Bickering Thread: 49er / Matt / Ghost

Why do you look like shit if you eat so well. 2+2=5?

Seems the only ones that think I look like shit are some from.this forum, go on other boards or forums and awhole.dif story, sorry man but being jealous isn't helping your situation out and it's not black and white Era bro take some pics coloured and also u aRe 6'4, where the fuck u think u are going to go with that height?
My black and white pic shows 100x better quality compared to your poverty mirror pic. Cmon man buy your mom a new mirror for her bday this year. Complete failure as a son..
Still avoiding? If you look better pick the best picture you got so we can compare side by side. I don't care that u look like shit but I have guide lines I follow and you can't call someone something negative when you look worse Jason Genova
Hahahaha jason genova?!?! You went there?!?! Someone with autism looks better than matt. Jason has better genetics than matt. Kid is solid as fuck. Matt just looks like a fat guy.
See matt diference is I've made changes and I never move backwards I haven't gained an ounce of fat since cycling. I may not have gotten lean because I choose to eat everything I desire bit at least I don't go through fazes looking like a fat pig then looking like a starving etheopian with loose skin. My gains are nice and steady you can't even get past 210lbs without looking like a disgusting mess take notes 280lbs just watch what happens when I add tren again
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Matt looked better IMO when he was leaner..

The other dude I dont know his goals, but its obvious hes strong..

WTF are people argueing over..
Matt looked better IMO when he was leaner..

The other dude I dont know his goals, but its obvious hes strong..

WTF are people argueing over..

If skinny no muscle looks good I respect your opinion I'm asking for a recent full body pose down right now. I look better now that pic was a few weeks ago my point in arguing is he talks alot of shit but besides those skinny pics he had looked and looks horrible I'm willing to bet he looks horrible even right now. This shit goes way back same matt if you know him you've seen all his shitty progress last 3; years and he always posts the same pics hahahaView attachment 562130
If skinny no muscle looks good I respect your opinion I'm asking for a recent full body pose down right now. I look better now that pic was a few weeks ago my point in arguing is he talks alot of shit but besides those skinny pics he had looked and looks horrible I'm willing to bet he looks horrible even right now. This shit goes way back same matt if you know him you've seen all his shitty progress last 3; years and he always posts the same pics hahahaView attachment 562130

I'm looking at that picture of him compared to his start picture..

For someone that has been on gear for 3 years I would expect a more dramatic difference from him, but everyones body works differently.

His diet seems to be on point, so maybe the training isnt what works best for him..
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See matt diference is I've made changes and I never move backwards I haven't gained an ounce of fat since cycling. I may not have gotten lean because I choose to eat everything I desire bit at least I don't go through fazes looking like a fat pig then looking like a starving etheopian with loose skin. My gains are nice and steady you can't even get past 210lbs without looking like a disgusting mess take notes 280lbs just watch what happens when I add tren again
View attachment 562129

Fantastic transformation man, you look great..

When was the picture on the right taken?
Fantastic transformation man, you look great..

When was the picture on the right taken?

Like 3 weeks ago I'm kind of insecure about it because I'm so use to tren tgis is npp look and makes me softer lol but I'm willing to bet my current condition better than matts current
Like 3 weeks ago I'm kind of insecure about it because I'm so use to tren tgis is npp look and makes me softer lol but I'm willing to bet my current condition better than matts current

Unfortuantly we cant live our life with the Tren look.. 3 months out of the year is good enough for me

You look good, stop worrying.
Unfortuantly we cant live our life with the Tren look.. 3 months out of the year is good enough for me

You look good, stop worrying.

for sure man.. you're yoked up, have a beautiful woman, beautiful baby..

look after your health, taking a break from tren just going to clear your receptors and make it work that much better when you do run it again anyway..

stay healthy man, with everything you have going for you - way more important to think long term/ big picture my friend..
There is a 3 story apartment building with 1 apartment on each floor. A white family lives on the top floor. A mexican family lives on the second floor. A black family lives on the bottom floor. At 2:00 PM in the afternoon a terrrible tornado hits the building, totally destroying it. Which family lived?

The white family, because both parents were at work and the kids were in school. Except for Matt cause he was at home talking to the Internet about how good he was.
And 49er cause he was in the next room talking to the Internet about how shitty a photographer Matt is.