Buddy opted not to use Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) - now midget sack


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Buddy opted not to use hcg - now midget sack

Hey guys. I have a buddy that went on a cycle the same time I started this one. I made the mistake of getting him his gear, explaining to him what to do. I even gave him hcg (which was a bitch to get locally).

He is just finishing up his 12 week Test only cycle (his first) and I gave him a couple of packs of Clomid. Told him to wait a couple of weeks then start the clomid PCT.

He asked me if this will make his nuts plump up again as they are small and his loads are not what they were before cycle.

He at this point told me that he was NOT using his HCG as he didn't like the stomach shots and his nuts started shrinking about a month ago.

Should he go on a 500iu ed blast of HCG like now before even starting the Clomid?

Any input would be appreciated from the vets.
As per the det oaks protocols.

500iu everyday for 10 days after test-e shot, start clomid/nolva 4 days after last hcg shot. worked great for me.