anyone using tren enenthate ????

big N

New member
hey bros ,is anyone on tren enenthate right now ??if so how does it compare to tren acceate and how much are u sing and ur resault thus far thank s.
I know a few guys on it right now, but it just came out and it is a little soon to hear results. They have been on it for about a week. I also have the test results for the supra tren enanthate cyp combo coming in this very soon, and will post him up here for you guys.
gym chic it s kinda aimialr parabolan s ester was trenbolone hexahydrocarbonate ,it was a slight ly shorter ester .
big N is right, but im sure gymchic knew that already. however, i do not like the idea of tren enanthate. isn't Supra's tren enanthate at a low concentration per mL? THat would be a lot of oil for injection, not to mention along with whatever you are stacking it with.
grafix bro ,supras is 200 mg per ml tren ene . and 100 mg per ml cyp .
black labels is 100 mg per ml ,from what im reading and hearing 400-500 week would equivalent ed trenn accetete nijects ,at 76 mg .
well then, i stand corrected, its been a while since i have heard it metioned. but even that, 75mg/ED would be 525mg/week, but thats the acetate ester. there would be less trnbolone in the enanthate ester i would imagine, as the enanthate ester weight is more than the acetate weight.
AustinTX said:
I think one of the mods over at anabolic science is on it now; not sure if he's posted progress yet.

Mdd took this first shot of it last week, so since it is long acting it should take a little while to kick in.
its not that easy, but not that difficult, to make your own and you can make it at a MUCH higher concentration due to the long ester