Benefits of Clomid Only - Blood Results

Hey guys .. Just wanted to give you all an update.

I did 50mg Clomid ED for one week, 25mg Clomid ED for the next two weeks, and the last week I'll be doing 12.5mg Clomid ED. So total 4 weeks of being on Clomid.

I got my blood results yesterday and it's unbelievable what this drug can do.

Total Testosterone: 278.0 ng/dl (Range: 241.0 - 827.0 ng/dl)
Free Testosterone: 45 pg/ml (Range: 47 - 244 pg/mL)
Sex Hormone Binding Globulin: 42.1 nmol/L (Range: 17.3 - 65.8 nmol/L)
LH: 3.48 MIU/ML (Range: 1.24 - 8.62 MIU/ML)
FSH: 14.50 MIU/ML (Range: 1.27 - 19.26 MIU/ML)

Total Testosterone: 863.4 ng/dl (Range: 241.0 - 827.0 ng/dl)
Free Testosterone: 134 pg/ml (Range: 47 - 244 pg/mL)
Sex Hormone Binding Globulin: 59.2 nmol/L (Range: 17.3 - 65.8 nmol/L)
LH: 21.55 MIU/ML (Range: 1.24 - 8.62 MIU/ML)
FSH: 27.09 MIU/ML (Range: 1.27 - 19.26 MIU/ML)

The doctor said I should limit my time in the gym. He diagnosed me with exercise induced hypogonadism about three months ago. If he asks me what I did to have such a surge in my numbers, what should I say?

Also, will my numbers drop back down after stopping Clomid?
Hey guys .. Just wanted to give you all an update.

I did 50mg Clomid ED for one week, 25mg Clomid ED for the next two weeks, and the last week I'll be doing 12.5mg Clomid ED. So total 4 weeks of being on Clomid.

I got my blood results yesterday and it's unbelievable what this drug can do.

Total Testosterone: 278.0 ng/dl (Range: 241.0 - 827.0 ng/dl)
Free Testosterone: 45 pg/ml (Range: 47 - 244 pg/mL)
Sex Hormone Binding Globulin: 42.1 nmol/L (Range: 17.3 - 65.8 nmol/L)
LH: 3.48 MIU/ML (Range: 1.24 - 8.62 MIU/ML)
FSH: 14.50 MIU/ML (Range: 1.27 - 19.26 MIU/ML)

Total Testosterone: 863.4 ng/dl (Range: 241.0 - 827.0 ng/dl)
Free Testosterone: 134 pg/ml (Range: 47 - 244 pg/mL)
Sex Hormone Binding Globulin: 59.2 nmol/L (Range: 17.3 - 65.8 nmol/L)
LH: 21.55 MIU/ML (Range: 1.24 - 8.62 MIU/ML)
FSH: 27.09 MIU/ML (Range: 1.27 - 19.26 MIU/ML)

The doctor said I should limit my time in the gym. He diagnosed me with exercise induced hypogonadism about three months ago. If he asks me what I did to have such a surge in my numbers, what should I say?

Also, will my numbers drop back down after stopping Clomid?

I'd just say you found a supplement online. While clomid isn't in the same realm of AAS, it might irritate him knowing that you willingly used a SERM to elevate your testosterone. I'm interested in seeing where you level out once the clomid has been out of your system for a few months as yes, once that LH drops - so will your testosterone. :)
Hey guys .. Just wanted to give you all an update.

I did 50mg Clomid ED for one week, 25mg Clomid ED for the next two weeks, and the last week I'll be doing 12.5mg Clomid ED. So total 4 weeks of being on Clomid.

I got my blood results yesterday and it's unbelievable what this drug can do.

Total Testosterone: 278.0 ng/dl (Range: 241.0 - 827.0 ng/dl)
Free Testosterone: 45 pg/ml (Range: 47 - 244 pg/mL)
Sex Hormone Binding Globulin: 42.1 nmol/L (Range: 17.3 - 65.8 nmol/L)
LH: 3.48 MIU/ML (Range: 1.24 - 8.62 MIU/ML)
FSH: 14.50 MIU/ML (Range: 1.27 - 19.26 MIU/ML)

Total Testosterone: 863.4 ng/dl (Range: 241.0 - 827.0 ng/dl)
Free Testosterone: 134 pg/ml (Range: 47 - 244 pg/mL)
Sex Hormone Binding Globulin: 59.2 nmol/L (Range: 17.3 - 65.8 nmol/L)
LH: 21.55 MIU/ML (Range: 1.24 - 8.62 MIU/ML)
FSH: 27.09 MIU/ML (Range: 1.27 - 19.26 MIU/ML)

The doctor said I should limit my time in the gym. He diagnosed me with exercise induced hypogonadism about three months ago. If he asks me what I did to have such a surge in my numbers, what should I say?

Also, will my numbers drop back down after stopping Clomid?

Nice bro! How do you feel with those levels? Keep in mind once you stop clomid your levels well drop down to baseline after a month or so, so the likely will not stay that high once you come off. Hopefully you can hold onto higher levels than when you started though.
U agree that 50 Mgs of aromasin is a small dosage and won't lower estrogen much?
U agree to dropping clomid and using aromasin alone instead?

I thought the same thing Rid, but after further research it appears AI's have a different effect on natties than those on cycle. The body compensates and produces more test to raise e2, whereas on cycle your body is unable to do that.
Hey guys .. Just wanted to give you all an update.

I did 50mg Clomid ED for one week, 25mg Clomid ED for the next two weeks, and the last week I'll be doing 12.5mg Clomid ED. So total 4 weeks of being on Clomid.

I got my blood results yesterday and it's unbelievable what this drug can do.

Total Testosterone: 278.0 ng/dl (Range: 241.0 - 827.0 ng/dl)
Free Testosterone: 45 pg/ml (Range: 47 - 244 pg/mL)
Sex Hormone Binding Globulin: 42.1 nmol/L (Range: 17.3 - 65.8 nmol/L)
LH: 3.48 MIU/ML (Range: 1.24 - 8.62 MIU/ML)
FSH: 14.50 MIU/ML (Range: 1.27 - 19.26 MIU/ML)

Total Testosterone: 863.4 ng/dl (Range: 241.0 - 827.0 ng/dl)
Free Testosterone: 134 pg/ml (Range: 47 - 244 pg/mL)
Sex Hormone Binding Globulin: 59.2 nmol/L (Range: 17.3 - 65.8 nmol/L)
LH: 21.55 MIU/ML (Range: 1.24 - 8.62 MIU/ML)
FSH: 27.09 MIU/ML (Range: 1.27 - 19.26 MIU/ML)

The doctor said I should limit my time in the gym. He diagnosed me with exercise induced hypogonadism about three months ago. If he asks me what I did to have such a surge in my numbers, what should I say?

Also, will my numbers drop back down after stopping Clomid?

Where's your e2 at, did you get it tested? It's probably quite high.

You should stay on that dose for a good 2-3 months... wait 6 weeks and test bloods and see how you held up :)
Where's your e2 at, did you get it tested? It's probably quite high.

I didn't get E2 checked nor did I get DHT checked, even though I asked if he could. I am on the Big 3 for hair loss and wanted to see if the Fin I got was legit because it didn't affect my sexual or mental performance (before I was even on Clomid) and I've heard it caused the exact opposite.
Nice bro! How do you feel with those levels? Keep in mind once you stop clomid your levels well drop down to baseline after a month or so, so the likely will not stay that high once you come off. Hopefully you can hold onto higher levels than when you started though.

It could be placebo, but I definitely feel more alpha and stronger. Libido is high; I think about sex all the time now when before I didn't that much. And I think my voice is deeper..Not entirely sure but that's what it seems like.

Hopefully levels stay around 500-600 ng/dl.
I'd just say you found a supplement online. While clomid isn't in the same realm of AAS, it might irritate him knowing that you willingly used a SERM to elevate your testosterone. I'm interested in seeing where you level out once the clomid has been out of your system for a few months as yes, once that LH drops - so will your testosterone. :)

Thank you for your input man. I will update the thread in about a month or two with new blood tests.
Hey guys, it's been 2 months since my last dose of Clomid. I did a Clomid therapy (50mg 1 week, 25mg 2 weeks, 12.5mg for 1 week) for 1 month. Below are the test results before Clomid, the day after Clomid therapy, and 2 months after Clomid. I definitely do not feel as rejuvenated in the mornings and my libido has dropped. The doctor will be calling me soon to go over lab results. What do you think I should suggest? I am for sure secondary hypogonadism.

BEFORE: Before Clomid
Total Testosterone: 278.0 ng/dl (Range: 241.0 - 827.0 ng/dl)
Free Testosterone: 45 pg/ml (Range: 47 - 244 pg/mL)
Sex Hormone Binding Globulin: 42.1 nmol/L (Range: 17.3 - 65.8 nmol/L)
LH: 3.48 MIU/ML (Range: 1.24 - 8.62 MIU/ML)
FSH: 14.50 MIU/ML (Range: 1.27 - 19.26 MIU/ML)

AFTER: Day after Clomid
Total Testosterone: 863.4 ng/dl (Range: 241.0 - 827.0 ng/dl)
Free Testosterone: 134 pg/ml (Range: 47 - 244 pg/mL)
Sex Hormone Binding Globulin: 59.2 nmol/L (Range: 17.3 - 65.8 nmol/L)
LH: 21.55 MIU/ML (Range: 1.24 - 8.62 MIU/ML)
FSH: 27.09 MIU/ML (Range: 1.27 - 19.26 MIU/ML)

AFTER: 2 months after Clomid
Total Testosterone: 375.0 ng/dl (Range: 241.0 - 827.0 ng/dl)
Free Testosterone: 66 pg/ml (Range: 47 - 244 pg/mL)
Sex Hormone Binding Globulin: 41.8 nmol/L (Range: 17.3 - 65.8 nmol/L)
LH: 4.50 MIU/ML (Range: 1.24 - 8.62 MIU/ML)
FSH: 9.72 MIU/ML (Range: 1.27 - 19.26 MIU/ML)

Thanks for all your help guys!
Get off finasteride. Choose your dick or your hair. Can't have both.
Yeah but the thing is, when I got my initial bloods taken, I wasn't on Finasteride. I still feel the same now as I did from the very beginning. I don't think Fin is causing secondary hypogonadism and I don't think overtraining is either.