Angry after workouts


New member
I've recently started working out again after a break. I'm finding that here lately I've become very restless, angry, nervous, frustrated, and unsure of myself after working out. This is the exact opposite of what I want and often get from workouts, but is similar to what I experienced when working out before.

I'm guessing I feel this way from either added testosterone or a poor diet. Can anyone reccomend dietary supplements or food that could smoothe me out because I don't want to take RX drugs, I'd rather quit working out (and I don't want that either).

Bast said:
What is youre diet like today? Bro, we cant help you if you dont tell us anything...

Agreed, we need more info bro, age, stats, length or wourkout break, work out experience, current routine, diet...
I'm 23 years old, 6'1" 180lbs. I'm getting back into a workout routine, but I don't have one down that I do religiously, and I never will if I can't stop losing my temper when I do it. This is what made me stop before. I've been working out in the gym some doing bench presses of up to 170lbs and can probably do more. Mostly what I've been doing is 75 push ups a day, every day. It's a pretty light work out, real light compared to you all, but I notice results. Before I quit working out I was in the gym doing curls and pull downs, the butterfly machine, benchpressing, etc for 30 min 3 times a week or more. I was in great shape, but a combination of lack of time and my emotional problem resulted in me quitting for about a year. As far as my diet goes I eat junk because I can't cook and I'm in college. I make good sandwiches that are pretty healthy, but I also eat hot dogs, pizza, ham and cheese hot pockets, burgers, you name it. I must have a pretty high metabolism considering how I eat, but I'd like to get into protein shakes if someone can reccomend a good tasting one. I often make hardboiled eggs and eat those as well for breakfast and snacks.

I don't take any kind of enhancers because I'm worried I might wind up really angry and I'm a very laid back person when I don't work out. If you all need any more info to help me let me know and I'll post it.
you REALLY need to start eating like a normal person and then start training something else then the front of youre upper body!
Chekout the stickys here on training and choose one you may like, you have to do back and legs! and no whining.
Then go on and fix youre diet, bro to slice up and fry chicken dont take longer then 15min and then boil pasta.. woila... tuna etc.. there is so much easy stuff to do.

So my suggestion is, eather you try a more serious attempt, or go back to youre pushups.
The only time I really get pissed off at the gym is when the idiots at the gym don't group the weight plates together where they belong. I hate having to dig thru a pile of 10 and 25 pound plates just to get to the 45 pound plate that I want to use. That and idiots that don't clean their sweat off of the benches when they finish lifting, but I digress.

Some of the additives in hot dogs cause anger issues for some people. There are several brands of whey protein worth buying. I use Optimum Nutrition whey. I've heard good things about True Protein whey, which I might finally try next month.
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From what I understand, some people have bad reactions to the nitrates included in some brands of hot dogs and other processed meats.

It's hard to find info on the net. Here is one link about a woman whos child had health issues with nitrites:

At the moment, I can't find specific info on the web directly linking hot dogs to elevated anger issues, however I do know people that have elevated anger issues after eating hot dogs.

Bottom line is you're better off avoiding processed meats with preservatives in them.
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Youre problem shure aint hot dogs bro! start getting youre diet in check!
And stop the hot dogs anyways trade it with some lean beaf, chicken, tuna etc.
Angry? I never feel that way after a workout, usually I am pumped up, feeling awesome sometimes my adrenaline is high-the best solution I have found to releasing any excess energy is to give my fiancee a good shagging. She knows how I feel after a workout so she usually parks right outside the gym, I love this woman she is intuitive to my needs. You need to get laid bro.
huskyguy said:
You need to get laid bro.


I think its a combo of you diet and not getting
nah but when I eat crap esp. hot dogs, pizza, burgers I feel like shit any time of the day.
re: nitrates and me too; I get grumpy!


Regarding nitrates: my sister used to have a fairly serious flatulence problem after eating meat with nitrates (preservatives) in it. She told me her husband wouldn't even sleep in the same room at one point, and she is an attractive woman.

Note: most chicken you buy at the grocery store has nitrates in it to preserve it. If you don't believe me you should start checking your labels, and the best way to be sure you're nitrate-free (why would you want to preserve yourself anyway: you're alive!), is to buy organic flesh products, especially chicken.

Also, if you feel it would aid your workout practice to get some action, I'd suggest changing your diet. Everything you eat comes out in your sweat and most women are fairly sensitive to odors you secrete.

Lastly, I am a body worker and athlete and have just begun training with weights and using a deliberately planned regimen (full upper body one day, cardio circuits the next, lower body and legs the next). This is after 5 years away from the gym due to personal life changes. I also find that I am getting grumpy after a weight training day, mainly the upper body. I wonder what the root cause is? I get angry at many of my surroundings moreso than usual. This does not happen on a cardio day. After running I feel absolutely flowy and relaxed.
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good read dude. that thread is from 2005 so it might take some time for them to get back to ya.

but some good info
welcome to the board.