Beg Helladrol Cycle


I am banned!
Just re-posting my cycle in here:

My Cycle is as Follows

1-6 Helladrol 75/75/75/100/100/125
1-6 Forged Liver Support
1-6 N2Guard (5 caps before bed)
1-3 Tribulus/Maca/Horny Goat Weed
3-6 HCGenerate
1-10 Creatine Monohydrate
1-10 Omega 3,6,9 Oil
1-10 Glucosamine
1-10 Vitamin B Complex/B12
1-10 Cell Food
1-10 Organic Multi-V
1-10 GABA
3-10 Forma Stanzol

7-10 Forged PCT
7-10 Torem
7-10 Unleashed
7-10 Lean Extreme
7-10 Yohimbe

This is pretty much how my "day" (work nights) looks:

Morning- Mutant Mass half Shake

Helladrol - 50mg 5:00pm, 25mg 11:00pm (Week 1)
50mg 5:00pm, 50mg 11:00pm (Week 2-5)
75mg 5:00pm, 50mg 11:00pm (Week 6)

Forged Liver- 1 at 5:00pm, 1 before bed
HCGenerate- Take as needed (Week 3-6)
Forma- 10 Pumps 5:00pm, 10 Pumps before Bed (Directly on body, not on hands)
Creatine- 5g in Post Workout Shake
Trib- 3 caps daily (Week 1-2)

Pre- 1 Scoop Amino X
During- 1.5 Scoops Size on/16 Drops Cell Food with water
After- 1.5 Scoops Optimum Whey Protein w/Creatine

N2Guard - 5 Caps before bedtime
Gaba- 2 Caps before bed
Bed- Mutant Mass Half Shake

Starting weight is 174lbs, bf% unknown (only got a skinny gut otherwise), eating 3500+cal/day

First day ran fine, wasn't exactly what I was expecting, but I still put my game face on and powered through my workout, decided to go up 5lbs per workout and struggle till the Helladrol decides to kick in. Can feel a weight loss add to the Helladrol, been sweating more than usual, kinda similar to thermogenics.

Day 2, nothing new, about to do Chest/Abs with my new sets added, its gonna be fun cause I'm sore as hell from yesterday. To make best use of my bottle, I've decided to run 75/100/100/100/100/125, since i will be left with a few useless pills regardless. Was just wondering why you run 75/75/75 for the first 3 weeks, other than for it to accumulate in your system, is there any reason to up the dosage before then?

Decided to separate Chest and Abs for different days, I underestimated how weak I have become since recovering from my meniscus, this way at least I can still weight train, work my chest, and work my abs twice a week, and throw in some legwork with my ab workout.
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Was just wondering why you run 75/75/75 for the first 3 weeks, other than for it to accumulate in your system, is there any reason to up the dosage before then?

Seen people say that its a waste to run it high right away because it has to build up in your system anyway, although I don't know how true this is. Better to run it lower (50/75) at first to check tolerance and see how you handle side effects as well especially if it is your first cycle.
Day 4, feel great, legs are incredibly sore, I have this feeling that it may have been a bad idea to use steroids, not in a negative way, I'm starting to enjoy working out again, and me alone enjoying myself with the combination of good music is enough for me to pump hard, I'm excited to see how crazy my pumps will be in a couple weeks.
Stepping up to 50mg is a good idea at least for the first 3-4days IMO, I notice I get a headache if I start at 75mg for the first two days until body adjusts.
As for water not really, I drink maybe 3L during my workouts and 2L of fluids throughout the day, I drink a lot of juice mostly fountain juice (watered down). Been getting headaches last few days and mildly hallucinating, but nothing too serious, no body pain whatsoever besides my aching muscles, first 2 days I had crazy tracers at night, thought it was really trippy and cool.
5th day
I could almost swear they kicked in by now just by how awesome I feel during/post workout, my quads are still sore as fuck, and am walking around like I lost my walker, but yesterday and today's workout was hard, but easier, and I'm not as sore as my first workout this time around, which is amazing, but I am dreading abs/legs tomorrow, my legs are still sore, hopefully they will be recharged for me to destroy them again, if not, I might need to pass up legs till next week because my work depends on them, and work has sucked the last few days.
other then the need for a test base to replace or surpass what you WILL be losing from shut down, which is VERY important and a must in all aas use, wether its a cream like androgel or a injection... the stack looks good i guess.
5th day
I could almost swear they kicked in by now just by how awesome I feel during/post workout, my quads are still sore as fuck, and am walking around like I lost my walker, but yesterday and today's workout was hard.
haha keep it up bro. You noticing any initial weight gain?
a tes base would be nice. but load on the natty supps for some production help.

GL bro. hope sh!t runs smooth for u
Tribulus is my test of choice, and I'm taking double what's in Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) atm, my libido is higher than before, so its a good sign its working. As for weight gain, I'm 183.4lbs, so around 178, usually 5lbs of my weight is water weight/undigested food while I'm bulking. Workout was great today, abs are always a task but super fast, legs are still a little bit sore, but I managed through, only doing 4 Sets X 5 reps of 50lbs for squats and 4 sets x 10 reps of 50lbs for calf raises until I know my legs can actually handle being worked twice a week, first week is done (9 more to go, yay), glad for a day off tomorrow, surprised how I don't need a NO at all, might never use NO Explode ever again and just use Amino X.
Tribulus is my test of choice, and I'm taking double what's in Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) atm, my libido is higher than before, so its a good sign its working. As for weight gain, I'm 183.4lbs, so around 178, usually 5lbs of my weight is water weight/undigested food while I'm bulking. Workout was great today, abs are always a task but super fast, legs are still a little bit sore, but I managed through, only doing 4 Sets X 5 reps of 50lbs for squats and 4 sets x 10 reps of 50lbs for calf raises until I know my legs can actually handle being worked twice a week, first week is done (9 more to go, yay), glad for a day off tomorrow, surprised how I don't need a NO at all, might never use NO Explode ever again and just use Amino X.

I used to take tribulus also, great placebo effect lol. I've read entirely too many articles that it's bunk so I ruined it for myself. Wish I wouldn't have read those articles.
....also if you use tribulus as a test base, while taking a prohormone. You will have no test in your body.
I'm going to be in town on my 3rd week, know of anything that I can run that won't run me dry? And who told you that Tribulus doesn't work, I found it works pretty awesome, worked way better than Test Freak, its not the greatest, but its natural and organic, I wouldn't doubt it was someone who was running pure synthetic testosterone. I also take Maca as well, you can't say that's fake too.
Methodology;3148940[B said:
]Tribulus is my test of choice,[/B] and I'm taking double what's in Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) atm, my libido is higher than before, so its a good sign its working. As for weight gain, I'm 183.4lbs, so around 178, usually 5lbs of my weight is water weight/undigested food while I'm bulking. Workout was great today, abs are always a task but super fast, legs are still a little bit sore, but I managed through, only doing 4 Sets X 5 reps of 50lbs for squats and 4 sets x 10 reps of 50lbs for calf raises until I know my legs can actually handle being worked twice a week, first week is done (9 more to go, yay), glad for a day off tomorrow, surprised how I don't need a NO at all, might never use NO Explode ever again and just use Amino X.


show me ONE OEN ONE study showing ANY amount of test being in trib or producing any!
you DO NOT have a TEST BASE
a TEST BASE is TESTOSTERONE it self or a PRECURSER to it, not herbal BS test booster. (*note a test booster IS NOT a test base! you wans TESTY as in you are takign ahormon and putting it inside you, not lookign for somthing to boost what your are shutting down at the same time, wont work and is pointless.

trib is said to boost test, ( I feel its bs and placibo) but even if true it would barly be noticed OFF CYCLE, so on cycle....... nothing. even off cycle i beleive to not do anything noticable and ive used it more then one time.
use dhea or preg orals or creams , even testosteron topical cream.
shit i rec you get Transderm ASAP at the very least!
Its OTC.

you have to stop and take a couple more years ot research what you think you know about these compounds, aas AND supps..

I do wish you the best, feel free to pm me if you think i can help you.
I'm going to be in town on my 3rd week, know of anything that I can run that won't run me dry? And who told you that Tribulus doesn't work, I found it works pretty awesome, worked way better than Test Freak, its not the greatest, but its natural and organic, I wouldn't doubt it was someone who was running pure synthetic testosterone. I also take Maca as well, you can't say that's fake too.

maca ok it make helpboost body in alot of areas, trib is a waste of $$$ there are YEARS of use on it saying the same, even my own.
maca is nice for the body and libido, but just because somethign rasis yoru libido DOES NOT mean its raising your test levels, maybe thats your missconception?
I'm going to be in town on my 3rd week, know of anything that I can run that won't run me dry? And who told you that Tribulus doesn't work, I found it works pretty awesome, worked way better than Test Freak, its not the greatest, but its natural and organic, I wouldn't doubt it was someone who was running pure synthetic testosterone. I also take Maca as well, you can't say that's fake too.

Lol plenty of peer reviewed articles based on clinical trials have proved it's bunk...that's good enough for me. Tribulus isn't anything close to test. It isn't anything close to a precursor of test found in the body. It's a bunch of bunk herbs that people have used for 1000's of years.

I don't think they had blood tests back then.

Tribulus supposedly indirectly raises test by freeing bound test. I'm sorry I ruined your placebo.
Lol plenty of peer reviewed articles based on clinical trials have proved it's bunk...that's good enough for me. Tribulus isn't anything close to test. It isn't anything close to a precursor of test found in the body. It's a bunch of bunk herbs that people have used for 1000's of years.

I don't think they had blood tests back then.

Tribulus supposedly indirectly raises test by freeing bound test. I'm sorry I ruined your placebo.

I think it may for some reason raise libido for some (placebo?).... but test levels? not sold on that, libido fine, but thats not what we are talking about.

I ag