I am banned!
I haven't slept a full solid night in years. I get up a min of 4,5 times to pee. When AAS use interferes, sometimes I can get up and down as much as 7 times. I usually see the bedside clock on the average of EVERY hour or at least hour n a half to two hours.
If I take sleep aids of ANY kind I am still up and do not sleep thru but of course can't get going all day long. Power naps can help. However good to use an alarm because sleeping more then 50-60 minutes can keep you fatigued all the remainder of the day.
Try very short intentional power naps.
Just some input here... the old guy
I get 6 hrs on average and wake up from 1-3 times every night. I take power naps in the work truck while my helper drives us to the next job lol