This is a common problem. First, you need to have an honest conversation with your wife if you have not already. Explain why you felt so bad and tired for so long and why you feel like a 17 year old again now. Explain that before you were too tired to want sex and bow it is all you can think about.
How old is you wife? And how old are you?
One thing I did was spend about $500 buying my wife new underwear andn bras at Victoria Secret. I picked ones I liked and ordered them for her. It helped her feel sexy and know that I still find her sexy. I kept telling her this too!
I also explained that sometimes I just need her to " take one for the team". Let me do my thing. Although, she may not be into it when we start, but she usually starts enjoying it after a few minutes. If you guys were out of practice having lots of regular sex it may take her a little time to get back into the swing of it.
There are drugs that can help your wife's sex drive. You actually could give her a little bit of your testosterone. Especially if she is getting older. Make sure you get blood work first to see what her testosterone levels are at. Get the Hormone Panel for Females from Privatemdlabs listed below in my signature. You can start a new thread and post her results if you like. Basically though, your average 18 year old woman has TT of about 70ng/dl. If she is low, many women have benefited from supplementing i. Just remember that dosages for females are a LOT smaller than what you take and there are risks of virilization. This would be a new thread if you want to explore this further. There are other medications as well that can help women's libidios.
Change things up. Sex toys. Vacations. Sex in public places. New positions. Anal. Do new things to her. Try to make sex fun again for her.
If she won't cooperate, you could hire prostitutes. We don't judge here.
Anyway, I would not try to lower your libido. Try to raise hers.
Another option for you is to spend more time exercising. Tire yourself out and that will probably help lower your libido.
I did figure it was a common problem for men with their T levels under control. I've had multiple honest conversations with her about it and things kind of change for a week or so and it drops off again. You just get to the point where having the conversation again seems like such a drag. She knows about my low T before, she knows how i fixed it, she knows the problems i was having and why i was having them.
Both her and I are 33.
My wife has new underwear all the time, she actively buys it herself and models it for me but that's a once every couple weeks thing. I tell her daily how beautiful she is, and how she makes me feel. We are very much in love. We do everything together. We are affectionate, i can always find a way to talk her into sex in interesting spots, and she loves that.
Taking one for the team is something that she is willing to do occasionally. The problem is her not being into it just kind of doesn't do it for me.
I've thought about trying to get her to a female hormone doctor, i may explore this more.
We've never been shy about sex toys or experimentation. I'm also confident that sex is still fun for her. But as we've been together for a while, we know each others likes and dislikes, our sex life is amazing as far as quality goes. We take our time, we enjoy each other, she has multiple orgasms every time and is in ecstasy. You definitely cannot fake that. Most people would be ok with just that, on the occasional every other day, but mostly every 3rd, have amazing sex with your wife. Most people are cool with quality over quantity. I want quality and quantity, because my batteries recharge hours later, not days.
I definitely don't want to lower my libido, i am happy this way, it's just the anxiety of waiting, wondering when she will be in the mood again, not wanting to push her to hard, etc... drives me crazy. I think part of it is in the past she has said things like, i'm insatiable. I'm not, i just want her all the time, i've told her that. She's said i just use her for sex. I don't, or i would just pound it till i got mine, but i don't, i always make sure she gets hers, and not in a rush because i get as much or more pleasure from seeing that than i do from getting mine.
As for the exercise thing, i hike probably 12 miles every other day. I'm in sheer weight loss mode and it's hunting season so i've been looking for a deer. I come home absolutely exhausted, but on the way home all i can think about is if my wife is going to be in the mood on the way home. Exercise makes me want it more.
Now, i know i make it sound like i have it bad. I know i don't. The last talk her and i had, it was clear she thought our sex life was great. I told her i could have sex with her daily if she could do it. She didn't realize it was like that for me. I told her we don't have to have sex every single day, and she said she knows and we left it at that. I think that wasn't clear enough though. I think i probably needed to tell her that what i meant was if we have sex 2-3 days in a row, we can take a day off. To be quite honest, our sex life is a farcry from what it was prior to the TRT. It is so much better, so much more frequent (before we would go a week or more between), but i can't help that it's still not enough for me. I'm just wondering if i'm asking too much. I'm not asking for twice a day (except on vacation, because she is in the mood for it then), i'm just asking for like 5 times a week. That's like a work week but less commitment.