offends many cause that means that they may actually have to do something. or they just brush it aside and ignore it like it aint there. everyone wants something for nothing. damn i am glad all are not likt that.

this board is a joke when the mods are lost. ban me if you like i really dont care. i'll sleep like a baby tonight knowing that the truth has been spoken and rejected by the three amigos.

oh and 3g/w test is not a big cycle. arnold knew that in the 60s.