Anzels' 2016/2017 ongoing log.

I haven't slept a full solid night in years. I get up a min of 4,5 times to pee. When AAS use interferes, sometimes I can get up and down as much as 7 times. I usually see the bedside clock on the average of EVERY hour or at least hour n a half to two hours.

If I take sleep aids of ANY kind I am still up and do not sleep thru but of course can't get going all day long. Power naps can help. However good to use an alarm because sleeping more then 50-60 minutes can keep you fatigued all the remainder of the day.

Try very short intentional power naps.

Just some input here... the old guy

I get 6 hrs on average and wake up from 1-3 times every night. I take power naps in the work truck while my helper drives us to the next job lol
Yeah Mike your right about those long naps... seems like 30 to 45 mins or longer just makes you a zombie. 10 or 20 min and you are good to go.

I have 2 sessions of HIIT done with the PT...leaving me with 11 to go. These are 30 min sessions and then I go take care of my normal
Yesterday was ...
Warm up with 10min of boxing the heavy bag
Drag tire backwards then flip it the other way x 2
I seriously can't remeber what
Then finished with brutal abs work...
BB squat...just the bar to warm up
HS squats x 4
Kneeling leg curl
Leg ext

Warm up on the bike and some dynamic stretching.
Hold 5lb DB and throw punches for 1min
To box jumps x 2
Battle ropes to walking planks x 2

Then on the treadmill did forced runs superset with BW squats....

HS flat bench
HS row
HS incline press
T bar row
Pec dec
Machine row
Early am leg work right before work.

Lunge- BW x 20,25 x 15,35 x 15,45x 15
Leg press - 4 sets high rep
SS w leg press calf
Leg ext - 4 sets high rep
Leg curl 4sets
SS w standing BW calf raise high rep.

The plan is for some afternoon. Heavy bag work and some serious calf work.

Big news in the calf dept! My last calf measurments was in 2015 at which point I threw the tape measure away totally growth after a year and a half of intense work.... well I never gave up and continue to pound these stubborn asshole calves all the time...

So I'm looking at them and toeven they look.bigger! I ask my wife and she says yeah I think so...
So I find the tape measure I threw in a drawer and measure.
I'm up a half inch! I put a half inch on in 2 years.

Seriously I'm happy but ....that's it? Just a half inch..
Early am leg work right before work.

Lunge- BW x 20,25 x 15,35 x 15,45x 15
Leg press - 4 sets high rep
SS w leg press calf
Leg ext - 4 sets high rep
Leg curl 4sets
SS w standing BW calf raise high rep.

The plan is for some afternoon. Heavy bag work and some serious calf work.

Big news in the calf dept! My last calf measurments was in 2015 at which point I threw the tape measure away totally growth after a year and a half of intense work.... well I never gave up and continue to pound these stubborn asshole calves all the time...

So I'm looking at them and toeven they look.bigger! I ask my wife and she says yeah I think so...
So I find the tape measure I threw in a drawer and measure.
I'm up a half inch! I put a half inch on in 2 years.

Seriously I'm happy but ....that's it? Just a half inch..

Lmao I kill my calves all the time, things are shredded as fuck but will not grow goddamnit!
Early am leg work right before work.

Lunge- BW x 20,25 x 15,35 x 15,45x 15
Leg press - 4 sets high rep
SS w leg press calf
Leg ext - 4 sets high rep
Leg curl 4sets
SS w standing BW calf raise high rep.

The plan is for some afternoon. Heavy bag work and some serious calf work.

Big news in the calf dept! My last calf measurments was in 2015 at which point I threw the tape measure away totally growth after a year and a half of intense work.... well I never gave up and continue to pound these stubborn asshole calves all the time...

So I'm looking at them and toeven they look.bigger! I ask my wife and she says yeah I think so...
So I find the tape measure I threw in a drawer and measure.
I'm up a half inch! I put a half inch on in 2 years.

Seriously I'm happy but ....that's it? Just a half inch..

Think about this, below :

I see you do incorporate high reps but for you and others .........

For the Average guy Calves take much more work then most all other muscles. Just think about how often we use our calves and the amount of HIGH reps the do while running and walking. Your calves are also sometimes under tension while standing still, just to balance your body.

Calves not only need the high overload with heavy weight but they need many, many reps. Our basic workouts are only really concentrating on working the fast twitch muscle so hence the other the slow twitch we never get into stressing.

Comparatively you see when we bench we work both slow and fast twitch and we grow at a much faster rate while we have incorporated both. Think how many time do we use out pectoral muscles all day long ? Not many ! So a typical workout on chest will far succeed the amount of reps we our bodies do in a day when NOT benching. AS you walk and if you carry the weights or groceries or anything that adds to your overall weight you are working / doing reps with your calves.

I hope I have explained this simple activity of the amount of reps your calves can and do endure. Ya gotta incorporate getting that burn and forced reps. How many guys use a spotter to go past failure and get into forced reps and negatives. AND as a steady consistent workout as we do with other body parts.

So Calves are slow and you are doing high reps but the failure and the forced high reps need corporation and YOU just might not be reaching it. Foot placement is important.

Just my 2 cents here might help some of the noobs.
:) the Old Guy
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The times that I grew my calves the best were going in and dedicating a workout solely to them. I'd go in the mornings and hit them 3 times a week with heavy supersets