Andro factory bulk up review

Day 11 of taking Bulk UP from Andro Factory. Took 6 pills this morning after waking. Felt very arguementive and aggressive today. Had 3 servings of oatmeal for breakfast, 1/2 lb of ground sirlion with taco seasoning in it. Had some snack crackers for a snack, followed by loose hamburgers and cottage cheese for supper. Hit the gym and weighed in at 175.8. Did some cardio tonight which I haven't done for a long time and need to start doing again

Sprint intervals for 2 miles
AB-X machine 3 sets of 25*
Bicep Curl Machine - 125lbs @ 8 reps, 140lbs @ 8 reps, 155lbs @ 6 reps
Leg Extensions - 145lbs @ 8 reps, 160lbs @ 8 reps, 175lbs @ 8 reps
Pectoral Fly - 227.5lbs @ 8 reps, 242.5lbs @ 8 reps, 257.5lbs @ 8 reps*
Tricep Press Down - 90lbs @ 8 reps, 100lbs @ 8 reps, 110lbs @ 8 reps
Planks - 3 set of 30 seconds
Day 12 of taking Bulk Up from Andro Factory - Took 5 pills this morning. Didn't have as much anger today but still felt good. Breakfast was 5 eggs and a protein shake. Missed lunch due to work problems and for supper, this was my cheat night. PIZZA!!! Hit the gym and had some pretty good gains. Weighed in at 175.2.

Barbell Deadlift - 215lbs @ 6 reps, 235lbs @ 6 reps, 255lbs @ 6 reps
Chin Ups - 3 set of 9
Barbell Split Squat - 165lbs @ 8 reps, 195 lbs @ 6 reps, 215lbs @ 6 reps
Single Arm Dumbbell Shoulder Press - 45lbs @ 6 reps, 50lbs @ 6 reps, 55lbs @ 6 reps
Cable Face Pull - 110lbs @ 10 reps, 120lbs @ 10 reps, 130 lbs @ 10 reps
Barbell Roll Out - 3 sets @ 12 reps
Tricep Pull Down - 100lbs @ 10 reps, 110lbs @ 10 reps, 120lbs @ 10 reps
Push Up - 3 sets of 10 reps.
Having problems getting the single arm dumbbell shoulder press to go up. Didn't struggle as much but it was still a struggle. Libido has been very active. I wake up and am up everytime if you get my drift
Day 13 of taking andro factorys bulk up. Took 5 pills this morning and will be taking the day off from the gym. Body needs some time to heal and we are headed to the nationwide race. Lets go racing.
Day 14 of Taking Bulk Up from Andro Factory. Took 4 pills this morning. Giving my body a much need break. Feel very tired today after a long week. My stomach area does look a little bit flatter and I am starting to see defination in my tricep area. Good breakfast of eggs and toast with a decent lunch along with ground sirlion on the grill. My favorite
WOW is all I can describe today. Day 15 of taking Andro Factory Bulk Up. Appetite was insane today. Could not eat enough. Ate my first yogurt of my life and it was pretty good. Weighed in at 176.6 tonight which was kinda surprising. Thought it would be more. The 2 days of from the weight room did some good. Stomach looking slimmer, arms looking bigger and chest getting tighter and bigger. Made some impressive gains in the gym. Out did myself in pretty much everything. Last night was the first night of being intimate with the wife since starting this and felt more confident in the bedroom. Felt firmer and really enjoyed as she did to.

Barbell Squat 195lbs @ 6 reps, 215lbs @ 6 reps, 235lbs @ 6 reps. Last set was a personal best
Dumbbell Row - 70lbs @ 6 reps, 70lbs @ 6 reps, 75lbs @ 7 reps. Last set was a personal best
Barbell Straight leg Deadlift - 210lbs @ 6 reps, 230lbs @ 6 reps, 250lbs @ 6 reps - personal best
Close Grip Bench Press - 150lbs @ 6 reps, 160lbs @ 6 reps, 180lbs @ 6 reps - personal best
Barbell Curl - 72.5lbs @ 8 reps, 82.5lbs @ 8 reps, 92.5lbs @ 8 reps - Personal Best
Swiss Ball Jack Knife - 3 set @ 12 reps

Gains in all lifts tonight. Never thought I would hit some of these
Day 16 of taking Bulk Up from Andro Factory. Appetite is unreal. I am just hungry all of the time. Now eating yogurt more and more. Never used to like but now taking a liking to it. Lots of protein and vegetables today. Was a little bit dizzy and the gym and that may have been from over exertion. Do have some more frequent bowel movements and cannot drink enough water today. Had 10 16.9 oz bottles at work and then drank 2 more at gym. My cravings for sweets has really gone done also. Don't know if Bulk up has anything to do with that but worth noting. Took 5 pills this morning and decided that before I do anything I will do pushups until arms hurt. Did 30 in about 45 seconds. Hit the gym tonight. Really wanted to go and get some cardio in. Did do some ab and dumbbell work before starting sprints which just drained me.

Dumbbell Push Press - 6 reps at 65lbs, 6 reps at 70lbs, 6 reps at 75 lbs
3 sets of side planks, 30 seconds each side
Dumbbell Curls - 6 reps at 35lbs, 6 reps at 40lbs, 6 reps at 45lbs
Regular Planks - 3 sets at 30 seconds
Tricep Pushdowns - 10 reps at 100lbs, 10 reps at 110lbs, 10 reps at 120lbs
Seated Leg Press - 10 reps at 190lbs, 10 reps at 210lbs, 10 reps at 230lbs
10 minutes of sprints

I think that I need to do more cardio to help burn the rest of the fat off my gut and then maybe I will be able to get my 6 pak to show. My taste buds have changed and I am eating better then I ever have before
I guess that my only other concern is what happens when I run out of pills before the 8 weeks is up?
Day 17 of taking Bulk Up from Andro Factory. Took 5 pills this morning. Didn't have much of an appetite today. Weighed in at 174.6lbs. Had plenty of energy at gym. Hit some new highs. Did feel dizzy afterwards and had stomach cramps.

Barbell Deadlift - 220-lbs @ 6 reps, 240lbs @ 6 reps, 260lbs @ 6 reps- New High
Chin Ups - 3 set of 9
Barbell Split Squat - 175lbs @ 8 reps, 205 lbs @ 6 reps, 220lbs @ 6 reps
Single Arm Dumbbell Shoulder Press - 45lbs @ 8 reps, 50lbs @ 8 reps, 55lbs @ 8 reps
Cable Face Pull - 120lbs @ 10 reps, 130lbs @ 10 reps, 140 lbs @ 10 reps - New High
Barbell Roll Out - 3 sets @ 12 reps
Day 18 of taking Andro Factorys Bulk Up. Took 3 pills today knowing that I would not be working out tonight. School registration and booster club sign up. I am HUNGRY and I mean HUNGRY all of the time. Have really taken a liking to some of the new yogurts out there. Can't get enough
Day 19 of taking Bulk Up from Andro Factory. Took 7 pills this morning. A feeling today that was like no other. Face felt hot, ears and face were red. Felt overly aggressive at work which carried over to the gym. Ate like a horse today. Starting to eat more and more yogurt. Love some of the flavors. After my dominating workout had the shakes and felt light headed. Stomach was also upset after working out. Did make some good gains in the gym. Weighed in at 180.4lbs. Almost a 6lb increase since Wednesday. Have eaten more, but has been healthier food.

Squats - 200lbs @6 reps, 220lbs @ 6 reps, 240lbs @ 6reps - new high
Dumbbell row - 70lbs @ 7 sets, 70lbs @ 6 reps, 75lbs @ 6reps - new high
Barbell straight leg deadlift - 225lbs @ 6 reps, 250lbs @ 6 reps, 260lbs @ 6 reps - new high
Bench Press - 155lbs@ 6 reps, 165lbs @ 6 reps, 185lbs @5 1/2 - new high, had to have spotter get bar up on last one
Barbell Curl - 77.5lbs @ 8 reps, 87.5lbs @ 8 reps, 97.5lbs @ 5 reps(failure) - New high

I am seeing new leaps in the amount of weight I am lifting which can only lead to more muscle gain. Did feel some muscle pain in right thigh muscle and middle back.
Had a quiet weekend. Took My Bulk Up from Andro Factory. Took Sunday off, work machines and cardio on Saturday morning. Pulled something in neck doing pectoral Flies, worked it out Monday night. Still have my 6lb increase. Was told tonight that I was starting to look pretty buff. This from and 18 year old kid that was in there. Hit new highs in my deadlifts. 6 reps and 270lbs. Getting ready to reach the 300lb plateau. Cannot wait. Still feel jacked all the time and kinda cocky. Know that I am showing results as I can tell how my family and friends look at and don't know what to say. Still cant believe how much food I eat. This is the one of the biggest things I have noticed. My appetite is unreal. Cannot get full. Have taken a liking to yogurt, taste buds are changing along with attitude to trying new foods that are good for me. It is nice to see that I an eat and it doesn't go to my stomach because my muscles are craving food. New pictures coming as soon as get them off my phone.
Day 24 of taking Andro Factory Bulk up. Have kept my 6lb increase and it is muscle. I have not hit new highs in my weight training. Pushed 185 lbs on my bench which is a big increase from where I started. 245lbs on squats and a whopping 275lbs on my deadlifts. These are all final sets of 3 with 6 reps. Had no pain in legs or back with this much weight. When I have tried to get bigger weights before and not this much I would hurt immediately and then pay the price for a couple of days. I am seeing growth in muscles but the biggest thing is the fact that I am losing FAT and showing some muslce. Thank you Andro Factory
On my 26th day of taking Andro Factory bulk up, I it a new monster high for me in deadlifts. Last set of 6 reps I hit 280 lbs. Amazing. I love this stuff. Up another 1/2 lb. Still hungry all the time which is starting to get expensive with all the food I eat. People are now asking me where I am putting it all at and then they feel my chest and look at my arms and understand. The 20 year old kids that work for me are showing interest in getting some Bulk Up also since they have seen what it has done to me in a very short time. I still have the neck pain and haven't been able to figure out what it is. It hasn't affected my workout because everything I do does not seem to affect it at all. Only thing I can think of is all the extra weight I am lifting and my muscles are just growing that fast
Day 30 of taking Andro Factorys Bulk up. The product is still working. Showing some significant gains in muscle mass and the amount I am lifting. I am now getting close to 300lbs on my deadlifts, 275lbs on my squats and 200lbs on my bench. Even after working 11 hours a day I still have the energy to hit the gym and hit it hard. My chest and arms are getting hard. My appetite continues to grow and I have gained another 1.6lbs in the last 4 days. Love this stuff. Getting ready to order more. If you have had any doubts don't, you need to get this stuff
Day 38 of taking Andro Factorys Bulk up. I have hit many new goals and am on my way to better looking body. My wife has noticed that I am developing a the V in my back, my arms and chest are getting bigger. the fat that was in my quads and calves is now gone. I have hit the 300 lb plateau in deadlifts doing 3 sets of 300 lbs 6 times. I am hitting 185lbs consistently on my bench. I am doing more reps and hitting 265 to 275 on squats. Amazing how this product has changed my life. I have about 4 days of pills left and will be taking pics and final measurements. There is some serious growth and would like to thank Andro Factory. As soon as things settle down at home I will be buying more of this to just see how big I can get.
After my 5th week of taking Andro Factorys Bulk up, my wife tells me that I am developing the V in my back when she looks at me. I am now up to 181lbs which I am comfortable with. Still eating like crazy as my appetite is out of control. The bedroom thing, well lets just say that when the wife looks at you likes your results, it leads to results. Even thou I do not have my 6 pac abs(which with all the fat that I had) I am not discouraged and am happy. From my strength gains in the gym, to the blood vessels popping out of my arms, to my pecs that are harder then ever before I am happy. Will get pics up in a few days with all the measurements as time allows
Wow Brian you are kicking ass! Can't wait to see an actual after shot! Do you have any to share?

One thing a lot of people have been saying like you just mentioned is an increase in appetite. For me it was literally like night and day with the strength gains and increase in appetite just within the first week.