Hello all. I am starting TRT in a few days, thread is here: steroidology.com/forum/testosterone-replacement-therapy/677369-starting-trt-25-y-o-survivor-let-s-do.html
My question is: I will be doing subcutaneous 50 mg test injections every 3.5 days with 29 gauge .5 inch insulin needles. I will backload them with 21 gauge needles. I plan on doing the injections into my stomach but I feel like I would prefer to do them in my glute. Does anyone know if that would be okay? My glute seems less intimidating.
Megatron gave you good advice above.
Realistically you should be fine injecting subQ just about anywhere...within reason. A needle of that size shouldn't cause you any issues, might get some lumps though, and some guys get annoyed by that.
I like the deltoid for injections with a needle of roughly the same size.
There's really not much need to backfill syringes in your case. I mean, go for it if that appeals to you for some reason, but it's not necessary. You'll be drawing up such a small amount of oil that it's not going to take you very long, even with a 29g needle. Backfilling would just be an extra step IMO.