New member
By the way I am just going off research on my ideas I ain't nobody so ......
been on it for 3 days, dbol only cycle and keep thinking i might die .... im only doing it for 6 week cycle, is this irrational.....
will it kill me, isit only people who abused steroids for years that die
only on 20mg a day at the moment..
your responses would be helpful!! thanks J
no one is taking my question serious...
can we just make a new rule. that when some idiot posts an "oral only" or another retarded thread, one of the moderators just says read the stickies or you will be banned... and no one else respond. i think that will save A TON of time and let us answer more relevant questions for guys who at least have an idea of what their talking about.
Anabolic steroids can't kill you. The worst thing Dbol can do is shut down your liver, and there's no way you won't feel the large amounts of liver enzymes prior to your liver getting severely damaged.
You would only die if you eat it like Arnold - Candy, and don't see a doctor or notice any of the effects.
I don't comprehend the hate on oral only. Some steroid users need drugs with short half lives, or don't want drugs that aromatize.
Jaundice can kill you. A young guy at my cousin's pharmacy is now recovering from almost dying twice due to it and his irresponsible dbol usage. Yes it was a stupidly high dose but there are pretty stupid people out there and saying the worst thing it can so is shut your liver down doesn't paint an accurate picture.
There are injectables that don't aromatize but yes for the most part I would agree. MOST, and that is the vast majority though, would benefit more from including testosterone as a base.
May I ask you a question? My friend took 80mg of D-Bol a day for his first every cycle for 6 weeks. And he did no Pct or Ai's or anything, how come he didn't get bitch tits or anything? He can still get a boner and everything. (Lol he tells me that)
I don't comprehend the hate on oral only. Some steroid users need drugs with short half lives, or don't want drugs that aromatize.
Gyno isn't guaranteed to happen. It is only a side effect that may possibly happen. His body may not be predisposed towards heavy aromatization and/or he may not be particularly sensitive to the effects of elevated estrogen. He did get some sides just none he noticed but his BP more than likely elevated, he retained more water than normal, oily skin is possible etc. when people say they get no sides they generally mean they didn't notice them, not that they didn't get them.
Edit* he may also have been lying to you about sides and/or about doing AI/PCT. a possibility.
I asked him if he knew what Clomid or Nolvadex is and he said he had no clue. I appreciate the quick response man, I love reading all your responses you post to everyone in all threads.
This thread is 7 years old. The OP is no longer a member.
If he were still here I would tell him that yes absolutely any dose of dianabol can kill you..........if you put a pistol in your mouth after you take it.
And oh yeah.......this is a bad cycle. The gains will quickly leave, if you have any, and you will be suppressed. Anyone reading this should simply read up and Google some stuff. This thread is so basic that you dont need "pros" to help with it.