onk, i hear ya..
running halo for strength while I'm brawling..
so yea got you covered on ''balls to the wall toxicity'' 9'r
and I'm just a mortal, don't even have the liver of an aztec god.. fucker lol
when i get done with this war party shit, i might tighten up even more on diet once I'm not depending so much on stamina, and go for single digit body fat, i know 3j's can get me there if that becomes a goal..
var would be a finisher, for sure..
i dk, fuck just to say i did it. maybe a cool 'before' pic before i start my bulk. ill get skinny as fuck as it is.. why not go all the way.
look like dylan gemelli with a jaw and forehead like hellboy.
ish, ok maybe not the best idea I've ever had
plus var for 8 weeks at 1oo mgs going to be like 6-700 bucks
would buy a lot of tren
so yea..