Been awhile..but Im back


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So back in 08 I tried a two month cycle of Sustaject? Can't remember if that's the right name. Seemed to work ok, for the most part. Now I'm just off of ACL reconstruction. I need a boost bigtime. I would prob. start sustaject again however I'm not sure where I'd find a legit supplier. Any suggestions besides the sus? I'm quite the noob here so try and be gentle. Thanks!
Hi, you cannot ask for source on thread or in PM, you forgot it to.

welcome back!
Sorry I should have clarified. New to the site but back into the anabolic world. I won't ask for a source. Just curious as to what others would recommend for a cycle following major knee surgery..Lost 15 lbs..*sigh*
and how are you now, everything is fixed with your knee?
Had the surgery August 26th of this year. The knee is about 60 percent. I don't even look at the squat rack, stick to upper body until the doc says I'm ready.
Meniscus surgery or worse, like ACL?

Also -- might as well tell us more about yourself. Stats? Age, weight, height, cycle experience, years training, goals?
if your looking for pure bulk I would go with deca/test.

If you want clean gains I would go with Prop/EQ.

Both would be good for the joints.
ACL reconstruction and meniscus repair. The meniscus has actually been the problem. No weight bearing for a month to let meniscus heal. I'm finally weight bearing now with a slight gimp.

I'm 31 6'2 and 220bs. Been training for over 12 years now. The only cycle I was ever on was sustaject 250 for couple months. Discontinued after I tore meniscus in my other knee. Injury was unrelated to training. This current injury was unrelated to training also. I'm a bouncer at a night club. Chicken winged a drunk douche bag and was escorting him out of the bar when his 300 plus pound buddy took me down from behind.

In 08 I my raw bench was 405. Squat 535. Never got serious with the deadlift. Always had trouble keeping my back straight so I used light weight to get down my form and prevent injury. Now I have a hard time getting a couple reps of 275 on the bench..Very frustrating.

I guess my goal would be to lose bodyfat that has accumulated from being layed up. Not concerned about max lifts at this point. Just want to get bigger and stronger bro.
Id run test prop..with aromasine on hand to block the estro sides..for now..
Deca will assist the joint s..I m rehabbing a neck --running 1 cc test /250mg- .5 deca/250 mg..can t even really train but..I m a testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) guy...
Your only way to really burn fat is as you know..move less or better..
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