Ask Anything You Want about TRT Thread........

This is a good one everyone should read

It could be said that testosterone is what makes men, men. It gives them their characteristic deep voices, large muscles, and facial and body hair, distinguishing them from women. It stimulates the growth of the genitals at puberty, plays a role in sperm production, fuels libido, and contributes to normal erections. It also fosters the production of red blood cells, boosts mood, and aids cognition.

Over time, the testicular machinery that makes testosterone gradually becomes less effective, and testosterone levels start to fall, by about 1% a year, beginning in the 40s. As men get into their 50s, 60s, and beyond, they may start to have signs and symptoms of low testosterone such as lower sex drive and sense of vitality, erectile dysfunction, decreased energy, reduced muscle mass and bone density, and anemia. Taken together, these signs and symptoms are often called hypogonadism (hypo meaning low functioning and gonadism referring to the testicles). Researchers estimate that the condition affects anywhere from two to six million men in the United States. Yet it is an underdiagnosed problem, with only about 5% of those affected receiving treatment.

Studies have shown that testosterone-replacement therapy may offer a wide range of benefits for men with hypogonadism, including improved libido, mood, cognition, muscle mass, bone density, and red blood cell production. But little consensus exists on what constitutes low testosterone, when testosterone supplementation makes sense, or what risks patients face. Much of the current debate focuses on the long-held belief that testosterone may stimulate prostate cancer.

Dr. Abraham Morgentaler, an associate professor of surgery at Harvard Medical School and the director of Mens Health Boston, specializes in treating prostate diseases and male sexual and reproductive difficulties. He has developed particular expertise in treating low testosterone levels. In this interview, Dr. Morgentaler shares his views on current controversies, the treatment strategies he uses with his own patients, and why he thinks experts should reconsider the possible link between testosterone-replacement therapy and prostate cancer.

A Harvard expert shares his thoughts on testosterone-replacement therapy - Harvard Health Publications
Last night I did my shot with a 28g x 0.5" slin pin in the vastus lateralis...

My question is, is there anyway to tell whether it went IM or was too short and ended up SQ instead? I like to think I recognize the feeling when the needle penetrates the muscle (it feels like a faint pressure deep inside) but of course this could be a figment of my imagination. Is soreness the next day any indication of IM injection?

(BTW my decision to try slin pins was based off of extensive reading on the subject by many vets and authorities like Bill Roberts)

Thanks guys!
If you don't mind me asking what is the rationale behind your assessment? (just trying to learn)

When its not deep enough it leaves a welt for me, and it is irritating, because it is oil based. Some people do sub c T injects but I get discomfort with them. Either way it will be absorbed though. It is simply possible you will get sore your first couple of injections too, so...... :)
What do you do if you're afraid your testes are shrinking? Just bump up the hCG?

Right now I'm on E5D:

100mg cyp
500iu hCG
0.5mg anastrozole
total noob question
what if I wanted to draw 1cc of test from my vial and only had 0.5cc left in the vial, do I draw in 0.5 cc more of air and inject both the test and air into the new vial the draw back the full 1cc. or just inject the 0.5 cc of air. or does it really matter.
total noob question
what if I wanted to draw 1cc of test from my vial and only had 0.5cc left in the vial, do I draw in 0.5 cc more of air and inject both the test and air into the new vial the draw back the full 1cc. or just inject the 0.5 cc of air. or does it really matter.

Don't ever inject air into your body! Never do that! Not sure if you were saying that, but what you wrote at the end was a little confusing.

Clean both tops of the vials with alcohol. Draw .5cc from the first vial and then using the same syringe continue drawing the next .5cc from the second vial. Then you will have a total of 1cc in your syringe. Clear it of air bubbles and "prime it" by pushing the test up to the top. You can see it rise and a drop will come out of the needle when it is at the top. Then you are ready to inject. Make sure you have cleaned your injection site with alcohol.

You really should consider going to your doctor's office and asking to have a nurse teach you how to self-inject properly.

Don't worry about pumping air into the second vial before you draw the second .5cc of test. It will come out just fine.

Happy 4th of July!
Don't ever inject air into your body! Never do that! Not sure if you were saying that, but what you wrote at the end was a little confusing.

Clean both tops of the vials with alcohol. Draw .5cc from the first vial and then using the same syringe continue drawing the next .5cc from the second vial. Then you will have a total of 1cc in your syringe. Clear it of air bubbles and "prime it" by pushing the test up to the top. You can see it rise and a drop will come out of the needle when it is at the top. Then you are ready to inject. Make sure you have cleaned your injection site with alcohol.

You really should consider going to your doctor's office and asking to have a nurse teach you how to self-inject properly.

Don't worry about pumping air into the second vial before you draw the second .5cc of test. It will come out just fine.

Happy 4th of July!

Thanks for the advice. I just read what I wrote and can see how it was kinda confusing. I know I should never inject air into my body lolm thanks again
total noob question
what if I wanted to draw 1cc of test from my vial and only had 0.5cc left in the vial, do I draw in 0.5 cc more of air and inject both the test and air into the new vial the draw back the full 1cc. or just inject the 0.5 cc of air. or does it really matter.

I'd empty the old vial into my syringe and then add .5cc of air to the syringe and poke the needle into the second vial and just inject the air into it and then continue filling the syringe to 1cc and then wince when I pin myself because the needle is getting dull :)
I'd empty the old vial into my syringe and then add .5cc of air to the syringe and poke the needle into the second vial and just inject the air into it and then continue filling the syringe to 1cc and then wince when I pin myself because the needle is getting dull :)

Get 18 gauge needles to draw the test into your syringe and then switch them to whatever gauge you like for injecting. I use 25 gauge. Get the bigger tips for drawing are dirt cheap and make it a lot easier.
I am on my fourth week of testosterone replacement therapy (TRT). Test Cyp 100mgs/week. Is it too soon to get labs or should I wait another week or so?

I will admit...I had a 100mg of prop laying around and added that the first week to the 100mg of Cyp.
I am on my fourth week of testosterone replacement therapy (TRT). Test Cyp 100mgs/week. Is it too soon to get labs or should I wait another week or so?

I will admit...I had a 100mg of prop laying around and added that the first week to the 100mg of Cyp.

Everything considered, I'd wait until 6 weeks were done if you are doing OK. One guy I know said his test levels kept raising all through his first 10 weeks on the same dose. Maybe he's an unusual case though.
Ok, if you saw my bloodwork for my recovery, you would see that my Serum Testosterone Levels where 291. My LH was 4.4 My FSH was 8.9 Estradol was 20pg/ml Prolactin was 3.3 really low. I was 1 week off of my post cycle therapy (pct). when I got the Bloodwork. So I am probably going to be fine, who knows. So I was wondering if I am not fine and my test comes to just 340 or something Low, and I decide to just TRT myself with 50mg a week or lower and bring my levels to like 550 or 640 ng/dl would I get any type of shutdown if it wasnt for too long? Can I run Clomid at like 10 to 25mg a day for like ever or really long??? Like use clomid as a TRT thang??? Hope I can have my questions answered.
Ok, if you saw my bloodwork for my recovery, you would see that my Serum Testosterone Levels where 291. My LH was 4.4 My FSH was 8.9 Estradol was 20pg/ml Prolactin was 3.3 really low. I was 1 week off of my post cycle therapy (pct). when I got the Bloodwork. So I am probably going to be fine, who knows. So I was wondering if I am not fine and my test comes to just 340 or something Low, and I decide to just testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) myself with 50mg a week or lower and bring my levels to like 550 or 640 ng/dl would I get any type of shutdown if it wasnt for too long? Can I run Clomid at like 10 to 25mg a day for like ever or really long??? Like use clomid as a testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) thang??? Hope I can have my questions answered.

I don't think you can pin really any test without shutdown, but it seems like more and more are using clomid monotherapy...could read this thread:

and here's another thread where a guy is taking 12.5mg of clomid eod or every 3 days:
what all can be done for high hemocrit and high hemoglobin? I know giving blood but is there anything else? Will going to twice week injections instead of one do anything?
what all can be done for high hemocrit and high hemoglobin? I know giving blood but is there anything else? Will going to twice week injections instead of one do anything?

Smaller more frequent doses may help. It seems to have helped me. And you will need to donate blood regularly. That absolutely helps and it is good for society.

How high is you hematocrit?