Holy shit Megatron. Nice finds. Generally the stuff I spout around here is somewhat based on my own reading of studies, but moreso based on personal experiences with the drugs. These are some wild studies for sure and an awesome read. I suppose it might hurt my credibility a bit around here, but I rarely quote studies when providing info... BUT... this makes me want to dig more, as a all of these are relevant to a restart and/or short/long term use of a SERM.
I have nothing to add study wise, but will say that pre-Nolvadex/Clomid, my SHBG was consistently 20-22 (16.5-55.9). Throughout the SERMs, it reached 46 and stayed there after a few months. Since getting on TRT, its dropped back to 22.
Potentially relevant (and I am digging for the studies now which I had saved somewhere), SERMs may lower the effectiveness of AIs. Likely a result of the steady and increased LH your body pumps as a result of the SERM. I don't see much about it around here, but other forums refer to this mythical beast as "Intertesticular Testosterone" and the associated estrogen levels. Rumor has it, this mechanism of estrogen generation in the testes bypasses the mechanisms of arimidex. And no, I 100% do not have a study for this - bro science to the max. I had one hell of a time managing my E while on Nolva. I dosed adex at 1.5mg a week to keep a TT 900 and an E2 25. On testosterone injections, as you have seen in my other threads, I can't get my E2 over 20... period.