Can Test stimulate pheromones that attract women?


IncreasedMyT @ ULV
So the other night I went to a friends engagement party. Mostly it was people I have known for years, but some I had never met. Im running a fair bit of test at the moment and have not stopped thinking about this since the party.

It was really weird to me cause a lot of the girls were extremely nice to me-and i received quite a few compliments. Even from those that have not made a pass in many years. It would not stop happening, maybe it was because I was sober i picked up on it. That is not what it felt like though, its like they could tell i was horny as fuck and thinking about banging each one of know how that goes when on the sauce.

So i was checking wikepedia out and came across the following paragraph.

Is there any truth to this theory that test increases a womens attraction to you through pheromones?

"Other studies have demonstrated that the smell of androstadienone, a chemical component of male sweat, maintains higher levels of cortisol in females,[16] and that the compound is detected via the olfactory mucosa.[17] The scientists suggest that the ability of this compound to influence the endocrine balance of the opposite sex makes it a human pheromonal chemosignal. In 2002, a study showed an unnamed synthetic chemical in women's perfume appeared to increase intimate contact with men. The authors hypothesize, but do not demonstrate, that the observed behavioural differences are olfactorily mediated.[18] This and a previous study by the same authors with the still undisclosed "pheromone" preparation has been heavily criticized for having methodological flaws and that upon re-analyzing there was no effect seen.[19][20]" :kiss2:
Dude i know exactly what you are saying... Since i started the cycle more people seem to "notice me" i am not drinking anymore and i am always having just as much fun... I will tell you i have had more girls all over me than i had before i was on... maybe its because im horny and just talk to any girl that is remotely good looking hahaha
here is another paragraph -im telling you there has got to be something to this-i know this was diff

"Pheromones in humans and other animals help to attract members of the opposite sex. While some individuals are born with high levels of pheromones, some have lower than normal levels. If you think your pheromone levels are low, you may be interested in learning how to naturally increase your levels. Since testosterone plays such an important part in the creation of pheromones, it's important to focus on increasing testosterone levels."
interesting.... so in addition to feeling good, and knowing you look good, now you also have a smell that attracts pussy

steroids might be the best thing of all time
hummm iv been suraounded by women all my life, my VERY BEST friends are girls. out of say 20 friends only maybe 2-3 are guys one is my cuzzn.
BUT.... this was before i uver used gear AND i was a pot head in highschool lol.
but over these last years AND ESPECIALLY right now. I seem to get way more attention then before.
older girls, younger girls dont seem to matter.
and beign a bouncer as a club on wekends its only even more so.
I saw some very nice pearced nipples last weekend.
forum a young hottie maybe 20-21 yrs showed me one then i asked if the other one was peirced and she just showed me both. :-P

too bad ill never cheat on my gf , and i been with her for 3 years, but i SURE LOVE LOOKING!!! :-P

I think test may have an effect on this. but if you still look like shit, dont shower,have mop hair and are stupid, then pharamones arnt helping you out, there not THATstrong lol
man oh man oh man. this is such a HUUUUGE topic newbie, i hope u havent opened up a can of worms lol

a lot of things come into play here, but i cant explaing in detail and everything because it's super long, complicating, and very controversial.

self confidence is a muther fucker. u ever see the odd couple that makes u say "wtf? he looks like a dog she looks like a fuckin playboy model". or the other dudes not so blessed with looks at all but seem to be getting a lot of phone numbers from chicks? it's what they think of themselves. their self confidence. they're self convinced they're the shit and won't be turned down. people pick up on this especially girls.u can be the best lookin dude and never get laid if u have low self esteem or no self confidence. when we cycle we become arrogant, when we become arrogant our self confidence goes through through the roof. we literally become cocky and admire ourselves in the mirror, and when u do this u think of ureself as "the shit" and in return girls AND guys will think of u the same way. if u think ure stupid u will be treated as if u were stupid. if u think ure a killer and literally not to be someone to be fucked with guys will be intimidated by u the minute u walk through through the door. u also intimidate guys when ure more built, girls automatically pick this shit up subconscsiously and become a magnet to u. woman always want the top dog.

i read an article here from another forum that woman literally get wet when they see muscles on a guy, other men intimidated by him, and his self confidence draws them closer. the second u attract one woman and she starts speaking to u it's like a radar where the other woman want some too.

and as far as the scent goes, that goes way back over a hundred yrs. i am convinced that certain scents signal a certain part of the brain and trigger feeling, emotions, and arousal. a scent can trigger loss memories (usually depressing that have been supressed already), becoming horny, or even disgust (wanting to get away). scent for a fact triggers signals in the brain. i don;t see how people try to dispute this fact. that's why there r two things that when purchase i drop every highest penny on without care for price: shoes and cologne :spin:
it's possible. Actually woman are pros at unknowingly judging how much testosterone a man has in him.
Depending on the time of month for a woman this is good and bad for us. When they just want to get off it's great for us but if they're looking for a partner to raise children it's not so good for us.

And remember the extra confidence can attract the opposite sex too.
with them being able to judge how much testosterone is in the man it has ensured their survival through the years.
It's for reproduction purposes.

Like for me I have different woman that only want me at a certain time of the month. That's ok with me though.:naughty:
This is soo good NB ! Now your delving into ways to drive women nuts ! I love it !
When I m juiced..I feel better, look better..I m a better person..imo.
( The opposite of the roid rage portrayed by media types..)
In my line of work I have to deter people from fucking up or neutalize them ..crushing them up front with confidence is the best deterrant..and involves less paperwork.
And I swear the women in the crowds, at a gig I m working, at the gym...notice..
As does my girlfriend...who promptly blows me or fucks me asap..
This is all the power of positive thinking, it's all in your head.
males naturally release phermones in sweat regardless of whether they are using AAS or not.

You look better, you feel better, you act more confident, you perceive/receive better results, period.
hummm iv been suraounded by women all my life, my VERY BEST friends are girls. out of say 20 friends only maybe 2-3 are guys one is my cuzzn.
BUT.... this was before i uver used gear AND i was a pot head in highschool lol.
but over these last years AND ESPECIALLY right now. I seem to get way more attention then before.
older girls, younger girls dont seem to matter.
and beign a bouncer as a club on wekends its only even more so.
I saw some very nice pearced nipples last weekend.
forum a young hottie maybe 20-21 yrs showed me one then i asked if the other one was peirced and she just showed me both. :-P

too bad ill never cheat on my gf , and i been with her for 3 years, but i SURE LOVE LOOKING!!! :-P

I think test may have an effect on this. but if you still look like shit, dont shower,have mop hair and are stupid, then pharamones arnt helping you out, there not THATstrong lol

I know the bouncing part. Ever since i became a bouncer my pussy rate skyrocketed.