Anyone know any easy 1,000 calorie meals?


New member
Looking for easy quick 1,000 calorie meal ideas without a lot of eating. Two examples of what I mean...A) double whopper= 1,070 B) crispy club & medium fry= 1,010 something along the lines of small meals like that, but not costly. Any ideas will be appreciated
Man I don't know if your just looking for mass or what, but there are a TON of things like that like mass gainers bought at your local nutrition shop. Nonetheless, I think this question is better suited for the diet section, not anabolic steroids.
you can make your own mass gainer shake

you'll need the following

75g protein from whey isolate 300 calories
100g carbs from karbolyn 400 calories
1 cup blueberries (frozen is better) 80 calories
so you need another 320 calories.. Peanut butter is the easiest way to do this.. 2 tablespoons is about 160-180 caloires so use just under 4 tablespoons
use unsweetened plain almond milk as your liquid base..

there is your 1000-1100 calorie gainer shake
Looking for easy quick 1,000 calorie meal ideas without a lot of eating. Two examples of what I mean...A) double whopper= 1,070 B) crispy club & medium fry= 1,010 something along the lines of small meals like that, but not costly. Any ideas will be appreciated

I understand you wanna get your calories in, but you don't wanna just shove garbage down your throat. Eating a high calorie diet of quality requires a lot of eating. There's no way around it. If you're just looking to shove 1000 calories of anything down your throat then just eat fast food.
op said something simple lol. Even that was hard to read for me lol. Id say 10 egg whites, with a banana and measure enough nuts/oats to make 1000 cals and blend in a blender

10 egg whites are about 30g protien.. a banana is about 20-30g carbs.. 240 calories at most.. so you want him to try and eat 760g fats??

smart man.. thats really simple and right
you can make your own mass gainer shake

you'll need the following

75g protein from whey isolate 300 calories
100g carbs from karbolyn 400 calories
1 cup blueberries (frozen is better) 80 calories
so you need another 320 calories.. Peanut butter is the easiest way to do this.. 2 tablespoons is about 160-180 caloires so use just under 4 tablespoons
use unsweetened plain almond milk as your liquid base..

there is your 1000-1100 calorie gainer shake


1,000 calories is pretty close to some of these fast food chains early morning breakfast drinks. I've seen people LOADING UP on them!

3J can you give me an estimate of what one of these shakes would cost the user? Also do you provide recipes like these in your nutrition program?
3J's recommendation is spot on, however if you're looking for something you can just pack with you - Peanut butter and banana sandwiches are full of nutrients and calories. (two to three will provide 1kcal)

My .02c :)
Sorry I'm just getting up, work nites....but yeah I was trying to find something simple to eliminate so much eating and so many meals. Like the double whopper example that's a 1000 calories quick, I'm looking for mass but eating on top of eating is hard! I want something simple few ingredients, quick a 1000 here and there, and those shakes are massive lol
Everyone wants MASS, and all I wanna do is lose mass..

What a crazy world we live in.

There's quite a difference between wanting to lose body fat and gaining lean body mass (muscle). Funny thing is, they do both go hand in hand as having more lean mass allows you to burn more calories (BMR), and having less body fat makes more body more anabolic - helping to create more LBM. it's only crazy if we allow ourselves to focus on one aspect alone.

Unless you're trying to lose muscle, which is a whole other thread entirely.
There's quite a difference between wanting to lose body fat and gaining lean body mass (muscle). Funny thing is, they do both go hand in hand as having more lean mass allows you to burn more calories (BMR), and having less body fat makes more body more anabolic - helping to create more LBM. it's only crazy if we allow ourselves to focus on one aspect alone.

Unless you're trying to lose muscle, which is a whole other thread entirely.

i recently took on a pro cyclist.. we are actually trying to get his lbm down.. its interesting
i recently took on a pro cyclist.. we are actually trying to get his lbm down.. its interesting

Totally different breed. I have a friend that has decided he wants to do that too, blows my mind. It's kind of funny how we all have a different idea of who we want to be. I have to give props to folks that want to better themselves I guess, even if it doesn't always make sense to me.
I've ground dry oatmeal into powder then blend it with warm water then add a cup of frozen blackberries and a banana with some vanilla whey with a half teaspoon of cinnamon. Don't taste bad but the texture is pretty thick unless you dilute it a bit. That's nowhere near 1000 calories though.
I've made some pretty decent shakes close to 1000 calories. I prefer just to eat food nowadays, but back in my shake days I made some pretty calorie dense shakes. 2 scoops of whey, scoop of waxy maize carbs, a banana, some mixed berries, ice cream size scoop of peanit butter, 2 packs of oatmeal, 2 raw eggs, and a chobani yogurt, blended with ice and whole milk. It actually tasted amazing and was enjoyable to drink, until about 45 mins later. I much prefer food now though.
My go to 1k+ meal is a pint of baskin Robbins pralines n cream hand packed..... Making my mouth water..... brb