Anzels' 2016/2017 ongoing log.

Yesterday was up at 345 and training by 530.
DL 10x5. Saw a small increase in weight and reps . Overall I am happy with how I'm feeling. 4 wks ago my lower back would cramp up. My conditioning has definitely improved.

BB Bent over rows. 5x15. Seeing and increase in reps. 4 weeks ago between DLs and these my lower back was screaming . Just cramped up and fatigued. I was doubting to continue even doing BB rows immediately after DLs. Now I'm fine.

DB rows .5x15. Increased weight by 5lbs and did well
SS these with cable rows for that ultimate burn and pumps

EZ bar standing curls. 5 x 15. By going up in weight and or reps on previous back work I find it hard to go beyond current weight. I try to remeber to keep my form perfect and move the weight slowly and really squeeze as you lift and lower the bar. Not for nothing but the weight ain't much and the arms look pumped..and they are screaming by the time I get to my 3rd set of 5x15.

DB shoulder fly/laterals. 5 x 15
I'm doing these almost every workout. 4 to 5 maybe 6 days a week. Sometimes SS with DB upright row which really kicks the ass! Today the fly is done solo and instead ass with decline abs...5x15.
This is done with some serious light weight but again I use super strict form. I seriously don't forsee going up in weight for a while as I can add reps. Once I become stronger and more conditioned I can practice holding the weight for a second or two at the top of the contraction along with additional reps. So those are the areas of where I will target improvement rather than adding weight .
No calf work cause I was running out of time.

Later in the day around 430 or so I hit the recombinant bike for a good 30 min burning over 300 cals.

1 c oats and 8 ew and 1 whole egg.

1c oats with one scoop ew pro powder

2 turkey burgy with sweet potato and Brussels

Grilled chix breast with rice and Brussels

Dinner was taco bowl. No shells. Meat was beef and chix with onions peppers lettuce and salsa. Two bowls filled me up.

That's it. No cheats .

Tired as shit by 7 and asleep by 730. Woke up twice over the night for work.
Awake at 320. Laid there till 340.

Today is legs!
Yesterday I did legs.
Stuck to the same routine.
Adding reps or small increments of weight.
Great workout.
Spent some another 300plus cals on the bike afterward.

Today I was home watching my little girl one point she was watching me nap on the couch.
We had a dr appoint for her and I couldn't find my wallet. I was flipping out cause I thought I may have dropped outside ... I even went through the garbage looking for it.
Well I found it right where I looked 10x but didn't see it!

Then we were late for the dr . Then back home again.

And being home watching my kid is fine but I am not doing much and get bored easily. So what happens next? I eat. And I eat too much!
Jan 24,25 got in the usual training. Thurs the 26th hit legs hard and then got my family inthe Truck for a 5.5 hr ride up to Vermont for a weekend of Snowboarding.
I did feel my legs a bit on Friday but I was strong all day. Saturday I was hurting. The leg training caught up to me. My snowboarding technique was a bit sloppy.

When we arrived home after the weekend I had some things come up over the week that kept me from the gym...6 days altogether.
Today I picked up right where I left off with my training. Chest shoulders tris and abs.
The routine I have been posting has been working for me. I see some shoulder development and my quads are looking veined all the time.

I just started my blast too.
PSL Sustanon and Primo. I'm new to Primo so I hope I enjoy it.
Yesterday was a back workout that felt average at the time but the next day felt superior!
Today I trained legs at a different gym so I took advantage of some different machines.

I can already feel the shorter esters of the Sustanon kicking in a bit. And 10mg of dbol with some caffeine from a pill of Katanadrol version 2.0 is nice little pre workout!
Not sure how i got so behind on ur log but keep it up man i like it. No way that was your waitress i wouldve lost it if she came up to my table lol
Not sure how i got so behind on ur log but keep it up man i like it. No way that was your waitress i wouldve lost it if she came up to my table lol

Yeah I'm just fucking with you guys.
That girl is smoking right!

So goddammit I was exhausted last night... couldn't even get thru an episode of Narcos without passing out.
Sometimes these early mornings and long days take it out of me.
But I slept a little later this morning and after answering a few PM's sitting on the couch I feel rested. Just taking it slow.
Gonna do my egg whites and oats now.

1 whole egg and 8 whites
1 cup of oats with raisins,walnuts,blueberries and lots of cinnamon.

Then go wreck the pecs!
Today. Chest,shoulders,tris,calves and cardio.
HS incline 5 x 15
HS Flat 5 x 15....had to drop weight! Wtf?
DB lateral ss DB upright row 5x15
Cable face pulls ss tricep rope pushdowns 5x15
Dips 5 sets 15,14,8,7,6
Donkey calf raise 5 x 20 stuck at same weight here.
4 sets of abs machine
30 min of cardio
5 sets of seated calf press (rotary press) with a DS at the end.

What I'm eating so far...
My eggs and my oats and that's it. I would have more oats with pro powder but it's so late and lunch is coming . So I'm having a coffee and I will wait for lunch.
2/5/17 off
Today was Back,bis,shoulders abs and calves
Still running the same routine 5x15
Only my second week in on Sustanon 750 primo 750
I have been taking 10mg of dbol preworkout and depending on how I feel may take another 10mg before bed.
All Euro-Pharmacies line that you can find at PSL.

I'm definitely feeling that Sustanon already because of the short esters it contains and PSL dbol is just a beast in a tiny blue pill!

Weight training is going well as I progress either going up in weight or up in reps and hitting cardio 2 maybe 3 times a week.

Diet is getting tighter ....starting to eat more cod.
What's up guys?
Just a recapping of the log so anyone who even cares doesn't need to go back and read the whole thing.

I just recently started my blast and about a month ago I started a routine that really works well for me.

The blast: PSL Sustanon & Primo Depot 750mg each and 10 to 20mg PSL Dbol preworkout and maybe another 10mg oder dbol later that day or before bed.
Today I will start 4iu of PSL gray tops.

My routine;
Here is a sample bodybuilding routine that uses periodization. I follow this pretty closely.

Weeks 1-3

Workout (A): Monday/Thursday ***8211;Legs

Leg Extensions 3 sets of 15, 12, 10 reps (45 sec rest)


Medium Stance Squats 3 sets 10-15 reps (no rest)
Wide Stance Squats * 3 sets 10-15 reps (90 second rest)

* Use the same weight for the wide stance squats that you used for the medium stance.

Leg Press 3 sets 10-15 reps (no rest)
Stationary Lunges * 3 sets 10-15 reps (90 second rest)

*Perform the stationary lunges, one leg at a time followed by the next one. Press with the heel to emphasize the glutes and hamstrings.

Lying Leg Curls 3 sets of 10-15 reps (no rest)
Dumbbell Stiff Legged Dead-lifts 3 sets of 10-15 reps (1 min rest)

One Legged Calf Press Giant-set * 7 sets of 8-20 reps

*Perform all 7 sets by alternating back and forth non-stop between legs. Start with a weight you can do for about 20 repetitions.

Workout (B): Tuesday/Friday-Chest/Back/Abs

Wide Grip Pull-up (or Pull-down) to Front 4 sets 10-15 reps (no rest)
Incline Dumbbell Press 4 sets 10-15 reps (1 min rest)

Close Reverse Grip Chins (or Close Grip Pull-down with palms facing you) 4 sets 10-15 reps (no rest)
Dumbbell Bench Press 4 sets 10-15 reps (1 min rest)

Incline Flyes 3 sets of 10-15 reps (no rest)
Low Pulley Rows 3 sets of 10-15 reps (1 min rest)

Bicycle Crunches 3 sets of 10-30 reps (no rest)
Crunches 3 sets of 10-30 reps (no rest)
Leg Raises 3 sets of 10-30 reps (30 sec rest)

Workout (C): Wednesday/Saturday-Shoulders/Arms

Lateral Raises 3 sets of 10-15 reps (45 sec rest)

Bent Over Laterals 3 sets 10-15 reps (no rest)
Dumbbell Shoulder Press 3 sets 10-15 reps (1 min rest)

Concentration Curls 3 sets 10-15 reps (no rest)
Triceps Pushdowns (straight bar) 3 sets 10-15 reps (1 min rest)

Dumbbell Curls 3 sets of 10-15 reps (no rest)
Triceps Dips (on parallel bars) 3 sets of 10-15 reps (no rest)
Hammer Curls 3 sets of 10-15 reps (no rest)
Seated One Arm Overhead Triceps Extensions 3 sets of 10-15 reps (90 sec rest)

Weeks 4-6

Workout (A): Monday/Thursday ***8211;Legs

Modified Superset:
Wide Stance Squats 4 sets of 10, 8, 6, 4 reps (90 second rest)
Lying Leg Curls 4 sets of 10, 8, 6, 4 reps (90 second rest)

Note: alternate back and forth between exercises resting 90 seconds after each set.

Modified Superset:
Leg Press 4 sets of 10, 8, 6, 4 reps (90 second rest)
Stationary Lunges 4 sets of 10, 8, 6, 4 reps (90 second rest)

Standing Calf Raises 6 sets of 6-12 reps (60 sec rest)

Workout (B): Tuesday/Friday-Chest/Back/Abs

Modified Superset:
Wide Grip Pull-up (or Pull-down) to Front 4 sets of 10, 8, 6, 4 reps (90 second rest)
Incline Bench Press 4 sets of 10, 8, 6, 4 reps (90 second rest)

Modified Superset:
Close Reverse Grip Chins (or Close Grip Pull-down with palms facing you) 4 sets of 10, 8, 6, 4 reps (90 second rest)
Bench Press 4 sets of 10, 8, 6, 4 reps (90 second rest)

Modified Superset:
Rope Crunches 4 sets of 12, 10, 8, 8 (60 second rest)
Weighted Leg Raises 4 sets of 12, 10, 8, 8 (60 second rest)

Workout (C): Wednesday/Saturday-Shoulders/Arms

Modified Superset:
Military Press 4 sets of 10, 8, 6, 4 reps (90 second rest)
Rear Delt Rows 4 sets of 10, 8, 6, 4 reps (90 second rest)

Modified Superset:
Preacher Curls 4 sets of 10, 8, 6, 4 reps (90 second rest)
Close Grip Bench Press 4 sets of 10, 8, 6, 4 reps (90 second rest)

Modified Superset:
Barbell Curls 4 sets of 10, 8, 6, 4 reps (90 second rest)
Triceps Dips 4 sets of 10, 8,* 6, 4 reps (90 second rest)

Weeks 7 -9

Day 1 & Day 4 Legs , back & Bis

Lying leg curls,Kneeling or seated 5 x 15

BB Squat/HS squat/ Leg press/ Or smith squat 5 x 15

Leg extensions 5x 15 SS Seated calf raise 5 x 20

BB or DB SLDL 5 x 15

WGLPD 4 x 15 SS DB Alt bicep curl or cable curl or EZ bar (some kinda curl) 4 x 15

Day 2 & day 5 Chest,shoulders,tris,calves

BB incline bench,DB or HS or Smith 5 x 15

DB Flat bench press or BB or Smith or HS 5 x 15

DB or cable Lateral raise 5 x 15 SS DB,cable or EZ bar up right row 5 x 15

Cable rope face pulls 5 x 15 ( or reverse pec dec but not quite a great replacement)

DB tri extension (overhead) or cable rope tri ext 5 x 15 SS Skull crushers 5 x 15 (Killer Burner!)

Donkey calf raise

Day 3 and day 6 Back ,Bis, calves,shoulders

BB DL 10 sets of 5

BB Bent row 5 x 15

DB Rows/HS row 5 x 15 SS seated cable row (isolate upper back) 5 x 15

EZ bar curl 5 x 15

DB lateral raise 5 x 15 SS Decline crunch 5 x 15

Rotary calf press (or any ) 5 x 15

I just finished the last week 7-9 phase and will be going back to week 1-3 phase starting today with Legs.


Hot chick reward for reading!

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Hit legs today . DAY 1 PHASE 1
The major change up to this leg routine is....
6 sets of squats for 20-30 reps each vs. 5 x 15
Then doing 3 sets of leg press for 20-30 reps SS with
Body Wt lunges Vs. Not doing leg press at all and not doing lunges.

Leg ext and curl is less sets more weight
And instead of BB SLDL I'm now doing DB.

Also , last phase had me hitting a some light back work at the end ofyou leg session. Now that's gone.
I am still hitting all body parts 2x a wk.

I started HGH today at 2iu.
5 days since my last post but being down for site maintenance didn't help...otherwise I would have posted uesterday.

I'm loving this phase 1 training. It's so much easier but it just has the right differences and changes to make it feel fresh.
Yesterday I took my wife to my gym and my daughter came too. She loves her daycare.
So my wife and I did shoulders and arMs
DB lateral fly 3 x 15

DB shoulder press ss DB rear Delt fly 3 x 15

Cable curls ss with tri push downs 3x 15

HS Preacher curls 3 x 15

Dips machine 3 x 20 using my BW

Machine shoulder press ss tricep extension 3 x 15

Rotary calf press dropsets 4 sets
Today was a good leg day. Feeling it already and a bit tired.

HS squat machine 6 sets 15,25,20,20,18,15 had to stick with light weight thru out and not many reps cause my lower back just tightened up and felt too intense. Is it the 20mg of dbol I took or cause I'm 43? Who knows.

Leg ext. (I was supposed to do these first but I messed up) 3 sets x 20ish

Leg press ss with be lunge 3 sets. These are proving to be a difficult super set for me. After the leg press getting a mere 10 reps per leg of lunges is hard as hell!

Leg curl ss with DB SLDL 3 sets

Seated calf raise 7 sets
Donkey calf raise 4 sets

On my way to the locker room stopped aND did 1 set of glute leg extensions.

Not getting my cardio in these days (tisk tisk)
Today was chest and back
HS lat pull down 4 x 15
HS incline press 4 x 15

HS low row 4x 15
HS flat press 4x15

HS hi row 4 x15
Pec dec 4 x 15

Abs was 4 sets on ab machine

No cardio can't keep my little girl waiting in day care!

2-14-15 Early AM workout.
Shoulders and Arms...cardio
Lateral raise
DB shoulder press
DB rear Delt fly
Cable curls and triceps push down with the rope.
Altrenaming DB curl ss with Dips
DB hammer curls ss 1 arm over head tri extension.

Ya buddy! Good workout then I did a good 30 min on the bike.

Leg ext.
6 sets of Smith squats
Leg press ss with BW lunges
Leg curls ss with DB SLDL (lower back got tight and had to limit reps even tho I went up in weight....thanks to the dbol at 20mg for the tight back and the increase in strength!)
Yesterday was chest and back.
I belong to a chain gym and have used 4 of them. I decided to check out the 5th one near me and I was thrown off cause it was so small.
My workout was kinda off so I'm not gonna bother posting it cause I wound up going off script.

But today was Shoulders and arMs and cardio at a bigger more familiar gym
It was a typical workout and it followed my routine.

There was a hot girl there who knew what she was doing training wise and dressing wise. She had some tats on her shoulder, upper arm and part of her back. She looked good!
How do you guys feel about girls with tats?

At the dr this morning my BP was 132/92. High for me.
Damn dbol! Not enough adex. Making adjustments now.
Nice.... girls with tats? Fuck yes! My new chick has a badass piece that covers 1/2 her back that shit is so sexy.

I tried inserting a pic but looks like I'm having the same problem everyone else is
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Today. Legs
3 set Leg ext.
6 sets of Smith squat
3 set Leg press ss leg press calf ss bw lunge ss leg press calf
Seated leg curl ss DB SLDL x 3

Smith seated calf x 6 high reps

Later today looking to do 30 min cardio and abs.

I am going to spend the next 2 weeks cutting. Diet has had a few too many bumps in the road and I don't wanna see anymore fat over the abs.