And then it hit! I'm older than dirt!


Community Veteran
I have been emailing back and forth with one of the young bucks on our site over the last few days trying to talk him into waiting to start HGH. Then he tells me he was born in 1992 and that was the first year that I started using HGH regularly that I was buying from Aids having Junkies outside of methadone clinics back then. When they were in line at the methadone clinic is means their gov't checks had been spent and the heroin was gone. They were ripe to sell some HGH!

And then it hit me, I've been injecting HGH longer than this kid has been alive and that truly makes me OLD!!! to make things worse I did the math and anyone under the age of 32 on this site, I've been shooting test longer than they have been alive too. It's tough being the old geezer around here some days!!

You guys have no idea how easy we all have it now obtaining AAS, HGH, peptides and anything else!

Back in the day I had to court junkies into selling me their HGH I've even gone so low to date a very ugly woman that worked in a pharmacy who would toss me vials of test and anadrol out of the backdoor at night :)

Yes this is one of those old man stories where I walked to school in 3 feet of snow barefoot!!
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Dude this is classic. I love reading your and crazymikes posts. Bro ive hit ugly chicks just because 5wks on test will make u do that but nice bodies haha. God can only imagine what those crack heads were selling them for. Prolly cheap just to get a fix but hey if it works fuck it
It sucks getting #$% i just turned 45 last month.By the way do you still have the ugly womens number.

I think it has been so long ago that the area codes in that area have changed since. Circa 1983 when there was a little black trans am named kit on TV talking.

She was ugly back then, now she must be down right scary! age doesn't improve the looks! but I'll be damned if she wasn't supplying me and 5 of my closest friends with all of the test and drol we could go through!
I think it has been so long ago that the area codes in that area have changed since. Circa 1983 when there was a little black trans am named kit on TV talking.

She was ugly back then, now she must be down right scary! age doesn't improve the looks! but I'll be damned if she wasn't supplying me and 5 of my closest friends with all of the test and drol we could go through!
lol!!She sounds like a damm good but ugly women to me.
were all going to be old one day bro your always helping us out and we appreciate you.

Thx Bundy! It's the reason I'm on these sites. New guys it's where it's at, they are the future of this lifestyle!

Dude this is classic. I love reading your and crazymikes posts. Bro ive hit ugly chicks just because 5wks on test will make u do that but nice bodies haha. God can only imagine what those crack heads were selling them for. Prolly cheap just to get a fix but hey if it works fuck it

For the record CrazyMike is much crazier than I am!! ;)

I actually paid them a fair market price back then, about 6-7 bucks per IU I spent many.many years just injecting 2iu 4-5 times per week due to the costs back then. Few years later I was flying Mexico to meet up with that crazy fucker down there, some of you may know who he is but since he is still at it I can't mention his name on the open board. I would fly down there and get wasted with him and come back with a 3 month supply of mexican HGH ;) all legal!
fucking classic Pops!

I was dicking a fat nasty chick one time on and off a few years back when i was an account exec and she was one of our vendors. got me about $2500 a month residual for a while so it was worth it to toss her some cock twice a week. hahahahaha
lol!!She sounds like a damm good but ugly women to me.

That sums it up Godzilla is what the boys and I would call her lol

fucking classic Pops!

I was dicking a fat nasty chick one time on and off a few years back when i was an account exec and she was one of our vendors. got me about $2500 a month residual for a while so it was worth it to toss her some cock twice a week. hahahahaha

Freebies or a nice residual can make an ugly person attractive lol

Damn Zeek,reminds me of the good ole days lol :D

And if cash got tight it was nothing to flip a bottle of test for $140 or a bottle of anadrol 50's for $250. When we would hit the clubs back then we were all stacked lol
WOW... you guys are funny. I couldn't sleep with someone just to get things from them, LOL, I tried one time but back out last minute bc I didn't want to be stuck with those nightmares of the (deed) years later.
Oh I never said I slept with her!!!

I just went out with her sometimes, talked to her and made her feel good about herself.

Now a person like PhatBastard probably would have tossed the ugly gals salad! I wasn't going there!
Oh I never said I slept with her!!!

I just went out with her sometimes, talked to her and made her feel good about herself.

Now a person like PhatBastard probably would have tossed the ugly gals salad! I wasn't going there!

Oh okay... that is good Zeek. That makes me feel a little better, LOL. I have had plenty of friends who would take it for the team just so they could get hooked up with money, clothes, etc... My boys are crazy like that, the girls would think they were all special and never thought twice why such great looking guys were messing with them, they were Fugly... they were used and abused for the gifts that they would give freely just bc my boys made them feel special for 30 minutes here and there. I remember chilling in the living room watching these chicks come into the house, go into the room with my boys, and then leave right after all was said and done, not once did they ever just come and hang out with us unless the boys needed something from them.
^^sounds like they were good girls! ;)

LOL... IMO they were naive and annoying, sure LOVED the attention they were getting from my boys, only if they knew that once they left another set of girls would come through and hook up the boys with other stuff they needed

It's probably why I have Trust issues and just stay FREINDS with ppl and am afraid to commit, the things I have been exposed to being a TOMBOY have permantely damaged my ability to be in a Commited Relationship LOL
Oh I never said I slept with her!!!

I just went out with her sometimes, talked to her and made her feel good about herself.

Now a person like PhatBastard probably would have tossed the ugly gals salad! I wasn't going there!

OMG Zeek Phat wouldve asked them to put out or get out lol:69:
Awesome post Zeek! Yeah it's crazy to think that I can legally have sex with a girl who was born in 1994!
Awesome post Zeek I love when age slips in and smacks you in the face. I am not over the hill in any way but my son turned 13 and it slapped me in the face like, "Damn where has time gone"

Scary sometimes
Awesome post Zeek! Yeah it's crazy to think that I can legally have sex with a girl who was born in 1994!

Oh that I can have Sex legally with a Guy born in 1994. It still just seems weird to me (morally- I feel like I should only be friends) with my Guy friend due to his age. Especially when he has older brothers and sisters that are my age...LOL :scratchhe
Oh that I can have Sex legally with a Guy born in 1994. It still just seems weird to me (morally- I feel like I should only be friends) with my Guy friend due to his age. Especially when he has older brothers and sisters that are my age...LOL :scratchhe

The nice thing about boning highschool chics is even though i keep getting older....they stay the same age! hahahaha