Creatine for contest prep


New member
Right now Iam 6 weeks out from my show I have been using Creatine in my post worout shakes, 10g of Creatine mono and 2 scoops of Pro Complex. Iam really scared of sugar but should I still add Dextrose to my shake. Iam 192 and between 6 and 7% Bf going down to 176 at 5'7. I plan on dropping the creatine 2 weeks out but want it to use with my Var.
You can use some carbs around workout time.

You don't need a lot though. Some people say like 70g, fuck that. Like 10 or 15g.
MotownMuscle said:
Right now Iam 6 weeks out from my show I have been using Creatine in my post worout shakes, 10g of Creatine mono and 2 scoops of Pro Complex. Iam really scared of sugar but should I still add Dextrose to my shake. Iam 192 and between 6 and 7% Bf going down to 176 at 5'7. I plan on dropping the creatine 2 weeks out but want it to use with my Anavar (var).

Good idea on dropping the Creatine 2 weeks out.
When I'm cutting, I still use some dextrose in my post workout shake. You sound like you're on the right track being 6 percent at 6 weeks out. :)
I'm going to say that it really depends on the person as to if you should drop or not. If your the type of person that bloats up off of creatine then drop it 2 weeks out. If your like me and see very little bloat and Sub Q retention then stick with it.

Contest Prep is very individual and there is no black and White method.

Also as far as the dextrose PW. - 6 weeks out its all solid food and low glycemic carbs (sweet potato, brown rice, and sweet potato) - Except for PW where i use WHITE RICE.
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