Breast Milk & AAS/HGH


Knowledge Equals Results
I am seeing an increasing amount of threads regaurding women taking HGH, T-3 or AAS while nusring!

I am anouncing a new service to Ology Members! A non profit organization. Charitable contributions accepted to keep the doors open.

Phatbastards Breast Milk Testing Center!
Coming to a nipple near you soon!

Qualifications for the program will be as such!

1-Can not be grossly over weight!!!!!!!!!

2-must be Lactating! (see note below)

3- Must condone Lip to Nipple extraction procedure! As other processes have shown suceptable to cross contamination.

NOTE: Those not lactating and wishing to condition there nipples prior to nursing may qualify!

For reservation PM me or see me in person!

Testing procedures run aprox 3hrs so dress comfortably.

Remember this is the health of your ciblings were talking about here!

Thank you

(AKA) Human Gas Spectrometer! sorry milk gives me gas!
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you're a sick bastard! ;)

Safe to say your not coming to the clinic any time soon? LOL Pouts

Have you not noticed the abundance of retards all ready running aorund the planet? If we can prevent just 1 more its well worth the sacrafice!
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Do you wear a giant baby outfit while testing to provide a more soothing environment for these ladies? eh?
Now that this post is already started... does it really turn you on if a mother is lactating!? I thought it was gross when I was bf'ing my son but it had to be done. During that time period I wanted nothing anywhere near my boobs.