buttock injection

Let's hear the update.

It's been 20 minutes, if you didn't pass out cold on the floor you should be finished :)
Dammit, I chickened out. I steralized EVERYTHING... both butt cheeks. I showered first. I put alcohol on everything, even the amp file. But as I touching my outter upper butt, I just got nervous. I also just read a post by stonecold on asperation and some of the bad things that can happen. I know i am making a big deal of this, but I live with my girl and don't want her to know what I am doing (she's not home now). How would I explain a big swollen infection, or worse have to see a doctor. I guess this just means either I need to get someone to do it for me, or it means I am not ready yet and need to read read read.
I think it's really just a matter of doing it the first time before you get comfortable. Warm up the oil and give it another try when you're ready.
Shoot that ass! Shoot that ass! Put that bitch in and gain some mass! (a little cheer for you...)Shoot that ass...:D
Hey Bro don't think of it like you did when you were a kid. It' not going to hurt. Good luck.

JohnnyB said:
Hey Bro, when you say buttocks you don't mean your cheeks right. Incase you do mean cheeks. A glute shot is more of a hip shot. Here's how I do it, put your hands on your waist, where your thumb is go 1-1 1/2" below that, that's the spot. Atlest that's where I tell my wife to put it, since she does all my glute shots.


hell yeah that's a cool wife. I just started my first cycleand my wife knows nothing about it. I sneak out to my good friends house and she does them for me. funny thing, most men sneak out to cheat on their wives...I sneak out to shoot!!!