best stack for bulking


New member
any one have opions on the best thing to stack for bulking up im getting ready to do a cycle with tren acetate and winstrol for a little ripping and stength and after that i really want to pack on some size im 205 lbs now id like to fet to 215 lbs at least im 5'8
so what would be the best injectables for massive bulking ????
Sustaplex 325/Duraplex-NPP
For sure you will see GREAT mass along with well oiled joints from NPP. I just started it again with tren-e and sustaplex yesterday. I'm gonna be huge this summer!! :bigok:
NPP= Nandrolone Phenylprop Proprionate. It's a fast acting deca but nothing like deca in a sense. I love the shit and it gave me great strength and size gains.
Eq will do zero for mass by the way. The only thing I got from Eq is hunger pains and that was IT!! People add that to what "they" call a cutting cycle....vascular too. It'a a waste in my honest opinion. I ran it once out of 10 cycles.....nuff said :rolleyes:
deca and test by far, if u can go on a long bulk (16+ Weeks) id go with eq and test though, my bp shoots through the roof on deca for some reason.
so maybe some npp and some deca 250 ?

Bro you need to do some research before you do anything. Not flaming but saying your going to run some npp and some deca? They are the same thing ones fast acting and one is slow acting. Do some reading before you take the dive brother!
if you are looking for mass, why would you go with a short ester like npp? just run test e, deca and some dbol if you want.
EQ/Suspensions Stack (Lean Mass Builder):

Ingredients: 3 (10ml) vials Equipoise (200mg), 1 (20ml) vial 100mg/ml T. Suspension, 1 (20ml) vial stanozolol (50mg)
Commends: This is an excellent RAPID lean muscle-building stack. Aromatase inhibitor may be needed during the first 6 weeks, otherwise the remaining 6 (unless you are very sensitive to estrogen) should entail low enough estrogen levels to dramatically increase hardness and definition. A combination building/cutting cycle.

T. Suspension
Wazzan...your doing alot of copy and pasting tonight :laugh:

I got great mass from test-e and npp. I see what your saying about short ester.....but thats all it ester! the only thing an ester does is realease the main compound at different times , it's not gonna cause a "cutting cycle"( which does not exist!)

I'm not a huge fan of deca or npp for that matter as I do not respond well to nandrolone period..

If I was however going to recommend someone to use it versus others I would definitely be with Ozzy on this one and say the NPP is the way to go...

He would certainly be able to curtail any problems with side effects easier with NPP than a longer acting nandrolone ester....

On a seperate note:

For bulking personally I would do a 12 week test e or c with an oral like anadrol for the first 6 weeks, with proviron and nolvadex, as a preventative and Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) proviron nolvadex as a pct.......Be sure and eat more, train harder, and get rest too.....