Please keep in mind I am not a doctor and you should consult your physician before changing or engaging in any therapeutic program.
Sorry about the frustration bro but don't give, living with 300 test levels is not a good idea, I would presume it is actually more dangerous than the blood pressure spike.
Your blood pressure should not go up if you keep levels in eugonadal ( natural ) range. So here are a few things you can try before giving up.
Don't be afraid of the creams. Although there is a small worry about estrogen conversion this will keep your levels from ever shooting up too high. Now this may not be as good of a feeling as injections, but it will be a heck of a lot better than 300ng/dl natty levels.
since you are on injectables already lets see if we can work out something though before we switch to creams. Now, most of the time when your blood pressure gets really high that is because of high estrogen, but not always. You should get your doctor to give you blood pressure meds to go with your testosterone replacement therapy (TRT), some guys are just super prone to it when injecting T, nothing those meds won't help you with though.
Also you may already know this but you have to keep bloat down and this could easily be caused by not taking in enough water or not exercising enough (cardio).
What I would do is drop my dose to 100mg a week for a bit, and see if that alleviates it, then once you stabilize blood pressure while on therapy see if you can slowly titrate up if need be.
For the AI's causing joint pain it is very possible for them to do that even though E is not suppressed, this can be very common with exemestane.
For the lipids I wouldn't buy into to that to much cause let me tell you where that info came from. AI's have been tested on women in hopes to reduce there cancer cells by eliminating estrogen. They had to give women 10mg ED of adex to achieve that, which is about a 10x the dose we would take in a week let alone every day. i do not see them affecting lipids at the small dose we take them at, after all leaving your testosterone at 300 is much worse for your lipids then adex even at 10mg ED.
So with your 100 mg of testosterone try taking about .5-1mg a week only of adex. splitting it up or taking it all on the day of your shot. I would stay away from Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) for now and keep your protocol as simple as possible and work it up very slowly.
If this does not work then your next move would be to try creams, they can be very useful to those that don't agree with injections.
I think it is possible to get you going, I would just get the blood pressure meds from my doc and at least have the ones on hand you can take at will, when blood pressure goes up.
Hope this helps and feel free to post more now that we have a discussion going on this