Ask Anything You Want about TRT Thread........

Thanks for the help DET-OAK. Great idea to start this topic. So in keeping in mind that you are not a physician, could you please tell us what you background with testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) is? You obviously seem very knowledgeable about TRT.
Thanks for the help DET-OAK. Great idea to start this topic. So in keeping in mind that you are not a physician, could you please tell us what you background with testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) is? You obviously seem very knowledgeable about TRT.

My background is ology, born and bred right here on this board. I am a product of the immense uneducation in the medical field in regards to hormones and what role they play in our body, or you could say I am a product of the FDA pushing every pill known to men on patients for a quick fix that are in too big of a hurry to dig deeper and see what the underlying issue of the patient is. I am a product of the unwillingness of America to aspire to intelligence and learn that maybe doctors don't always care or know whats best for us. I am the product of procedures getting in the way of medicine that we need to live the quality of life Americans are suppose to live.

I am a product of America not being the greatest country in the world anymore.

I am Self-Made..........................

Hi DET-OAK, 31 year old, been on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) since May of this year. 175lbs / ~17% BF. Started with injecting 200mg test C E7D and 500IU hCG x2 a week. 3 weeks after I began treatment I began to feel a crash on the 4th day so I switched my protocol to 250IU HCG / 100mg test C / .5 mg Arimidex every 84 hours and I haven't felt that crash since but I still experience "hot flashes", bacne, high libido with erections that don't stay hard all the time, so to me it seems that my E is still high or out of wack. I haven't gotten a lab yet since all LabCorps around my area take hours before I can get seen so my appointment is for 8/1.

In the meantime should I stay with the same protocol I am in today? I was thinking of going with 50mg every 84 hours, do another .5 mg of Aromatase inhibitor (AI) but stop the Aromatase inhibitor (AI) after my next dose with the assumption that I shouldn't aromatize so much E due to lower T dosage. Making that change will still give me 2 weeks before my lab is due.
Please keep in mind I am not a physician, this is for entertainment purposes only and you should consult your physician before changing or engaging in any therapeutic program :shoot3:

I am sure he has lowT as well, he has all the signs plus he is on oral meds which are notorious for lowering testosterone.

It is safer for him to get on therapy right away, keep in mind he is doing it at this point for health reasons, so although working out will help his program it is warranted wether he works out or not. Think of it as someone who needs adequate amounts of T just for normal daily duties, aside from correcting BMI wich is a pleasurable side effect.

No restart for him, getting what little he could possibly make to return at his age is not worth it. It is supplementation time, and at his age GH optimization would be important to ward off any intrinsic diseases in his future.

It is also important to note that diabetics who take insulin normally need half there normal dose once they start TRT.

Hope this helps

wow i had no idea that testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) can help improve his diabetes.... yes he does show all the symptoms of low T. even signs of depression which is definately a side of low T. and yes i too think he could benefit from GH. he is also showing signs of arthritis in his lumbar vert. which he is taking loads of naproxen & NORTRIPTYLINE HCL, an anti depressive med that happens to have the side of easing nerve/back pain (more oral meds that lower T) now the hardest thing to do will be to get his physician to even try and request a hormone level check or a referal to a testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) specialist..... his insurance is kaiser. & its like pulling teeth with them to give u even basic services like blood tests or Allergy tests etc even if you really need it. anyway thanks for posting this thread det-oak! and thanks for the help! i really appreciate it.
Hi DET-OAK, 31 year old, been on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) since May of this year. 175lbs / ~17% BF. Started with injecting 200mg test C E7D and 500IU hCG x2 a week. 3 weeks after I began treatment I began to feel a crash on the 4th day so I switched my protocol to 250IU HCG / 100mg test C / .5 mg Arimidex every 84 hours and I haven't felt that crash since but I still experience "hot flashes", bacne, high libido with erections that don't stay hard all the time, so to me it seems that my E is still high or out of wack. I haven't gotten a lab yet since all LabCorps around my area take hours before I can get seen so my appointment is for 8/1.

In the meantime should I stay with the same protocol I am in today? I was thinking of going with 50mg every 84 hours, do another .5 mg of Aromatase inhibitor (AI) but stop the Aromatase inhibitor (AI) after my next dose with the assumption that I shouldn't aromatize so much E due to lower T dosage. Making that change will still give me 2 weeks before my lab is due.

I wouldn't go all the way down 50, since that is a 100 week and 31 of those mg are actually ester. So you will only be getting 69mg of testosterone a week. For me that is not enough. 150mg a week will drop me in around 800.

I like to be a little higher than 800.

The only thing that worries me is the "hot flashes" a lot of times this is due to low estrogen.

Maybe an every 5 day would be the best for you......... like 125-150 E5D.

You could always try your program without HCG for a couple weeks, but at this time sine you only have 2 weeks to go til your blood test I wouldn't change too much.

Your protocol does not seem bad, it would be interesting to know if your E is high or low, are you holding any water?

If thats you in your pic your def lower than 17%
wow i had no idea that testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) can help improve his diabetes.... yes he does show all the symptoms of low T. even signs of depression which is definately a side of low T. and yes i too think he could benefit from GH. he is also showing signs of arthritis in his lumbar vert. which he is taking loads of naproxen & NORTRIPTYLINE HCL, an anti depressive med that happens to have the side of easing nerve/back pain (more oral meds that lower T) now the hardest thing to do will be to get his physician to even try and request a hormone level check or a referal to a testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) specialist..... his insurance is kaiser. & its like pulling teeth with them to give u even basic services like blood tests or Allergy tests etc even if you really need it. anyway thanks for posting this thread det-oak! and thanks for the help! i really appreciate it.

Yea I never hear great things about Kasier. Maybe try and get the testing done through them and then get with IMT to see if they can come up with an affordable testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) program for him?
Is Maximus Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) still operating? I'm 24 and from what I've gathered the board sponsor will not accept me. I am running extremely low on my prescription and don't have the funds to go through the entire process of getting labs and physicals again through local clinics in order to go through 5 to maybe have 1 work with me. Please dont censor this question as this board helped me greatly before and I am in a very shitty situation right now.
Is Maximus Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) still operating? I'm 24 and from what I've gathered the board sponsor will not accept me. I am running extremely low on my prescription and don't have the funds to go through the entire process of getting labs and physicals again through local clinics in order to go through 5 to maybe have 1 work with me. Please dont censor this question as this board helped me greatly before and I am in a very shitty situation right now.

so what your telling me is you have ordered from them before but you needed to ask this question here, instead of just calling?

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Get your Maximus panties and get the fuck outta my thread.
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It's a weekend so I got no response. I could have also gotten no response due to the fact they are no longer in business. Thanks for your help though.
I wouldn't go all the way down 50, since that is a 100 week and 31 of those mg are actually ester. So you will only be getting 69mg of testosterone a week. For me that is not enough. 150mg a week will drop me in around 800.

I like to be a little higher than 800.

The only thing that worries me is the "hot flashes" a lot of times this is due to low estrogen.

Maybe an every 5 day would be the best for you......... like 125-150 E5D.

You could always try your program without HCG for a couple weeks, but at this time sine you only have 2 weeks to go til your blood test I wouldn't change too much.

Your protocol does not seem bad, it would be interesting to know if your E is high or low, are you holding any water?

If thats you in your pic your def lower than 17%

Thanks DET-OAK, I never thought about the breakdown between the T and the ester itself. I will be sticking to the same protocol I have been for the last few weeks until I get some numbers back 2 weeks from now. The only numbers I have ever gotten are the ones from before starting testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) so I have only been dosing based on how I feel and it seems a lot of the symptoms associated with high E can also be caused by low E, yet I only started taking an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) weeks after I started testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) and the hot flashes were present then so I am unsure if it would be even possible to drop your E without an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) when you're adding exogenous T.

I had read before in some of your other posts that you shouldn't need to pin any more than E5Ds which is def. where I'd like to be if not E6D or so, the only thing I like about the 84 hour protocol is that I get to take care of the HCG, T and Aromatase inhibitor (AI) all on the same day which simplifies things a bit.

My levels before testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) were:

Prolactin: 8.8 ng/mL (2.0-18.0)
Total PSA: 0.7 ng/mL (< OR = 4.0)
Estradiol: < 15 pg/mL (< OR = 39)
LH: 2.7 mIU/mL (1.5-9.3)
FSH: 5.0 mIU/mL (1.6-8.0)
Free T4: 1.4 ng/dL (0.8-1.8)
Total T: 266 ng/dL (250-1100)
Free T: 42.3 pg/mL (35.0-155.0)

Thanks again for giving back to the ology community, you've definitely absorbed quite a bit of knowledge, we appreciate it!
You def were a testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) candidate for sure, make sure you get your numbers back to us. I have a sneaking suspicion your E is low........... its hard to tell once you first start but as you go on you will learn your body and know if its high or low.

I think at this point it is def time to get bloods, once you have exhausted treating the symptoms thats whats left. It seems though that testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) is partially working for you so your not far away!!!
I have question's about hcg.I know I respond very well to hcg(it makes me feel much better also). I was reading research by Dr. Chrisler stating that 500iu or less would not aromatize.If this is true,what do you think about Dr. Shippen's protocol of 500iu of hcg for 5 consecutive days,then 2 off,without an AI?(no testosterone ) Does hcg raise hemoglobin like testosterone? Is sub-q as effective as IM for hcg? Thanks!
I know you've written about the benefits of the spike of T and E and therefore favor the E5D over E3.5D (or more) injection schedule. For the guy that just doesn't want to or can't logistically do weekend injections what would your "ideal" schedule be.. T, Aromatase inhibitor (AI), HCG..
Would you keep @ E3.5D and just try to dial in or would you go every 7 days (in regards to T), and how would the Aromatase inhibitor (AI), HCG schedule look? I can include my labs if you need to see them but thought I'd get a more general feeling from you on scheduling.
I have question's about hcg.I know I respond very well to hcg(it makes me feel much better also). I was reading research by Dr. Chrisler stating that 500iu or less would not aromatize.If this is true,what do you think about Dr. Shippen's protocol of 500iu of hcg for 5 consecutive days,then 2 off,without an AI?(no testosterone ) Does hcg raise hemoglobin like testosterone? Is sub-q as effective as IM for hcg? Thanks!

Sub Q should be as effective for HCG as IM, it should not make a big enough difference to be able to tell. I am not sure a broad statement like less than 500iu would not aromatize, this will depend highly on the person. Also please remember some has to occur, you need a little estrogen. Most of the time when men have BMD issues in regards to low testosterone it is actually the low E that they have a problem with. Since there is no T to convert to E.

I am not one to say something won't work, so the protocol may work for some, I personally don't think 500IU is adequate enough to get your T levels up but anything is possible. I personally like 5kIU a week for someone that is using just HCG or more. There are also plenty of guys that take a lot of HCG and need no Aromatase inhibitor (AI), then there is that small percentage can't tolerate it at all. Since you like HCG I wouldn't think dosing a little higher and higher until you find that amount that is too much per say is a bad idea. HCG is one of those things that you have to find out how you personally react to it.

Why the 2 days off on that protocol? to save money? HCG has a Bi phasic pattern so it would seem to me you would get a drop on the off days, then again I've never tried so i don't know. Logic and and what really happens can be 2 different things. In order for me to be more sure I would have to have more guys on that protocol and honestly i don't see many do it.

HH could be effected by the increase in testosterone, but i doubt it with something like HCG.

When you say HCG makes you feel good what do you mean by that? what doses have you taken?
I know you've written about the benefits of the spike of T and E and therefore favor the E5D over E3.5D (or more) injection schedule. For the guy that just doesn't want to or can't logistically do weekend injections what would your "ideal" schedule be.. T, Aromatase inhibitor (AI), HCG..
Would you keep @ E3.5D and just try to dial in or would you go every 7 days (in regards to T), and how would the Aromatase inhibitor (AI), HCG schedule look? I can include my labs if you need to see them but thought I'd get a more general feeling from you on scheduling.

you could still do your 2x a week schedule. but i honestly think some guys do better on just once per week.

I guess if I stayed on the 2x per week I would take my HCG and T at the same time, for convenience. I don't buy too much into timing because levels will build then stabilize. Even your adex will build up.

you could try taking your adex the days after your T and HCG shot, in the end though it all comes down to playing with it and finding the best schedule for you. Ive seen some guys take there Aromatase inhibitor (AI) the day before, day of and even 3 days after. The problem with generalizing a schedule is although these half-lives can be used as a guide, they are still based on averages. The same kind of averages that they use on lab tests to tell you where you should be.......... so in the end, these numbers are only to guide you.

We could all say the half life of test e is 12 days but it may be 5 in person A and 8 or 9 in person b or c. So as hard as some would like to try to standardize it, it is simply trial and error.

esters are fat soluble, so the the half life could change from one week to the next simply dependent on the muscle it was injected in. So trying to get these things to line up perfectly on paper, just doesn't work.

when i do 150mg a week and 1k IU HCG, 2x HCG and 1 T shot. I fall into 7-800 range and E around 40. Thats where I feel good but that does not mean you can replicate those numbers with that schedule, it could be completely different.
I'm not really sure why he had a 2 day off in his protocol,but I'm thinking he believes you should never take more than 2500iu per week.As far as feeling better on hcg, when taking test by itself,I still seemed to feel like crap most of the time. Depression,anxiety,insominia,unmotivated,lethargy.I even had ED occasionally,which I never had before starting TRT) I started taking 60mg of test cyp.with 1250iu of hcg every 3.5days.I also took 1mg of arimidex every 3.5 days. I actually felt like a human being again-depression etc... improved greatly,still some insominia problems though. My e was still at 31,lab was taken almost to the minute I was due next shot.My sexual function would be good,even though libido was pretty low, then boom weak or no erection after having great one a day or 2 before.Just never seemed to be any pattern to this. I blamed it on e still being too high.A few years before starting testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) my e was 23,so this was my guess. Do you think it could be the arimidex itself causing no libido and the ed problems? I've read this is a problem for some and after switching to aromasin everything greatly improved.I finally got super frustrated and quit TRT. I remained on a very healthy diet for the last 15 months-protein,plenty of veggies,some fruit,nuts,olive oil,100 grams of good carbs a day.I thought this might help liver rid body of excess e,so I started back on same protocol,things going good then same ED problem.This time thought e was going to low,so been experimenting.Things seem to go good for week or 2 then terrible.Worst ED has ever beenright now.Should I go back to my origional 3.5 day schedule for 4-5 weeks then get labs? I'm pretty sure my low T was caused by severe insomina,depression and high cortisol levels.Do you think that since my T shoots up 250-300 points with a single shot of 1250 iu of hcg,that a restart would be worth a try? I'm 49 in good health. I sincerely thank you for your time!!
Please keep in mind I am not a physician, this is for entertainment purposes only and you should consult your physician before changing or engaging in any therapeutic program :shoot3:

I think at your age a restart is not going to make you happy, simply because you sought out testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) cause you wanted to feel better, at your age that clock really starts to speed up, so I hear. This is not to say its not possible its just gonna be really hard work and will be something you have to keep up with.

Its very possible the Adex was interfering with your libido. There is a common curve seen when someone starts testosterone replacement therapy (TRT), during the first 2 weeks they usually get a marked increase in libido and morning erections. Next 1 of 2 things normally happens, it keeps increasing or it turns south.

Usually this is because of estrogen. Adex is very hard to titrate and seems to have a building effect over time. Although it is considered to be the least potent it has a very strong binding affinity, hence the really low MG its dosed at. Something like Exemestane is more expensive and is not necessary for everyone. Exemestane is a suicidal inhibitor which simply means it attaches permanently to the Aroma enzyme prohibiting it from doing its job ever again. Adex is a Type II which binds temporarily and then lets go so that Aroma enzyme can go back to doing its job, hence the scare of a rebound is born, although I have never seen one.

Exemestane, due to it being dosed quite a bit higher ( usually 25mg) is much easier to titrate

The last issue to touch on is letro, which may be it for some of the older guys. I hear some of them say that Letro is the only thing that controls there E anymore, the other 2 don't work. I have a sneaking suspicion that it is actually do to the fact that Letro will down regulate PGR receptor. This has importance because when E sways it can trigger PGR and PRL. So the fix the found in letro was maybe a way to control 2 birds with one stone.

Don't listen to anyone that says Letro will smash all of your E, if they say that then they haven't taken it. Although it is expensive, very small doses should be used so it last's a while.

Contact IMT to get on the right program.
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I just saw this post. I have been taken FloraJen 3 since my allergist recommended it to me when I was going through a cycle of antibiotics a few months back, I have not stop taken them since. It works wonders for me. I have not gotten sick since (which could be a combination of exercise, testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) and the probiotics) and I used to get colds quite often. Also I used to get stomach aches at least weekly before the probiotics. I take one daily with my O.N. multi vitamins and fish oil caps. They aren't the cheapest but they work great for me.

My .02
Any idea if HGH would heal any type of tendon\ligament issue in the shoulder??

let say if you had a bad rotator cuff or labrium, would taking HGH actually heal it instead of going through surgery???
Any idea if HGH would heal any type of tendon\ligament issue in the shoulder??

let say if you had a bad rotator cuff or labrium, would taking HGH actually heal it instead of going through surgery???

The only hardcore proof I've seen that shows it works is when they do high dose spot injections with GH, it cuts healing time.

Look into PRP therapy if you have some cash at your disposal, it should increase healing time 50%