Please post all your blood work results and include reference ranges. That will give us a better picture of what is going on with you. Please include the time ofnday the blood work was taken as well.
Okay, awesome! Well, I just spent a good hour looking for my original results, but I can't find them. I will have them by tomorrow though, I'll go down to the surgery and ask for a copy. All I can remember was me T was 7.5nm/L (8.3-35) and everything else was good, except my free T was also low. Now, on the second test my T was 17.1nm/L (9.3-32) and I'm not sure if you want things like Potassium, etc? Will post if necessary! My AFP was 1
(<10) HCG <1 (<5).
TSH was 1.02 (0.40-3.50). I had a test done to check I am a male, lol, like no extra chromosomes or whatever, I'm all good there. again, I'll write exactly what it says about that if needed!
ACTH is 4.0 (0.0-10.0)
17-OHProg is 10.6 (<10.3).
DHEA-S is 7.2 (1.2-10)
Androstenedione is 2.6 (1.7-16.8)
Testosterone is 17.1 (9.3-32)
Growth Hormone is <0.2 (no ref range)
IGF-1 is 336 (247-482)
IGF-1 again is 1.40 (1.03-2.01)
LH is 2.4 (0.6-12.1)
FSH is 0.8 (1.0-12.0)
Prolactin is 272 (73-410)
Serum Cortisol is 124 (no ref range)
Now, my third test, again I can provide things like Potassium, etc is needed, they are here.
AFP - same as before
HCG - " " "
TSH - " " "
I was again found to be a male.
T. Protein - 72 (60-82)
Albumin - 42 (35-50)
ALP - 69 (30-150)
Bilirubin - 5 (<25)
GGT - 26 (<51)
AST - 25 (<41)
ALT - (23-<51)
Testosterone - 14.0nm/L (6.0-30)
I find these T ranges to be very modest, yes? Any word on this? Again, I have more results, I just can't find them, but I should have them tomorrow for you!! Thank you for taking a interest, no Dr will.