Bee Stings can Work Locally


I am banned!
I'm sitting back thinking a place where one can swell up naturally and use it to his benefit.

Bee Stings.

Using Bee stings on a site and if one can handle bee stings,it really not painful at all,Doesn't leave a mark,you will get a hugh swelling locally and I'm thinking this is funny if one won a bodybuilding contest and was asked how he won the contest and he replied, "Bee Stings."

Come to think of it,,,,,,Hugh Calves from Bee stings.

You heard it here first.Naturally :-)
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Guy I worked with said he would keep some bees in jar by the nightstand. When the wifey wanted to play, he stuck his johnson in there and let narure take its course lol
Guy I worked with said he would keep some bees in jar by the nightstand. When the wifey wanted to play, he stuck his johnson in there and let narure take its course lol

I heard it the other way around.He would rub posion ivy on his johnson and wore a condom and have that extra 1/4 inch girth and the girl noticed the difference and she wants him to always rub his johnson with poison ivy ALL the time.

Having said Bee stings and it becomes Popular and now we have drug tests for Bee stings since its such an advantage and now they want to drug test it.They look for.......

" Anti-bodies for Honey"