anavar versus tbol, experiences/ opinions..

Charles Bronson

old timey gentleman
thinking about dropping the coin on a var cycle..

100 mgs for 8 weeks,adds up to a lot of money

how does tbol stack up against var?

personally have zero experience with either compound
for me personally, I gained a fuck load of strength on Tbol. The only time I benched 375 four times by myself with no spot was in my 5th week of Tbol. Var does not compare in strength gains
Depends on your goals bud.

If it's purely fat loss. 'Var wins hands down.

But if strength gains etc are important to you. Go with the T'Bol.

T'Bol will leave you looking hard for sure, but for purely obliterating the fat, use 'Var.

have done both, 80mg ED for 5-6 weeks each.

the var got me leaner
the tbol got me stronger

Knowing you, I'd go the tbol >> it also happens to be the cheaper option!
onk, i hear ya..

running halo for strength while I'm brawling..

so yea got you covered on ''balls to the wall toxicity'' 9'r

and I'm just a mortal, don't even have the liver of an aztec god.. fucker lol

when i get done with this war party shit, i might tighten up even more on diet once I'm not depending so much on stamina, and go for single digit body fat, i know 3j's can get me there if that becomes a goal..

var would be a finisher, for sure..

i dk, fuck just to say i did it. maybe a cool 'before' pic before i start my bulk. ill get skinny as fuck as it is.. why not go all the way.

look like dylan gemelli with a jaw and forehead like hellboy.

ish, ok maybe not the best idea I've ever had

plus var for 8 weeks at 1oo mgs going to be like 6-700 bucks

would buy a lot of tren

so yea..
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not sure if you've run winny before but it covers most of the features you want..strength, cutting, price.
chuck, winny ain t for you you old smoker lol. your lipid s are under enuff duress OK ? Plus all those achey winny for you mate
var s to privey for us and your lean enuff from brawling and the old " domestic diet syndrome...tbol hss ur name on it
Don't know about you guys but var provides some good strength gains. Out of the two tbol is the winner. Bang for your buck go with tbol.
If you gunna be brawling go with the var hands down. The tbol is gunna make any cut rain blood.
PSL var, great pumps!!! Got me lean quick. Really depends on what you are wanting out of the coin?
Either will get the job done. Funny thing is, var is often faked with tbol, so a lot of folks that swear by one are often doing the other. :spin:

Anavar at higher doses does bring some serious strength, without the androgenic sides like higher bp (discounting the aromatization of course), which can make it preferable. I like both really. :p